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Everything posted by HowlKamui.5120

  1. There's plenty of classes whom have E-Specs that do the same thing that their core class does. But better. Elementalist's core mechanic is swapping attunements. Tempest gets the additional ability to Overload attunements while Weaver gets to combine 2 attunements at once. Tempest: you get a longer cooldown, so you can't switch as quickly.Weaver: you can do 2 elements at once, but to change the second element to what you want you have to switch more - all the while having useless combinations. So you lose a lot. In fact, weaver is ultra-clunky. So 'better' does not apply. Not on ele. And yet... Every competitive build runs either Weaver or Tempest. Because they outperform Core. Implying that yes, even with their "Tradeoff" with clunkiness/additional swap cooldown, they still outperform Core.While this is true, I think the line of thinking here should be that core gets buffed instead of tempests gets nerfed.
  2. Thanks! Is there something wrong with the hair? The clipping with the helm. It's like the helm pierces the leaves.it's actually not a helm but a mask. It goes neatly under the "bangs"
  3. It’s really satisfying shooting out pistol 5, then teleporting to the target with axe3 along with three clones into f2 or IH
  4. Thank you! I want to clarify though that im not asking based on how it performs, but on how relaxed the playstyle is. I enjoy eles but not always, especially when my hands are tired from a work day. I want to narrow it down to one class too as i dont have a lot of gear yet and i want to pimp out that one class for all kinds of content. Im at that point in the game where ive maxed out crafting and have enough skirmish tickets to make 2 or 3 ascended weapons, and have all ascended trinkets. Ascended armor will be next
  5. Very nice combo. What's up with the hair though? Thanks! Is there something wrong with the hair?
  6. Thanks for this. My main issue with rangers as I've recently found out is that it has no meaningful contributions to zergs. Firebrands are meta in all game modes. Is basically a "use skills off CD", required in PVE, PVP and WVW. It is as tanky or oppressive as you want without any change in the build with the hybrid version.Next logical choice would be scourges, another brain dead class which you use skills off-cd. In PvP would be reaper with the "spin to win" skill. In PVE the most used is heal scourge. And last would be ranger: you will enjoy the advantage of distance but you need to learn to kite properly or you will melt. Single target. Pets mostly work but they have some quirks you need to learn to play around otherwise you will have a dead pet most of the time. All your skills will be utility skills so you have to time them properly too while other classes can use dps utilities. Fine in PVP and PVE, unwanted in WVW. And you be hated everywhere because kids are salty about anything the ranger has but they don't experience it when they reroll. Roaming in WvW is dead. So my advice is go for Firebrand. You rotate between your tomes and mantras off-CD. @Yoci.2481 said:Firebrand. Hmm I may consider looking up firebrands. Right now im having a lot of fun with Elementalists, but when i'm tired i sometimes dread playing my weaver, there's little room for error playing such a low armor, low hp class. When im focused I do well, but when i'm not it gets bad real quick. Trying a tempest roamer build rn tho since that spec has quite a relaxed playstyle compared to weaver. But thanks, Ill check out Firebrands.
  7. If you start arguing now that you don't want to play condi and you don't want to use these sigils, but you want to play mirage, then let me tell you: I can't play condi reaper, I can't play power core necro. And I don't even need to try to roam on any necro build without rune of speed. Welcome at the level of the rest of the classes with limited viable options. Mirage has been overpowered long enough. Food is for newbies.And yes condi mirage is viable on wvw (roaming), for one reason:people suck in wvw. ...But post nerf after ttk for power builds was greatly reduced (rightfully so) ... You mean TTK was increased right? TTK being reduced means it takes less time to kill something. Yes my bad edited. If you start arguing now that you don't want to play condi and you don't want to use these sigils, but you want to play mirage, then let me tell you: I can't play condi reaper, I can't play power core necro. And I don't even need to try to roam on any necro build without rune of speed. Welcome at the level of the rest of the classes with limited viable options. Mirage has been overpowered long enough. Food is for newbies.And yes condi mirage is viable on wvw (roaming), for one reason:people suck in wvw. Yes but actually no. Many players don't know how to fight in WvW, so that part is true. But the build isn't viable because people are bad. The build is viable because its essentially a contender for the best roaming build in the current meta. As far as I'm aware it has no counter. Pre patch some burst builds were able to wear it down before it out sustained them. But post nerf after ttk for power builds was greatly reduced (rightfully so) the ability for power to burst down condi mirages has essentially been eliminated when fighting a decent condi mirage. The build has no counter that I'm aware off. It has sustain/stealth/mobility/high hp/high toughness/high condi burst potential. It takes me