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Everything posted by Koensol.5860

  1. Humble yourself, please. You don't speak for everyone. Myself I love engineer for how high APM the kit playstyle is. And just because you find it uncomfortable and cannot do it, doesn't make it unskillful. You can stop coping now. Also, kits are designed in such a way that you will most likely need 1 or 2 abilities from them at a time, and then swap to another kit. This is not how for example attunements are designed, which are much more complete toolsets and which almost always have some offensive and some defensive utility in them, so that you don't have to swap around as much as with kits in order to get what you need to survive. But I'm not surprised that you - who is known for spamming nonsensical hate about engineer and kits- doesn't understand such logic. Your takes have always been distorted and nonsensical. Like how you said scrapper was impossible to balance because medkit makes it automatically a healer, which is just flatout untrue. Stop posting your drivel for once and actually analyze how kits are designed and how unplayable the class would become when you'd add cooldowns.
  2. Trust me, you don't want pvp where you are reliant on your healer to survive. I've seen it in other games and it's dogshit, especially for a game like gw2 with such a small community. Being selfsustainable is on of the reasons pvp is still alive. If pugs will just die to any consistent damage without having a support in their team, pvp will be dead in a heartbeat.
  3. So many taking the bait lmao. Paradoxoglanis is a known spammer of simplistic "nerf X" threads. Don't take it that seriously.
  4. I didn't play in 2018 tbh, so I couldn't tell you. Although core engi never really was the strongest from what I can see. The 2020 patch also changed so much that it's a totally different ball game these days. Engineer in general isn't the most popular class as it's missing that classic fantasy aspect and has a bit more of a complicated design than many other classes, which scares people away. This is also the reason why whenever an easy nobrain build emerges for engineer (FT scrapper, nade scrapper), suddenly many players flock towards it.
  5. Singlehandedly the most dumb trait in the entire game. It's insane how something so broken is allowed to exist in a game mode where a lot of things were shaved out long ago (think runes, sigils, amulets, etc). Ele doesn't need this to survive. It already has things like blocks, invuln, projectile hate, weakness, blinds , auras, prot, stab. Yea... you really don't need stoneheart on top.
  6. Even though I get where the OP is coming from, the current iteration of this scrapper build is toxic and unhealthy for the game. And I'm saying that as a long time engineer main with most hours on scrapper. I'll run through my thoughts a bit. Yes, this scrapper build can be killed easily as long as you use your brain, AND if they don't mess up. They have 1 block, 1 stunbreak (2 of they use slick shoes instead of shredder gyro), a 1 second reflect and superspeed. Then they have stealth on a long cd, which is mostly used when trying to meme 1 shot people in stead of defensively. That's it. The only thing left is a 15k health pool with some barrier. If they wasted their stunbreak there only has to be one reaper to stun + chill them and it's literally over. They are very susceptible to pulls because outside of hammer 3 they have no on demand escape tools and mobility skills / ports. Another easy way to kill them is to condi bomb them. Ofc condi isn't really meta rn, but when I'm playing my condi soulbeast with a ton of evades, it's literally a free kill every time. Just evade their initial burst with griphon stance, dagger 4, shortbow 3, etc. and then bait the heal gyro toolbelt pulsing cleanse and then cc + condi burst them. Literally dead every time. That is, unless they are actually good scrappers that don't get baited like that, or come at you from stealth or in outnumbered situations. Which leads me to the next point. This build is designed around omega giga bursting people from stealth with the possibility of landing grenade barrage (rather slow) + function gyro (rather instant) at almost the same time, while also stunning them with the delayed stun from blast gyro, while also stacking high levels of might, while also having stacked superspeed, while also having access to a gigatron amount of damage multipliers, while also inflicting high amounts of vulnerability and even traited weakness on stun/daze to prevent counterburst. All of that, in 1 very easy combo with minimal counterplay. You can kinda see what is happening here. This is why the build is toxic and unhealthy. On one hand you could say, okay this build does all that kitten at once, but dies after it has blown its load. But this is 5v5, not wvw. If the initial burst (from stealth) rounds up a kill immediately, that is HUGE value. You can immediately begin snowballing the