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Posts posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. The problem with thief isn't stealth, it's Anet.  The biggest outlier to thief is daredevil, and it is a balance outlier because it has 3 dodges.  Anet isn't capable of balancing the class because they don't understand what balance is, and they haven't figured out that 3 dodges on a hyper-mobile class is broken.  Three dodges on any class is broken, more so with mobility.  So, you get nerfs to things that are core, like shortbow, because 3 dodge daredevil with shortbow was broken x10.  To compensate for nerfs to things like stealth, you get perma-superspeed on the hyper-mobile class (that the thief dev managed to get a portal on too).  They are going to continue to break things until they figure that out.  Wait  until the 22nd, when rifle (3 dodge + portal) daredevil is completely unhinged.  The forums will be fun at least.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:

    😆 🤣 😂 

    The one wholly true thing you will say/write today 

    Sure. Let us pretend. Everyone has reflects available at all times just in case someone is going to exploit pull. 

    Hills Keep. West Cata Wall. The area people fight on (outside the wall) is fairly narrow. Two groups going at it. By your thought pattern, every member of the attacking force will be watching explicitly for an enemy to run to the cliff to do a jump pull, and have a finger hovering over a reflect skill.

    Or the moment a defender who may have a pull ability runs to the cliff edge all the attackers scatter to over 1200 range from that person? 

    You argument is both funny and holds no water.


    You do know that Hills has gates too right?  Your argument is no different than saying "random X class shouldn't be able to attack me because Y".  So, berserkers can't use rifles cause they are ranged attacks, I already used my dodges, so it's not fair they keep shooting me for 15k unblockable.  And, I can't know when that is gonna happen, so it should not be allowed.  I don't know when a ranger is gonna pew pew with rapidfire, I don't always have reflects available at all times just in case someone is gonna "exploit" (use utilities or class skills) to kill me.  Anet spends soo much time catering to attackers: boon-sharing, downstate, shield gens, nerfing keep supply, nerfing defensive siege.  Anet hates defending, we already know this.  This is now players asking Anet to stop people from outplaying attackers.  Using a pull is NOT an exploit.  Hitting a pull a fraction of a second before jumping/running/shadowstepping/moving is NOT an exploit.  Pressing rapidfire is NOT as exploit.  Now that this is settled, can we close this thread?

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  3. 27 minutes ago, Jitters.9401 said:

    Are you really trying to defend "Exploitation" by saying it takes time to learn to do it properly? 

    So exploiting is ok as long as there is a difficult learning curve. Gotcha. 

    And the "standing at the wrong place " means anywhere in range.  1200 range pull means anywhere in 1200 range. 

    I kill people like this all the time, and fail twice as much.  You can't, within the game rules, pull while gliding, and not every pull works while jumping.  Necro pull does, which is soo much fun.  Get some swiftness, run and press pull right as you press jump to go over a cliff, you will obviously be airborne when the pull connects to your enemy, bringing them almost all the way to you for a nice hug, and a long fall with a sudden stop.  The 1200 range is from where it was cast, not where I am once it connects, just for a reference.  What is really fun, without naming a couple servers, is how many times I have pulled enemies off cliffs, and had them glide safely to the ground in territory we own.  Hint...it's over 100.  

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  4. 3 hours ago, blp.3489 said:

    If there are attacker skills that can pull people up and over walls, as there are, shouldn't those skills work the same way for defenders?  Do they?

    I've been pulled physically through walls (and not the gate portals) that were intact more times then I can count.  Not even up the stairs and over, which has also happened, but just straight through the wall magically ending up outside.

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  5. 24 minutes ago, Quirin.1076 said:

    Pulls should work inside the tower or keep.  This way you can pull people into the keep or tower to burn down one by one.

    Imagine gravity well, just outside the walls, followed by a pull yanking a player over the wall inside.  Oh please yes, Anet, make this happen.

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  6. On 7/24/2023 at 1:20 PM, Aeolus.3615 said:

    is this like the Aliens thing going on in the USA so many see it yet 0 videos or photos? 😄

    Btw desync and netcode can bork really easy in this game.

    There are literally hundreds of videos of people flying (in golems too), appearing from nowhere, on a class/race combo with no stealth (including at spawns), teleporting around like they have access to blink with a 100 ammo charge.  People (entire guilds actually) dropping from above, in zones they don't control on top of enemies like they were in the movie Jumanji and respawning.  Most are not posted in the forums, because Anet will do nothing about people cheating, but will ban the posters from the forums.

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  7. 21 hours ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

    No idea why anet let players use elite specs in WvW when it's clear that elite specs are made for bad PvE player who can't do new PvE content without newest elite spec.  🤦‍♂️

    That's how they sell expacs.  New elite, broken OP.  In order to compete, you need to play one.  So, right before every expansion they nerf everything, introduce new, overpowered elites, sell expacs to everyone.  Rinse and repeat.   This expac it isn't locked behind a new elite though, but behind a SOTO relic, which will all be clearly better than the core ones.  Want to compete, cough up the dough.

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  8. Scourge gets nerfed, they all switched to reaper.  Yep, Anet creating another problem.  In a 50 man zerg, I'm seeing 20 + reapers lately.  And, no surprise to anyone in this thread, they all are using rise.