back to the old pistol dagger perplex thief days. Add to the fact that condi damage was not tonned down in relation to the justified power nerfs and you have the perfect cocktail for the new kingpin of 1v1's. Condi mirage is broken. I can understand the reasoning behind taking away mirages dodge. A dodge that allows you to use skills while in evade frames and is usable whilst CC'd is crazy strong. And elite specs should have a trade off and not be a straight upgrade from core. But If I'm being honest, the nerf only affected glassy power mirages and has left condi mirages untouched. Condi doesn't need 2 dodges when its a walking tank and doesn't need to dodge nearly as much for its survivability. So anyone playing power mirage has my sympathy. EDIT: Actually has anyone even seen a power mirage since the patch? So I'd be open to giving mirage back its two dodges, but that would need to come at a price. Something needs to be lost for picking mirage. So I would amend the title.1 Dodge in WvW is terrible if you're running power.Because even with 1 dodge condi mirage shouldn't really lose to anything at the moment, and when played with an ounce of competence it doesn't. Condi mirage is so broken that no one plays that kitten.One dodge wasn't the only nerf mirage got, mirage got 2years of constant nerfs under its belt.Sure you can survive but what does it matter if you can't kill anything except baddies. As I said I can 1vX on wvw easily but it's not because of my skill or that mirage (both power and condi) is op, it is because the average wvw player is awful. Condi mirages are literally everywhere on the small scale scene in WvW. I get that this is the mesmer forum and its a running theme that everybody who posts about their main claims it to be underpowered, but condi mirage is crazy strong for roaming. I know I didn't put a hand on WvW for a long time but didn't condi mes lack range pressure for WvW ?Mean looking at what I meet in PvP it's far to be the best for gap closer and hasn't the best mobility.Can't figure how a ranger can lose versus a condi mes in a map were he can easily maintain his kitting to give an example. (Same all no-bus builds who can have more mobility than mes.) Maybe it's because of WvW runes/sigils/stats but as a PvP player I'm surprised that condi mirages are everywhere considering the current PvP state (And it's not subjective but data based considering mes isn't in semi mAt and only 2 in top 50 LB and looking at recent hellseth stream when he get destroyed, well.).i think its popularity in roaming has something to do with its survivability (elusiveness and high hp) and high constant pressure, with enough mobility to chase down potatoes. That and mounts are in the game. IMO the main difference of pvp and wvw is that in wvw, bad players can run into good players often. And when the roamer is good, it can take on multiple bad potatoes.
  8. It's true though. I was in Mag BL when this happened
  9. Update. After learning the game a bit more. taking your comments into consideration, and playing around in WvW, I've come up with this Hybrid Tempest Roamer for solo roaming that's pretty quick on its feet. I find that as a tempest i really wanted run speed (both to escape and to stay on targets while overloading). I would appreciate comments. As a hybrid, I aimed for 2000 power, 1000 condi damage, and 600 healing power. I also put in a bit of expertise to increase burning duration. Offensively, I usually alternate between fire and earth, using the usual combos then overloading them almost on cooldown if possible. I stick to enemies like glue because of the stability and swiftness Harmonius Conduit gives. Doom Sigil also works well because of the damage it does, heal reduction, and as an additional condition. Condi removal comes from Smothering Auras, sigil of cleansing, and cleansing water. Since im mostly solo/duo, I dont use shouts that much so I'm using the good cantrips that work well with Soothing Disruption + Cleansing Water. It's dagger/x with the offhand being whatever I prefer. I think every off-hand has its uses. Dagger is probably my preference though. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGlAgijFYL2m5hj80VbD-zVZYKhVFEvZ0gGKjITgeLA7mFOHrA-w I would appreciate comments on how to improve the playstyle. I'm pretty keen on being a hybrid build since it seems to make sense as most of my damaging skill on fire and earth both deal power/condi damage. Thank you!
  10. Hey, im a returning player (but i techincally consider myself new because all i did before was unranked spvp), and im looking to main a class for all game modes. I really enjoy elementalist and mesmer, but find it too tiring to play sometimes, especially after long work hours. That's why im searching for a class that can perform well in all game modes (I especially like sPvP and roaming in WvW) with a low skill requirement (like i dont have to worry too much about combo-ing skills or playing piano on my weaver). I understand that GW2 is a skill based game and I do believe that i'm skilled enough to play those classes, but not ALL the time. That's why im looking for a class that's relatively straight forward and useful in all game modes. based on scouring the forums, I think i've narrowed it down to Guardians, Necros, and Rangers as being straightforward classes that can do well in game modes. So my question is, which of them can roam the best? I probably solo roam 50% of the time, and with 2 other friends on the other half.