map, outnumbering people, effectively rendering the builds weaknesses irrelevant because through deleting people so fast you can prevent becoming a target. Also don't forget that scrapper's burst options are all around the 20/25 second cd mark, so it's relatively easily recharged. This is different from for example sicem soulbeast, which has big cds on both sicem and one wolf pack. Scrapper is just a consistent machine of damage, both in burst and sustained. This makes it very good at snowballing the map. The good scrappers will reliably land their one shots and have success in their +1's and through that prevent to become a target themself, especially when they are really good at kiting with about face while throwing nades backwards. The bad ones are literally fodder though, because they just walk into mid expecting to be a god and then fold like paper because the amount of defenses on this build are quite minimal. So in my opinion, the biggest problem is 3 things, which imo wouldn't be OP seperately, but become broken/toxic when together. 1: the long duration stealth allowing them to come in unseen with their team and having time to set up their full combo, 2: the amount of self generated boons (somewhat shaved with latest patch), 3: the insane amount of damage modifiers. The biggest problem of these 3 is stealth gyro. As much as I hated seeing an iconic scrapper skill gutted in wvw, I think it was necessary and something similar (maybe not as extreme as the wvw nerf) needs to happen in pvp as well. The cd nerf isn't enough. It just enables too much degeneracy for the 5v5 mode. Without such long duration stealth it won't be as easy anymore to cheese 1 shots and to cause a snowball effect on the map. In turn, the scrappers will be more easily focussed and their weaknesses will be felt a lot more. Throwing grenades behind you with superspeed will still be a problem, but any class with good mobility, or a port + cc should be able to catch them. Just go hard as kitten on them and they won't have much to defend themself with.
  7. I sure have to agree on virtuoso being the most dumb design ever with the perma invuln/block windows and instant 30 confusion from stealth. I'm not even talking overpowered in a 5v5 format, just dumb, toxic, unfun and idiotic class design.
  8. I will. @Deadmoose.6594 You're obviously trolling at this point. I had the same suspicion with your previous thread, but now I know for sure. 6/10 attempt though, as almost everyone in here took the bait. Would have given you an 8 if your 2nd post wasn't so obvious.
  9. Scrapper 100%. Quickness scrapper is useful for fractals and in open world it is very easy to play while being very effective and tanky with all the AoE cleave and barrier generation.
  10. Don't want to be rude, but this is very characteristic for silver tier matches, which is why a lot of games there end up being lost, because people have this mentality of "must have mid!!!". Yes, having mid is nice and it gives you central control of the map. BUT, and this is a big but. If your team is very low mobility and more teamfight oriented in terms of class composition, you have the risk of getting outrotated by the other team. You see, when your team lacks any real teamfight potential (a team with multiple roamers and sidenoders and for example no support), then you are literally feeding if you keep going to mid. This is what loses games, people not willing to adapt their strategy according to your team and the enemy team. The guy going far is someone that probably IS adapting. Because he realises his team doesn't have the dps and team support to win a prolonged midfight, he decides to use his mobility and kiting potential to play for the side nodes. Unlike what you are saying, this is actually a valid strat because it forces the enemy teamfight oriented team to split up. The result is that their dps will be forced to fight without their support at some point, which becomes an advantage for your team, which is probably better suited for small skirmishes. And if they do all fight together and zerg the map, just disengage and rotate, decap mid and repeat the cycle. Ofcourse you have the element of players not knowing when to kite away from far and end up getting zerged. And ofc sometimes you would have won mid if they were there (that's easy to say afterwards though) In those cases that's totally on them. But if you are the guy that keeps on throwing himself at a lost midfight and refuses to adapt because "MUST HAVE MID OR LOSE", then I'm sorry my dude, but then you are the problem. Maybe you have never seen the close/far strat work because you keep refusing to adapt. You have to be flexible. Often you can make a decent estimation pre match by looking at the teams. For example, if your team has a tempest/core guard support, vindi, cata, holo, and a necro, while the enemy team has a virtuoso, thief, untamed, spellbreaker and herald, then you have a much bigger chance of dominating the midfight just based on your team comp.
