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Everything posted by DarkFlopy.8197

  1. That's how I see the situation right now 🤣 https://ibb.co/TT4fvFR I wish it could preview it, but it's the flex tape meme
  2. To be honest it's not just fixing or improving AI pathing for pets, if you will look closely you will see that AI pathing is common to a bunch of stuff such as NPCs pathing, ranger pet AI, engineer mech AI, various class teleportation skills. In order to improve or fix the AI pathing they will need to invest some development resources to make sure nothing gets broken in the process of improving/fixing the AI pathing for all the given examples above such as a person to be in charge of the NPC AI, a person to be in charge for the pet AI and 1-X people to be in charge for the various class teleportation skills. The easiest way to see the problem is taking a ranger or a mechanist and stand at the bottom of the stairs in WvW tower or keep, the pet will get stuck there and won't move regardless where you are on the stairs, move to the top and once you reach far enough at the top the pet will teleport on you since the entire area of the stairs is not a valid path for it to walk on, same for going down, summon it mid way in the stairs and it will get stuck there and won't move and even if you use skills like smoke assault from smokescale they won't work most of the time and the pet will do it in it's spot and not on target depending where the enemy is on the stairs. The same example is seen in teleportation skills in those areas, that's why most classes with teleportation skills get a lot of "invalid path" in those areas, since it uses the same AI pathing for it. Now, for NPCs themselves such as guards they handle it completely fine which is very weird and making me think why they made them act differently in such places where the difference between NPC AI and pets AI should not exist. Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for them improving/fixing/changing AI pathing but depends at the cost of what it will come, there is always a cost, everything has a cost.
  3. At this point I just hope both teams have fun.
  4. Well it's like a 50/50 gamble, if you manage to escape before they notice what is going on, mostly they notice the pet first and nuke It to orbit while I escape. But the main reason I don't show the end of the engagements is because I try to sync the gameplay to the music and showing the entire engage might be way too long, won't fit the sync and mostly no one wants to see that (feedback from viewers over the year).
  5. Hey that's my video, thank you for watching it! 😁 Anywho I don't think this is a good example, this build is full on glass damage, there is no sustain here, it will mostly die in almost any 1v1 scenario not to mention 1vX, your only ace is the element of surprise with this compared to willbender (even glass ones) this is garbage 😔. You can compare glass WB to glass Untamed on YouTube and you will see what I mean, at least they can clear the downs they create or escape, untamed can't 😕. It's used for fun and creating downies for others to push on even if it costs your own life in the process, no way in hell that I'll use this in a roam or a small fight.
  6. FF was fun as hell, it was my instant pick for my bomb build in WvW, it let me stay longer inside a bomb and keep DPS up on top of giving CDs back for faster bomb rotations/attempts. Now that it's gone Let Loose is in my opinion good for bunker or roaming because of the usefulness of the sustain and overall ambush skills. Sadly for other game modes Untamed got hurt from that change since now Power/Condi Untamed will select only Ferocious Symbiosis where earlier you at least had the opinion to go for FF. For now I ignore Restorative Strikes since it has very low value but I might give it a go when maces come out since I am theorycrafting a build without Wilderness Survival for roaming in WvW. I can't help but think that Anet just hate rangers in general. First Unnatural Traversal nerf (cast time addition) which removed any dynamic combo you could think of (Thump => Unleash Ranger => UT => Unleashed Swing for gaining quickness from the CC into heavy damage due to target being disabled, the known Hilt Bash => UT => swap to drake => Maul + Tail Swipe, Nature's Binding => UT and more combos) Then removing fury from Let Loose in WvW and sPvP because of sPVP. Afterwards OWP unnecessary nerf instead of a better solution and following up with removal of knockdown from smokescale and giving a kitten DMG skill in return which does lower damage than the turtle daze by miles, not to mention the smokescale misses it 90% of the times due to the unnecessary cast time of the skill that was left from the knockdown version.
