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Posts posted by Kozumi.5816

  1. On 2/2/2023 at 2:42 PM, Riba.3271 said:

    Yep, outnumbered buff should not give stats to people. Claim buff already killed competitive duels around sm, imagine a mapwide buff.

    Any system where 2 groups or players that could have decent fights might not be able to do so next day because there are some passive stats caused by surroundings or afks in spawn, is just bad design. In the end WvW should be about finding a fun timezone and then that timezone staying relatively same, not about big changes if 1 objective changes owner or 2 people decide to not log in that day.

    Duels in WvW have always been and always will be a joke as long as it allows PvE stat combinations and doesn't use SPvP balancing.

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  2. On 1/31/2023 at 5:07 PM, Justforvisit.3709 said:

    EoD was the only relevant content, surrounded by Returners Event before it and LS1 revival before and after it. Maybe it's not 337 days, but it's still over a year since we have seen any relevant content update that is not an Add On.

    And the final Chapter of the Icebrood Saga was released on April 27th 2021. Ever since it's just old, rehashed / redesigned stuff and one single add on, without any further communication on what are the plans up ahead for GW2 except "Yeah, Alliances for WvW"....

    I think that says it all.

    Games been in maint mode since PoF release.

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  3. On 11/29/2022 at 9:33 AM, Serynna.3786 said:

    I used to think that GW2 had the best and friendliest community of any MMORG I've played - and I've played quite a few. However, of late, there seems to me to have been noticeable increase in the number of arrogant, aggressive, rude and plain nasty players in this game. So why has this happened? What has changed?  Steam????    

    Nothing changed , GW2 community being nice was a reddit karma farming meme.

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  4. On 1/11/2023 at 8:35 AM, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    It's the biggest problem with this game right now.  We're approaching a year post-EoD release with almost no new content.  It's fair to ask for new raids, new fractals, new story, and new everything else.  It's a content drought.  It's time everyone who is bored with this game and wants to see some genuinely new stuff to do in their favorite game modes speak up about it.

    When your brand new  expac is in a content drought 1 year after release you've done something horribly wrong.

    • Confused 4
  5. 17 hours ago, displayname.8315 said:

    Same for WvW.  You can't cap anything if your running away. 


    I suppose duelist's might get mad about ooc, if someone wants to run away in WvW you shouldn't really chase them.  At least if your playing "correctly"

    Objectives do not matter in WvW and the match doesn't end and kick you out to a lobby  if you ignore them.

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  6. On 1/31/2023 at 7:33 AM, Xzygy.1452 said:

    Really hoping they spread out stability generation to a few other classes.  I hate that FB is effectively mandatory in every comped party.  With so many viable cleansers now, I'd like to see the same treatment with stability.  Doing it on mesmer would be fantastic, though probably on virtuoso, not chrono to avoid completely overpowering the CC.


    Seems like with the reduction in overall stability, having equal numbers in fights is more important than ever.  I'd like to see zerg busting come back, though I'm not sure how they should accomplish that.  Past a certain point of numbers imbalance and you just get chain yanked till you're dead no matter how much stability you have.


    Some incentive to actually winning your matchup would be nice, as would overhauling participation to make sure people are, you know, participating.


    Would like to see tagging fixed so that we don't end up with dps pulling >100 bags while the FB gets 15-20 in the same period.  Also why support players level so much slower.  I had no idea this was a thing until I played dps for a bit and found I was gaining wxp at a several fold increased rate.

    Delete stability from the game and add DR to CC's, increase the CD on stun breaks by 4x, lower CD on CC's and up durations.

    If you do lowman or even 1v1, everyone is perpetually CC immune because stab and stun breaks are balanced around zergs. It's awful.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Bast.7253 said:

    All these people mentioning rush events and I’m still wondering why these aren’t automated on a schedule like festivals. 

    It’s always been a bit strange to me that they selectively turn them on in between certain patch cycles when it could just be a consistent weekly event rotating. World boss/meta events/fractals/raids rewarding bonus shards/strikes, etc. 

    They aren't content and mobile game tier garbage.

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  8. 1 hour ago, BlackNephilim.6591 said:

    As a raid leader you normally do not deal with people you don't know and never talked to. All the raid guilds I know meet and discuss their builds before starting anything, that works fine without inspection. 


    I have been kicked out of WvW groups because they felt my wvw rank was too low. And with gear inspection there will be a small list of accepted build/gear combos and anyone who dares to deviate a bit from this will be kicked out of any random group. So we will be left with one or two accepted builds per class. That is the exact opposite of Anet's 'try anything you like' philosophy. And many people would quit the game - those who play more casual and aren't equipped with legendary and ascended stuff. 

    If you aren't running full zerkers/vipers as a DPS you shouldn't be signing up for groups. Defensive stats do nothing in instanced PVE.

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  9. 8 hours ago, vesica tempestas.1563 said:

    GW1 and 2 have been running for decades between them with virtual no toxicity. Gear is also irrelevant for 99% of content (everyone has exotic or above), its ability to play profession that matters.  Anet were very smart and identifies what causes toxicity in other AAA morppg and took steps to avoid it. 

    Gear matters when someone is using full soldiers gear and the tank can't hold aggro.

    WoW has been going for longer than GW2 and has an inspect option.

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  10. No inspect is to avoid "toxicity" but in return causes more "toxicity".

    Ping your gear, screenshot your gear, link kp, etc.

    Developers shouldn't go out of their way to make it harder to group with like-minded players and form groups. Anet has gone above and beyond to ensure making groups to do challenging content is as annoying and difficult as humanly possible.

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  11. 22 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    Pretty simple ... if you are going to use other games to compare with GW2, just go play those others games. 

    Why do you want LESS people playing your MMO? They depend on having a  high population to function.

    This same logic was what Wildstar players told people - a game you can no longer play because it shut down due to lack of players.

    You really don't want to tell people to not play your MMO.

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  12. 19 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    Great, if 'new content' is important to you, then obviously you have choices to go play games that have it. I mean, you realize that GW2 is actually designed so you can come as go as you desire and not fall behind right? When GW2 adds new content, come back ... but in no way does anything another game does ahve to be how Anet operates. 

    What does this even mean?

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  13. 19 minutes ago, stuvvo.4753 said:

    Just because anet doesn't rush new content into the game, doesn't mean they are abandoning the player base, they spent all year 2022 improving the game and getting it ready for steam and giving us lws1, a new strike mission, QOL improvements, balance changes, e.c.t. some of us expect new content will take a little longer, i mean if you don't like it, go play something else.

    Meanwhile other games actually add new content.

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  14. On 1/17/2023 at 5:03 PM, Foeclan.1698 said:

    Looks like every server went down a level in terms of population.  You folks doing some tinkering?

    Why would anyone want to play an abandoned game mode? There's a lot of other games you can play.

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