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Posts posted by Kozumi.5816

  1. "Where is the reward?" sums up everything released since EoD.


    On 11/22/2022 at 10:03 AM, Elricht Kaltwind.8796 said:

    My question is, why would it be rewarding or fun to make fishing mindlessly easy even in the hardest zones? Why would you not want there to be areas where fishing remains at least slightly more challenging? This seems like a good example of why game designers make game design choices and not players

    How is fishing hard? You literally can't fail to catch a fish once it's on your line.

    You can't break your rod or lose your expensive lure by not paying attention.

    It's the most easymode fishing possible.

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  2. 4 hours ago, Aodlop.1907 said:

    This is a "muh immersion!!!" thread.


    I don't like how they keep adding oversized cat pillows, arcade mounts, legendaries that shoot rainbow unicorns, and all that awful stuff. 


    Immersion matters in MMOs. It just does. This isn't Fortnite.

    I feel more immersed when I can make my characters look like how I want them to look.

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  3. 10 hours ago, meerfunkuhtron.9725 said:

    Specters are a thief class though. Disengaging in fights is one of their core traits for also being one of the squishiest classes. I know it can be annoying to fight against (thieves and mesmers have been the bane of my wvw existence since launch lol), but that's part of their class mechanics and learning how to counter them isn't impossible either. At least for the moment. There were times when they weren't, but Anet did make necessary changes for those.


    The game's mobility and fast-paced aspects is one of the consistent praises I've seen regarding this game and it's what sets it apart from a lot of other mmo's that came out around the same time.. ones whose combat was slower and cast times that kept you rooted were the norm. I think even today, the only other game I hear mentioned regarding fast paced combat is BDO. However, I can definitely agree that some qualities have become bloated (re: sustain, cc's). I love the build diversity present in GW2 but I'd definitely like to see some aspects toned down. I'd be interested in how they'd do it though, without paring things down too much.

     There's "high mobility and disengage" then there's "This could literally be considered pos hack in another game". No, I am not saying hacking is being done, no I am not even suggesting hacking is being done, nor do I condone hacking. I am comparing the mobility to that if someone hacking in another game. Do not ban me and delete my post for comparing.

    This game is most definitely not fast paced. High mobility? Yes, fast paced? no. Every 1v1 is a 30m+ long stalemate and even most small group skirmishes are sustain fests where people just end up running away before you can ever secure a kill. It's probably the slowest paced PvP on the market. Button mashing does not mean fast paced, it means mashing.

    Every single person I played with quit the game due to the obscene power creep on mobility, sustain, and boon spam. None of these people have any interest in returning, and think it's not possible to fix the game. The only solution is GW3(or another game entirely). They have power crept everything too far and given everyone everything.

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  4. 9 hours ago, Justine.6351 said:

    or the catalyst that has perma stability for existing

    Yeah, I assume everyone has perma stability on at all times because it's generally true. 

    In a recent patch Anet gave out even more stability spam because they only balance around and listen to the boonball guilds and for some reason they think CC is an issue?!(????)

    It's weird because mindless spamfests with tons of sustain is the exact type of gameplay CmC hates(I used to play with him in vanilla and talk to him). I don't believe CmC has free reign at or that he is actually doing these balance changes.

  5. On 11/14/2022 at 2:43 PM, Justine.6351 said:

    No the pvp combat is hands down the worst in any mmo.

    Agreed. Too much mobility and sustain. Can't set up kill windows because stun breaks have shorter CDs than CC and do multiple things while there is so many of them while CC ONLY CC's.

    I've seen multiple specters instantly teleport out of a fight so far that they disappear from draw distance within 3 seconds. That's unplayable.

    It's just a mindless button mashing spam fest.

  6. 5 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    This effect should be baseline, not part of any trait or Signet.

    Life Force doesn't decay out of combat, so Adrenaline shouldn't decay either.



