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Posts posted by Kozumi.5816

  1. On 1/7/2023 at 9:13 AM, Farohna.6247 said:

    And increase rewards.  They feel stingy.  Getting ambergris, jade runestone, etc is great but I'm using all of those in crafting, give me something to make some good with.  The metas feel like they're some of the most unrewarding in game.

    Yeah nothing released since EoD rewards players, at all.

    Remember when Anet said they wanted to make EOD all about highly replayable content? Remember when the director posted on these very forums that he wanted to make EoD metas as long lasting and rewarding as HoT metas?

    Good lies.

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  2. 1 minute ago, vares.8457 said:

    Why don’t you go play one of these games then? All you do here is cry and complain. 


    On 1/9/2023 at 8:57 PM, KrivukasLT.3507 said:

    I think you should go back to ff and wow. This game is not for you.  

    Wildstar players said this - that game can no longer be played because it shut down due to lack of players.

    You do not want to tell people to NOT play your MMO, or our MMO might stop being there.

    I'm not sure why you want to have less people playing your MMO with you, that's really bad.

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  3. On 1/8/2023 at 6:44 PM, Kyzonu.7504 said:

    3 - LFG not being instant-join

    too many times have i had the experience of putting a group up looking for a healer, someone who wasn't a healer joining and refusing to switch character/build, then having to kick them and relist the group. in WoW, when a person tries to join your lfg, they only get added to the group if you accept their request, that way, if you're looking for a hunter and warrior tries to join you can simply not accept them or refuse their request, which spares you from wasting time kicking people and relisting the group.


    bonus point for being able to see if the person requesting to join has already cleared the content. like putting a little checkmark next to their name.


    4 - ability to inspect people's gear and build

    this ties into the pains of pugs as well. how many times do people join as dps when they're wearing soldier gear and using random traits with all signets as their utilities. and asking every single person who joins to link every single item they're wearing as well as linking their build on chat is a ludicrous work-around that no one with an ounce of self-respect should put themselves through.

    Sadly 3 and 4 are intentional dev designs due to "toxicity" but have created more "toxicity" due to their design.

    It'd be nice of we had a modern MMO group finder since they've  turned this game into a worse version of a  holy trinity game.

    The replies to this thread are pretty funny. You can tell the majority(all?) posters here are just extreme casuals, but that's the player base Anet wants.

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  4. Whatever the road map is, it won't compare to Dragon Flights.


    1 hour ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

    game is on maitenance mode.

    Has been since PoF release.


    4 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

    Nah, game is pretty good right now. Some spvp balancing is due, for the rest there is plenty to do without adding new content.

    There hasn't been a real content update since EoD released and EoD has zero long term reward goals besides legendaries , so I disagree.

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  5. 19 hours ago, vares.8457 said:

    I think it’s relaxing. I am fishing ingame right now, very relaxing. 

    It's not, you lose your 100 stack buff easily if  you don't defend your boat fast enough then quickly get back on, and if you aren't fast enough at fishing and 24/7 paying attention you slow the rest of your group down and they have to wait for you.

    Fishing is extremely stressful in this game.

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  6. 20 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

    Which was the primary argument of those pushing for fishing to be added to the game. So, people have their minigame, relaxing or otherwise, and may even profit from it. 

    If something needs to be removed or have its rewards stripped, and the choices are a large scale event or fishing, my vote goes for fishing.

    This games fishing is NOT relaxing. That's the biggest issue with it, the other being it's extremely underdeveloped to the point of boring while requiring 100% of your attention.

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  7. On 12/27/2022 at 6:24 AM, Dawdler.8521 said:

    As I've said before: Anet has balanced themselves into a corner. 

    There is no way to "fix" anything anymore due to Anet octopling down on boons and overcomplicated skills that should do 1 thing but does 3 things and can be traited to do 6 things and then geared to do 9 things.

    Any "fix" for WvW would cause an uproar for PvE folks and Anet will never, ever do that. 

    Weird that SPvP doesn't have this issue.


    On 12/28/2022 at 4:28 PM, Aeolus.3615 said:

    TDLR Ktrain or gfto, when EOTM was a thing devs said they loved and wanted that gameplay into wvw some dev's even "soft bashed" players that defended entire keeps against zergs on EOTM, that's the lamer mentality this company gained over the years.



    Yeah it's pretty obvious numbers > all is the design intent for WvW.

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  8. On 2/28/2022 at 2:19 PM, Slowpokeking.8720 said:

    We used to have such thing, but why is it gone? It's annoying when you repeat the story.

    Anet has a history of listening to an extremely miniscule vocal minority.

    This minority complained about "cutscene dialogue' so now we go afk for 15m while npcs talk.


    On 2/28/2022 at 2:22 PM, Randulf.7614 said:

    Because it causes bugs due to the live nature of scenes. We had it in core because they were storyboards. Even GW1 had bugs in dialogue skips so the devs decided against a skip button for future dialogue scenes that weren’t on storyboards etc


    That's now how coding works.

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  9. On 12/8/2022 at 1:40 PM, yoni.7015 said:

    I play this game to fight enemies and not to enjoy the landscape. The mob density in Guild Wars 2 is fine. 