  7. The build is: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POgAEJllyWZtsMmLOqK6RvS+RaA-DWRYBRFBuYoPHSvShgVAVICM7fggEG7h3h+MAA-w If you want to see what I do with it you can check my channel on YT: https://youtube.com/@BlueFlopy?si=8WgkVrfMh2ZKT6NV But please be aware that this is a bomb build, it's NOT a roaming build or a sustainable build of any kind, it is used to generate downs and get out therefore it won't be easy out of the box to learn how to use properly. if you know what you are doing and know you can relay on others around you for some kind of support or backup you should be fine.
  8. The entire idea of them wanting people to come on voice (don't have to use a mic) is so the squad can hear the commander's commands, Commanding a squad is both mentally and physically tiring since you are responsible of the X people who are following you, the people that look up to you to command them and lead them to victory in the fights and to provide content for them, otherwise they wont see a reason joining the squad. Now, imagine the pressure and the mental state that commander has when his entire squad does not follow his commands, he needs to waste time typing stuff and not really focus on commanding, that is frustrating and bringing down motivation to command. At the end you will end up with almost no one tagging up or people are just running closed/private squads only for the people that actually willing to communicate which is mostly already happening right now.
  9. What do you mean "maybe these exclusive items should not be locked behind having done something in the long long ago"? that is the entire idea of EXCLUSIVE items... they are EXCLUSIVE.
  10. To be honest I really like the hammer and the way it plays, I am being very careful with how I use the skills and It does give me great results regardless of the situation I am in, I am gonna be sad swapping hammer when maces come out since maces at least to what we had in the beta had very high damage and the numbers were almost on par with unleashed #2 #4 #5 hammer skills which is very surprising. But that's for roaming, for bombing I am still going to rock that hammer, that weapon alone can down a full party 😂
  11. I know it will make some stuff useless such as traits utilities etc and might require reworks for them but... I don't think WvW should have the downstate mechanic, change my mind. No downstate means even smaller numbers can win bigger numbers if playing good enough, as it is right now small number will at most cases get obliterated by the outnumbering side. (Example: WSR current and previous Matchups during the current link)
  12. I just most of the time (if friends not around) bomb them singlehandedly, aiming to create a crack where either the cloud or the pugs that around can push on and start snowballing from there. Of course it's a hit or miss, not 100% success rate but still a very high one, I mostly manage to create a crack and snowball in what I bomb, instant 2-5 downies can suddenly make ppl bloodthirsty and push 😂
  13. If I remember correctly that bug was first introduced with EOD pets when it was released. Perhaps some dev that didn't touch that area before had to add them and wasn't sure what needs to be done and then the bug was created. Do not forget it has been like ~4.5-5 years between POF and EOD, it can also happen that they forgot what needed to be done to add new pets.
  14. Oh then no, I don't get anywhere near Spvp, that is a blasted place where I don't dare set my foot in, full with win traders and one of the most toxic community out there, I prefer the toxicity of WvW any day over that. that place became a joke, its abandoned by anet and the situation there will just get worse.
  15. That perhaps might be me? 😅 Been stealth bombing groups/zergs/blobs since EOD release, yesterday a whole guild was chasing me everytime they saw me because I kept bombing them and forcing downies which led to my server pugs to push on them and wipe them. If the bomb is successful (in terms of full rotation and able to hit enough targets) then can perform another bomb in less than 15sec that way continuing a chain of bombs every 10~20sec.
  16. *PERSONAL OPINION* By the looks of it Ranger overall was not having any design in mind during development, it is a random RP fiction that some dude had during development and ended up being a mishmash of things. It's nice on paper but in reality it's crap, imagine forcing you to have a VERY clunky AI with you that doesn't proc any of your traits and is not really benefiting you except one specific elite spec that literally removes the pet and combines anything it done and got into you which what makes it good, it's just a random companion that was forced on you that you can't even choose to not use if you want to. A mechanist is a better ranger than ranger, change my mind 😂
  17. Well, still with AA I reached 2.5k-4k crits and that is on a none glass build (also no MM trait line included), like I said #2 hits like maul and #3 is a stun so no damage from it. It is very on par with Sword (damage wise) except that sword has a damaging skill instead of a CC skill as #3. I was doing the entire beta on Untamed. That is true, people are very anti about those stuff, when ppl ask me what I use on my untamed they lose all their motivation when I tell them I use hammer, it's like ppl are locked on GS/LB like if you don't use it you die irl or something.