    Warrior feels like trash to play due to this mechanic.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Jimbru.6014 said:

    Also, almost any class can fill almost any role depending on gear and build. GW2 is much more wide open than other games in that regard.

    They can in theory but not execution. Some classes can basically fart out quickness/alac while others have to play perfectly and if you miss a single tick of their boon application you can reduce your boon uptime to <50%.

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  8. 15 hours ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

    There is really no need for it in open world stuff.

    DE meta is very difficult to impossible without raid comp roles.

    This game is now a holy trinity game with a worse trinity, worse combat relating to the trinity(stack on everyone) and no role queue functions for LFG.

    Really wants to be FF14 but is just a MUCH worse FF14.

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  9. On 11/18/2022 at 11:08 PM, henchmen.1856 said:

    The easiest way to complete dailies is to do the WvW ones.

    You're looking at this the wrong way.

    This is an issue with PvE dailies being long and obnoxious half the time, its not an issue with WvW dailies.

    WvW ones are properly designed, PvE ones are not.

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  10. On 11/16/2022 at 12:19 AM, Xenesis.6389 said:

    Oh noes, some customers don't like what you made, you should totally just ignore them for 7 years after instead of trying to improve your product for said customers. I dunno but maybe people would be happier to buy gems for some cosmetics to support the game more, if they bothered to read the forums, listened for a change, make some changes, even qol stuff, but no, just totally ignore them, and give your game a bad reputation on the competitive side, that's totally good for business I'm sure. "Hay guys you're totally a cornerstone, plz by gaems expansion soon okies?" Yeeeeeeah, good luck with that.

    Any negative feedback I give this game on gaming subreddits gets downvoted to oblivion. They have the uber casuals and they absolutely love this game, that's all they need to sustain it and honestly all they really want.


    On 11/16/2022 at 1:17 AM, Xenesis.6389 said:

    Lastly, they get way more complaints in pve, yet still focus on pve content, it isn't about the complaints, it's more about where the money is, and for anet that's new pve players, everything else will take a back seat, even veteran players.

    Uber casuals is all that matters and they won them over.  They're also cheaper to make a game for. Create extremely boring 1 and done story content with a bad story and casuals will play your game forever.

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  11. 4 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    Each game has different playerbase, I know, hard to believe that there are people who like story in MMOs.

    Those people are happily playing FF14 and don't even know Anet is a company on planet earth.


    4 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    Shocking that people change, isn't it?

    People didn't change, games did. It's far easier and more profitable to create a meaty core story and sell mtxs to casual whales than to make a in depth RPG with a wide variety of content and progression.

    • Confused 7
  12. On 11/7/2022 at 5:55 PM, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

    it's not. But Swipe is, and Bountiful Theft rips stability + aegis before everything else, creating the strongest interrupt tools in the game; instacast ranged daze, bypassing LoS, that also removes stability and aegis.

    Can't core thief have unblockable sleight of hand then since you always take bountiful theft?

    Was this changed? I could always interrupt blocking skills on my DD before the swipe change...

  13. On 11/12/2022 at 10:26 PM, Crab Fear.8623 said:

    It has no balanced place in the game mode, any monkey with 3 braincells could determine this, and I am truly shocked Anet hasn't.


    3 braincells is all it takes

    It makes the game more toxic because your teammates can literally grief you by dying.

    Example: You lose a 2vs1 because your teammate "helping" you rallies them both by coming in and instantly dying while you're mid 2vs1 for 3m+.

    It has no place in a pug vs pug pvp game.

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  14. 21 hours ago, Zikory.6871 said:

    They have already made huge strides in class diversity

    There's no diversity when everyone does the same thing in said role.

    Anet will figure this out in 10 years. WoW figured it out years ago and fixed it

    These new devs are now copying FF14 which copied WoW. WoW fixed it, FF14 has yet to fix it(and is suffering due to it), then Anet will fix it many years after FF14. This is why you don't copy things without understanding them.

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