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  9. 22 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

    Is that really an accurate statement? Isn't most runes taken for their 6th bonus? Like trapper dragonhunter doesn't care about condi stats, it's for the stealth bonus. Antitoxin isn't taken for the condi damage it's for the extra cleanse. All that's going to happen now is runes will be taken for your build type, that dragonhunter will now take power stats instead.

    I expect there's going to be a lot of useless runes as usual unless they make the 6th stat be more unique. Like superior rune of brawler, cavalier, daredevil, reaper, scrapper, all have the same power/toughness for 5 stats, are they going to trash 4 of them and just have the new 6th be 125 toughness? or all 5 of them have different 6th stat? If that's going to be taken anymore, most of those will be replaced with power/precision/ferocity runes in meta builds instead cause ya know, moar dps.

    lmao yeah I'm not sure I can trust anet with that, given the current profession balance situation. That wizard tower example says it all, repackaged feature to sell better relics as an expansion exclusive, I mean which boon ball isn't going to want more projectile reflect and cc pull in their comp when all boon balls are melee fights on top of each now. 😏

    Watch all the boon ballers preorder today. Meanwhile enjoy your lag. 😒

    Yep.  I don't for a second believe taking an entry away from legendary runes was about choices are balance.  It was solely to create more grind, a selling point in the "our game has relics now", and to force people to buy the expansion to stay competitive.

  10. 46 minutes ago, Reincarnated.1754 said:

    How come I can be pulled OVER a wall, but I cant use my skills over the wall?

    Come to think of it walk through a wall?

    Try being an Asura.  Where every blade of grass leaves you with combat that is you get hit by everything, but all your ranged attacks say obstructed.

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  11. Sadly, I wish this was an isolated incident, but it isn't.  This is the type of stuff we have been talking about for years, that tons of people say we aren't seeing.  I literally see stuff like this every single day, and I play wvw 7 days a week.

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  12. The engineer that was enemy didn't spawn the friendly turrets.  There is also a HOPE guild engi from your team doing the exact same thing as the enemy one.  Which is why, near the end of the video, you see 2 teleport hackers briefly.  Probably the same person controlling both accounts though.


    Now we patiently wait for the experts to chime in with "the guy was just using rocket boots".

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  13. To be fair, Anet is still trying to tackle the trainwreck they created for themselves by adding Relics to the next expansion.  You know, Relics, the thing we already have and grinded for in making legendary runes, but now they moved part of it to a new place so they could sell an expansion by claiming the game now has relics.  So, yeah, no surprise they can't get back to us on this yet.

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  14. Wait till they get bored and start down the Stargate SG-1 path for content.  "Guys, some new monsters appeared through this "rift/gate", we're gonna send a team back through it to see what's causing it."

  15. 1 hour ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

    Maybe Anet wants ppl to stop playing WvW by nerfing boon removal and go kill Soo Won cos hardly ppl do that dumb meta.

    When it fails, ppl say needed quickness and alac..

    So Anet is hellbent on shoving those 2 boons down everyones throat at any cost so that every noob that presses 1 1 1 1 1 in there is somewhat useful.

    Those 2 boons are literally destroying every game mode.

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  16. This is about defending and how Anet wants people to play wvw.  They do NOT want people defending.  They do NOT want giant comped boonballs fighting each other.  They want giant comped boonballs winning every "fight" so that everyone is happy.  You too would be happy if you would just stop defending and join 60 other people pressing 1 for easy loot and ranks.  It's ok to chase down and kill the roamers you see, because it's their fault for roaming.  If you see another giant comped boonball, you're supposed to find another map and ktrain that one, respectfully waiting to backcap the map the other was already on.  An endless, door fighting, ktrain of happiness.  No one ever loses.

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  17. 2 hours ago, Riba.3271 said:

    Well to me objective auras are just fun killer. It is akin to random tengu spawning in middle of fair 1 vs 1 to one shot one player. Why is it in the game? It is such a ridiculous idea that isn't fun for anyone.

    Also whining is relative, maybe I am just trying to drive necessary change. Maybe what you're doing is whining about someone driving necessary change?

    You spelled it wrong.  It's spelled "downstate" and you're right, it shouldn't be in a competitive game mode.

  18. Anet has nerfed everything in favor of attackers.  Wall health, siege, supply.  They even added shield gens so that attackers can avoid defensive siege.  Then they nerfed the only good tactic an outnumbered server had, which is now siege dampener.  For those who don't already know, it's completely useless as it adds maybe 5 whole seconds of defense.  All these giant blobs rolling around unhappy that it takes ANY effort to take something is kind of sad.  You can take a T3 tower in 25 seconds from siege drop to lord dead (maybe 30 if a dampener is used).  A T3 keep can be taken (depending on which keep) in as little as 50 seconds.

    And, your suggestion is that defenders have it too easy?  You want keep buffs removed...fine.  As long as Anet removes bloodlust, downstate and target caps at the same time.  Standing next to 49 other people should not be an "I win" button like it is now.  But sure, let's blame failed keep takes on the keep buff.

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