    Yeah people like us are being pushed out for twitter screenshot posters sadly...

    Every asian MMO is only kept alive by them, for example.

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  10. 3 hours ago, Sirius.4510 said:

    There are plenty of easy metas in GW2 already - it's OK to have one that's a challenge. Especially since completing the DE meta successfully is no longer required for major content.

    The time commitment does keep me from running DE as much as I used to, though.

    It's not ok to 180 the games entire direction, actually.

    Especially in a game that hasn't gotten a real content update in over a year.

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  11. 3 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Yes, IBS revenue drop has been brought up many times over as an argument for "difficult content is important". Problem is, it ignores why exactly was the revenue dropping. And it was dropping mostly due to Anet announcing there will be no expansion anymore, which (alongside stuff like layoffs, and known names leaving left and right) made a lot of people believe the game was in its last throes. Notice, that introduction of strikes did absolutely nothing to impact that revenue decrease trend. It was the announcement that the expansion will be in works that started the reversal.

    IBS announcement was so underwhelming most of my friends quit.

    IBS turned out to be a lot better than they advertised imo.

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  12. 1 minute ago, Cyninja.2954 said:


    No, that's what this game was turned into during post PoF (again while the studio was considering ending the game). This statement is not true for the release period of the game all the way to pre PoF, alm the while the hame was doing far better financially.

    Nor is it true for post IBS and EoD where the game has slowly recovered revenue wise.

    GW2 was always advertised and marketed as a casual open world MMO. Since alpha.

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  13. 1 hour ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    When pairing and tracking the revenue generated with content delivered, your claim does not hold up.

    You are free to keep believeing what ever you want, just saying that looking at quarterly reports for multiple years, this claim seems untrue.

    The game has done best financially when it was delivering more than just easy open world content. That's also why the studio has been trying to find a way to deliver multiple types of difficult content wise for over 3-4 years now, starting with IBS strikes and ending with EoD so far.

    Again, the games financially weakest time was while the studio was focusing on only easy open world content, during a time where the dcontinued development of the game was at question. We literally have developer quotes supporting this situation (and a season 4  finale without cliffhanger to show for).

    That is not to say that easy open world content has no room. It certainly makes up a large part of this games appeal. It's just not the backbone on its own you might want to believe.

    This is a casual OW MMO. It has the worst instanced content in the genre on the slowest instanced content update cycle in the genre. 

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  14. 7 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

    Then don’t do it, no one is forcing you to do the DE meta, there is enough content for you that has no challenge or difficulty, where all you have to do is auto attack and where your build and gear doesn’t matter. 

    I don't, and most people don't either. Hopefully the uproar of new players who can't get their turtles because no one's doing the content makes Anet finally change it.

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  15. 3 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    Yet every time the developers introduce content which:

    A. teaches basics and provides context to how the games systems work

    B. ups the difficulty slightly to encourage improvement and experimentation

    a part of the player base starts complaining. You can't have both. Failure is a part of the learning process. Catering to players who refuse to fail at any point in time basically stifles and kills all ability to teach.

    I'm all for difficult content. In instances where I can choose my teammates.

    I absolutely do not want difficult open world  content that takes 2 hours to do and rewards nearly nothing if I fail. That's masochism.

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  16. 4 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    When they are expected to use builds the game does not help them in any way to obtain? Yes. Notice, that to get more decent builds, players generally have to reach to third-party builds, which is not what most players do.

    It would have been completely different if the build system was something straightforward and easy to learn, but it is not. What we have is something completely opposite to that - a freestyle system that is so convoluted that learning it on your own without help from others is practically impossible (to the point where even the extremely limited amount of people that are crafting the builds for the rest of the community didn't learn the system on their own).

    So, it's not that general population is displeased with having to use decent builds. It's that general population simply has no idea what is a decent build (and what is not). And then they get displeased when the game starts to require from them the knowledge they do not have, because the game did not provide it to them in easy enough to understand way.

    When Anet added templates they should have added a "recommended builds" button for each class. I'm sure random streamers would've gladly done a build for every class for FREE.

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  17. 12 hours ago, vares.8457 said:

    it does. Open World doesn’t have to be boring. 

    Getting zero rewards because random people in an open world event failed at doing mechanics is the epitome of boring.

    Difficult content you need proper classes and organization  belongs in INSTANCES, and nowhere else.


    7 hours ago, vares.8457 said:

    That’s not true but if you prefer boring and unchallenging open world content you can play the other 99% of open world. 
    Everyone can join an organized squad, no one has to fail the meta. 

    You just explained why this content is a failure. The other 99% of the games open world content has nearly 100% clear rates.

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  18. 1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Well, yes, if the preevents had rewards comparable to, say, south Drizzlewood preevents, the complains would go down significantly. It's the combination of DE being overtuned, all rewards being backloaded and hinging on final boss fight success, a long term commintemt necessary that makes this whole meta design a big issue. Well, that and locking a lot of unrelated map achievements (and map completion) behind meta success.

    It's been a year and they've done nothing about the rewards besides adding an A.S.S. super early on, they don't have any interest in making their game worth playing and rewarding for whatever reason.

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