  18. Huh? Have you even tested the mace? #2 can hit like a maul (if both hits crit) and even more #4 can hit for around ~5k (per target) #5 can hit for ~15k (per target) I was testing both full glass (also uses MM) and none glass (not using MM) builds/stats, the numbers I wrote here are the none glass, if going full glass they are way higher... Show me another "support weapon" that hits like that and don't start throwing "but if you combine it with OWP and sick em" kitten, I want pure weapons no buffs might or stacks included.
  19. Well each porcine had a bundle related to it according to it's archetype. Warthog was giving a Condition bundle: Gunk / Venom Sac / Scale Boar was giving a CC bundle: Bone / Rock / Skull Pig was giving a Support(?) bundle: Healing Seed / Egg / Elixir of heroes (I think was the name?) Siamoth was giving a Survival bundle: Plasma (most desired) / Feathers / Tuft (why 2 stealth items with no difference in the effects God knows why) Except the Siamoth if you see someone as soulbeast with the other porcines is because they wanted their abilities and their archetype and not for the forage ability. For example if I was a condi user I would take Warthog for it's CC both in merge and unmerge and overall it's F3 ability as a deadly archetype. Of course other pets can be more useful but it's just more options.
  20. Now that you mention Signets, I wonder why we don't have a healing signet and an elite signet, all other classes have heal + utilities + elite from the same type if I'm not wrong and ranger is the only one that has only utilities in the Signet type.
  21. Since you didn't say to what game mode you are referring to then I will assume you mean changes to the weapon across all modes. I say reduce cast time of the 3rd hit by 0.25sec (1/4) since it is very slow and that's the only attack in the chain that gives you stacks. In competitive mode the heal and regen are berly noticable so if so increase it a bit more than reduce it, about the cooldown I would say keep as is since it has 2 parts and there is a delay between them. Why? Maybe in PVE but why in competitive? Who hurt you? I think they should keep an eye on this, the only change I would want on this is that every hit will grant a stack BUT it cannot grant more than 2 in total.
  22. They have never said the maces are support weapons. They said and I quote (source) : "Main-hand mace has strong supportive capabilities through healing and boons, The off-hand mace is a more defensive weapon that enhances survivability while also providing some crowd control" Support capabilities does not mean the entire weapon is support only and if you go by the tooltips it is a Power weapon if any. The only nerf they might do is offhand skill #5, that can hit very hard, no joke you can go from 100 to 0 in those ~1.5-2sec if everything crits and the enemy has no protection while you are going full ham. Personal highest damage with it in WvW with no might, no force of nature buff and no protection on the enemy is ~23k. (~5k + ~5k + ~5k + ~8k) Anyway overall they said "Please note that since this is a beta test, there will be placeholder UI, art, and audio for some of the weapon skills" so any complaint about the audio for the weapon skills is not quite justified yet since we don't know what will stay and what really is a placeholder.
  23. The comparison was done between a daze and a cripple as replacement for the knockdown that was removed, besides that it depends on which PvP is being talked since WvW and SPvP do not play the same in terms of play style, tactic and so on. In SPvP CC can be a deciding factor in a fight where in WvW since ppl tend to kite a lot slowing down the enemy can be the deciding factor. After all those are just personal opinions since nothing is set in stone, and it's quite situational, there are builds that roughly have CC but more movement impairment abilities which can turn tides of fights. Personally I would prefer a daze instead of a cripple when it comes to the replacement of the knockdown since when I roam I go WS and going MM means you most likely did not take WS and now lacking sustain/defense but in group play I do go MM.
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