  11. Yea ok. This argument is over for me at this point. What a waste of time, honestly. You just keep missing points I make. You can't distinguish between different discussions about different builds running at the same time. And you use arguments I make about build X against me for discussions about build Y, forcing me to repeat and clarify again. And as the icing on the cake, you twist Eurantien's post to fit your argument, while his post clearly advocates using BM + Marks working well together, in addition to mentioning valkbeast with axe dagger (which I also posted about before). His comment "not as good as some other stuff" is obviously aimed at the specific build the OP posted, not at the synergy between BM and Marksman, which is what you keep arguing against. There's a difference between the two. Yet another example of your inability to comprehend what someone is saying and using that distorted interpretation as a basis to attack my post again. Strawman much? But it's fine, you're entitled to your opinion. Let's leave it up to the OP to decide what he wants to pick up on.
  12. Lmao at the bolded. That's because it is a totally different kind of build, that uses multihit weapons like longbow, warhorn and OWP, which all don't synergize with opening strike/remorseless. Btw, that guy also plays valkbeast a lot. You honestly sound so clueless about the nature of these different builds, and you ignore my entire post filled with arguments and evidence on how marksmanship is not irrelevant. I don't know man, stay proudly ignorant I guess 👍
  13. You still can't see how there's two different arguments going around in one conversation, can you? One about the marksmanship + BM greatsword burst build, and the other about the sicem owp sniper (of which the metabattle version uses WS, hence why I responded to that). Also, in this very post, right after saying you want to keep the topic to just marksmanship, you go ahead and bring up the cons of dropping WS. Bruh, make up your mind XD You say: "To me, losing coni clear / fury access, stab on pet swap, and either extra condi clear with lesser muddy or regen with oakheart is a bad tradeoff for 25% dmg modifier." I say: Way to go simplifying marksmanship to just a 25% dmg modifier. Opening strike is just one of the things the traitline gives. Btw opening strike is not just a 25% dmg modifier, it also gives a ton of vuln and a guaranteed critical hit, which is huge for setting up single hitter bursts and also opens up the possibility of using Valkyrie amulet, which gives you access to a ton of health, with the ability to guarantee your big hitters will crit. Marksmanship also offers the 'Clarion Bond' trait, which gives fury, might, swiftness and inflicts 5 seconds of weakness. On top of that, it's also a blastfinisher, which can be combo'd with the smokescale smoke field for stealth combo's. Finally, remorseless increases the duration of your stuns and dazes by 50%, which is quite good. In your defence, yes losing the condi clear hurts. But on a roamer build focussed on bursting (and yes, marksmanship increases your burst by a BIG margin) and then quickly disengaging again, you don't really need this that much. Also, you have more than enough stab sources with strength of the pack and dolyak stance on your bars. You won't really feel the loss of that 1 measly stab on petswap. Fury uptime also isn't an issue, because BM + soulbeast traits and Marksman's Clarion bond trait in addition to Strength of the pack give more than enough fury uptime to upkeep the damage bonus from furious strength, and your big hitters will always be a guaranteed crit because of opening strikes. No matter how you twist it, Marksmanship serves the purpose of this build perfectly, in addition to BM. Also I don't want to be rude, but the fact you say that opening strikes/remorseless is a gimmick that hasn't been relevant in forever, tells me enough about your knowledge of ranger in general. Marksmanship has been a staple for big burst soulbeast builds, valk ranger builds, untamed builds, and power druid builds for a long time. The power druid, valk core ranger, and untamed builds are also listed on your beloved metabattle btw: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Ranger Just take a look at how many of those metabattle pvp builds use marksmanship. 6 out of 7 power builds posted there utilize Marksmanship. And you say it's not relevant? XD As for metabattle though, I've told you before it is known for being outdated, and even hardstuck doesn't list every build that is played at higher levels. There is also a BIG difference between effectiveness in ranked and AT's. In ranked, big bursty mobile builds work very well because you can hard carry on them if played well. Compared to AT's, ranked is a lot more unorganized and coördinated bursts and map communication are not as common. So killing fast and decapping/capping points will make it a lot easier to carry on mobile squishy roamers. I will admit that the build posted by the OP is off meta, and so is the version that I posted. But that sicem sniper build from metabattle that you linked is very old and already has been outclassed for pure roaming by the skirmishing version I linked later, granted you have the skill to play such a squishy version. And Valkbeast is a very strong ranger build, just like the valk core ranger build, even though the soulbeast version is not listed on metabattle. Every competent ranger player can tell you that.