  11. If you start arguing now that you don't want to play condi and you don't want to use these sigils, but you want to play mirage, then let me tell you: I can't play condi reaper, I can't play power core necro. And I don't even need to try to roam on any necro build without rune of speed. Welcome at the level of the rest of the classes with limited viable options. Mirage has been overpowered long enough. Food is for newbies.And yes condi mirage is viable on wvw (roaming), for one reason:people suck in wvw. Yes but actually no. Many players don't know how to fight in WvW, so that part is true. But the build isn't viable because people are bad. The build is viable because its essentially a contender for the best roaming build in the current meta. As far as I'm aware it has no counter. Pre patch some burst builds were able to wear it down before it out sustained them. But post nerf after ttk for power builds was greatly reduced (rightfully so) the ability for power to burst down condi mirages has essentially been eliminated when fighting a decent condi mirage. The build has no counter that I'm aware off. It has sustain/stealth/mobility/high hp/high toughness/high condi burst potential. It takes me back to the old pistol dagger perplex thief days. Add to the fact that condi damage was not tonned down in relation to the justified power nerfs and you have the perfect cocktail for the new kingpin of 1v1's. Condi mirage is broken. I can understand the reasoning behind taking away mirages dodge. A dodge that allows you to use skills while in evade frames and is usable whilst CC'd is crazy strong. And elite specs should have a trade off and not be a straight upgrade from core. But If I'm being honest, the nerf only affected glassy power mirages and has left condi mirages untouched. Condi doesn't need 2 dodges when its a walking tank and doesn't need to dodge nearly as much for its survivability. So anyone playing power mirage has my sympathy. EDIT: Actually has anyone even seen a power mirage since the patch? So I'd be open to giving mirage back its two dodges, but that would need to come at a price. Something needs to be lost for picking mirage. So I would amend the title.1 Dodge in WvW is terrible if you're running power.Because even with 1 dodge condi mirage shouldn't really lose to anything at the moment, and when played with an ounce of competence it doesn't. I'd like to know how these condi mirages are build as im still learning the class.
  12. If you start arguing now that you don't want to play condi and you don't want to use these sigils, but you want to play mirage, then let me tell you: I can't play condi reaper, I can't play power core necro. And I don't even need to try to roam on any necro build without rune of speed. Welcome at the level of the rest of the classes with limited viable options. Mirage has been overpowered long enough. Food is for newbies.And yes condi mirage is viable on wvw (roaming), for one reason:people suck in wvw. ...But post nerf after ttk for power builds was greatly reduced (rightfully so) ...You mean TTK was increased right? TTK being reduced means it takes less time to kill something.
  13. (for pvp or wvw) i've learned that you dont take it for its damage potential, but because of how reliably it can set up burst with the pistol 5 into burst.
  14. Ohhh I should make a guardian then lmao. I enjoy weavers and mesmers but sometimes I feel that im putting in too much effort just to do the same as some other classes. Sometimes I just want to play chill after a long day of work.
  15. If you start arguing now that you don't want to play condi and you don't want to use these sigils, but you want to play mirage, then let me tell you: I can't play condi reaper, I can't play power core necro. And I don't even need to try to roam on any necro build without rune of speed. Welcome at the level of the rest of the classes with limited viable options. Mirage has been overpowered long enough. Food is for newbies.And yes condi mirage is viable on wvw (roaming), for one reason:people suck in wvw. And the build that's viable is a kitten chore, boring af. Condi mirages can only beat newbies who try to solo roam camps and guards, which is sad.In zerg fights most people play builds based on support and cleanings condis. This means the condis that mirage can inflict only last 2-3 seconds max in the enemy.Unable of dealing damage, wearing squishy cloth, and having 1 dodge, mirage is a mere lootbag compared to a GOD firebrand.are firebrands good roamers?
  16. wouldnt pistol without the bleeding trait make it a bit useless for a condi build?
  17. Hello guys, it’s me again. Been having a blast playing gw2 after 4 plus years of a break. Im in the process of figuring out who my main is going to be. The modes I enjoy most is wvw roaming in borderlands, a bit of ebg zerging, and spvp. Ive tried ele specs, and thief specs. Now im turning my attention to mirages. I have the general idea of how they work, but im not sure how to build them. I dont see any wvw roamers in youtube posting their builds since the 1 dodge nerf. Also, by any chance, is there any build out there that makes use of 6 celestial trinkets? I splurged for those on my weaver and was wondering if it works for mirages. Im leaning towards axe/torch and staff for my weapons of choice, but pistol seems okay too. Thank you once again everyone
  18. id swap the armor rune with anti-toxin
  19. sylvari are far from goody two shoes but ok
  20. This is very helpful information. I tend to be impatient in these things that's why I enjoyed my staff weaver. I can try bombing at 1200 range. But I didnt like roaming with it as I couldn't reset fights well. Your tips make me want to get better at it because you make it seem like it is very doable. I'll work on this. Thank you for the advice on how sucky acrobatics is as well!
  21. Thank you! I have roaming covered with my deadeye. What are your thoughts on Acrobatics over Critical Strikes? or is Critical strikes with the defensive utilities already enough?
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