  14. It's not my problem that your reading comprehension isn't up to speed. At first I responded to your feedback on the marksman + bm build. Then, to further explain why I think WS is not needed, I said that "even the sicem sniper build often doesn't use WS anymore, but uses Skirmishing instead". In response to that, you linked 2 versions of the sicem sniper build WITH WS. So I posted another version of the sicem sniper with skirmishing. My original point about Marksmanship was in relation to the builds the OP and I originally posted. And that BM works better with Marksmanship with that build. BM + Marksmanship together enable a very consistent proccing of opening strike, to make your big single hitters like maul, wordly impact and boar F1 to hit 25% harder. So before you lecture or criticize me again for being logically incoherent, please make sure you read carefully and follow the conversation.
  15. Types "People who know how to play sPvP", proceeds to link metabattle which is literally known for being outdated and inaccurate. We are in a glass canon meta, everything one shots. Why try to play a damage build with a sustain traitline when you can add more damage from another? WS isn't gonna save you against power burst. And soulbeast has more than enough ways to survive with things like stealth, mobility, dolyak stance, block, and evades. You don't need WS. Especially as a roamer. I play in plat 1 just fine with this. And as for the sicem owp build, Eurantien solo Q'ed to legendary on this build, after which many started playing it with success: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwEcE2oMCGErjByMxi9a/pVi0nA-zZIPkMlA9qCKZIYrBA It may not be the most popular atm because of the amount of tempests and catas in the meta, but this version of the sicem build slaps so much harder than the WS version. You just need the reflexes and positioning to pull it off.
  16. Uhm.. no. Marksman soulbeast (the name says it) takes marksmanship + BM. This isn't rocket science, as you'd need the increased movement speed + fury from BM for the opening strikes proc in marksmanship + the increased dmg and cd reduction on greatsword. These two traitlines synergyze perfectly. WS isn't needed on a roamer build. Even the sicem + one wolf pack sniper is often played without WS and uses skirmishing instead for more damage. @Zuko.7132I've ran many different variant of this build, and my favourite uses sword + warhorn in the offhand and takes the boar as 2nd pet. Sword compensates the mobility loss taking boar over bird and gives some evades + with warhorn gives 2 more combo's for your smokescale smoke field. But boar is perfect for this build as it not only has prelude lash as well, but the merged F1 maul also hits INSANELY hard. It's 100% the hardest hitting skill on soulbeast. With sicem, 25 vuln and 25 might and opening strike I've had it hit for 22k on a low health reaper. That was with eagle rune. But even without sicem you will regularly land 10-13k crits when using it after a cc or maul. Another option would be to use boar + gazelle which also has high burst attacks and gives nice mobility. I use this setup: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwEEiNsMCWI7hBxQxx7a9pVygSD-zZILlGLgSTgejgsDBTGAA With this setup, you can open by using strength of the pack into warhorn 4, use smoke assault and swap to greatsword (sigil of battle proc) and you will be at 25 might. If strength of the pack is on cd, you can also use smoke assault into warhorn 5 (ruthlessness sigil gives 5 might for 10 seconds on interrupt) which gets you to 25 might as well after weapon + pet swap. You can then f1 into f3, swap to boar and and use prelude lash into maul + boar f1 maul + hilt bash + maul. And then you still have the f2 left for another cc. Most of the time I use griphon stance over sicem because it helps so much in escaping out of melee. But if I just want to meme some 20k boar f1 mauls I take sicem. Another idea could be to use axe instead of sword. Axe 3 hits hard as well, but then maybe you'd find yourself lacking in mobility when playing as a roamer. If you play a more duelist type variant with valk amulet, I'd definately go for axe + dagger as 2nd weapon set though.
  17. This is so relatable. Yesterday I did my placements solo. Went 7-3 and got into mid plat 1. 1st match after placements is a win. The match after that we got a reaper in our team that did nothing else than suicide into mid over and over and over, and who kept crying in chat about how bad the team was, "splitting up" all the time. After we lost bell he stood on mid node, 4 enemy players come at him. He stays. Dies. Rages at team again. We were literally 4v5 the entire match. Next match: we got him again. This time I went and capped close at start. In the meantime I'm watching his healthbar with apprehension as the team engages in mid. A couple seconds later he is dead. More rage in chat. He then afks after the 1st teamfight loss. Next match: my heart sinks as I notice this troglodyte gets placed in my team AGAIN. I will spare you the details, but at this point I had him blocked and 1 minute into the match I see my teammate type in chat: "our reaper suiciding like a monkey lol". Smh... Anet. Why do I keep getting placed with this silver tier player THREE MATCHES IN A ROW, after it's pretty clear that he is much lower rank? This is the reason I play mostly unranked these days. There's so many ignorant weirdo's in ranked and matchmaking keeps putting them in matches where they don't belong. And it absolutely destroys any will to keep playing.
  18. You've got to be kidding me right? I can't believe they still want to make them stationary. The devs seem so kittening clueless to how scrapper works.
  19. You were doing gods work. Thank god that freak is gone 😄 Btw @Infinity.2876the reason almost no one uses elixir C is because it's too single purpose. If you end up fighting mostly power builds the utility is almost useless. And engineer already had a hard time selecting the utilities they want. In a heavy condi meta maybe you could justify taking it, but even then I'd prefer purge gyro for that as it also supports allies. But even in that situation running medkit + elixirgun + cleanse sigil is probably enough cleansing for me. Many condi's can be avoided by simply not eating them in the first place or not running onto the mid node.
  20. I guess I should explain why I reacted that way. The forums are always great at sharing misinformation or hyperbole and convincing new players that a class or build is good when it isn't. I'm an engi main (former scrapper main) so let me tell you this. Scrapper has been getting a kitten ton of nerfs and bad changes in the past, including the one in this patch. This patch literally won't so anything for scrapper in pvp. Then someone goes and posts in a thread asking about scrappers, linking a very kitten build and talks about insane damage and vomiting stability and might and having great sustain when said build literally isn't even viable for reasons mentioned before. It's just annoying when people give the wrong impressions about a class to new players as it will distort their view of the class and might possibly even make them ask for nerfs. The same kitten happened when they nerfed rifle auto into uselessness when it was always mech that was the problem combined with the procs from AAR. And now they will start thinking scrapper is great and has insane boon spam while having great sustain and damage at the same time, when it literally doesn't. You can have 25 might stacks all you want, and have all those other offensive boons from your elixirs, but with just hammer as a source of damage you can barely take advantage of that. Its okay to be new and play self crafted builds. I do the same, but don't go pretend like the build you created and are using "sums it all up", like he did. That's just an objectively false statement. The sudden increase in scrappers is literally just people trying out the new trait. They will find out soon enough that it won't make a difference and they will be back on their other classes in a heartbeat 😄
  21. Im sorry, but that's literally a horse kitten build. Not running fury trait in explosives without running fury trait in scrapper, running full elixirs is pepega af and especially with elixir C which literally NO ONE uses. AAR without projectiles xd Come on man what did you think putting this together? You literally only have hammer for damage? Lmao...
  22. Haha bro I feel you so much lmao. I had the exact same reaction of cringe when I read that in the notes. Engineer should be a versatile "jack of all trades" class. It's literally in the class description. And then Anet comes and says they aim to "bring back nade holo, an old power house". kittening cringe man. And scrapper has been getting the worst of it. Such absolutely clueless changes.
  23. The only one making fun of grimjack is grimjack himself, lol. The guy is literally just rubbing his e-peen, cherry picking posts by ignoring entire sections that counter his previous argument. Instead of properly adressing terrorhuz's post with counter arguments, or admitting he didn't understand how virt skills/traits actually work, he chooses to come back with some meme/edgy cherry picked response devoid of actual substance in an attempt to preserve his ego. But hey! "BeSt ElE nA" so he must be right!
  24. Same for me. Fix this kitten anet. Its been around for some time as you can see...
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