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Posts posted by Kozumi.5816

    • Release power crept specs.
    • Slowly power creep old expansion specs to the new level of elites.
    • Even more slowly power creep core specs to the new level of elites.
    • Claim your game has no power creep and is horizontal progression.
    • Have content creators talk about how good your games horizontal progression is, while old content like Chak Garent dies in 1 phase, old raid bosses become a joke, old fractals become a joke, etc.
    • Repeat next expansion.
    • Like 2
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  1. 27 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

    That may be true for instanced content like strike/raids, but I very much prefer there being no trinity for PvE as it allows me to play any profession and still be successful without having to rely on specific roles to get by. 

    Name a current holy trinity game that you need "specific roles" to do open world content in.

     I can name one, actually, this very game! GL doing DE meta without proper support!

    What you don't want, is already in this game, because it's "holy trinity" system is actually worse than a real holy trinity.

    • Confused 3
  2. On 11/4/2022 at 3:50 PM, Gibson.4036 said:

    Players expect MMOs to occupy them for hours a week over years of time.

    There is no way to produce enough content to keep them busy.

    EQ and FFXI(11, not 14) accomplished this fine.

    The issue is GW2 has very little difficult grinds and even less rewarding grinds.

    On 11/4/2022 at 10:22 PM, Linken.6345 said:

    Yea there is also that option to not look at a guide like the one writing said guide had to do.

    Easter egg hunts aren't fun.

    On 11/4/2022 at 8:14 PM, Drakz.7051 said:

    Tbh my biggest issues are that almost everything you do are gold sinks. My favourite parts of collections usually come from map exploration or doing the content that isn't spammed for gold.

    Agreed. We need more account bound rewards or requirements for good rewards that aren't just "make/spend gold".

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  3. Won't happen, Anets vision for the game is everyone stacking on top of each other with zero self positional awareness.


    7 hours ago, Ubi.4136 said:

    The game launched with the premise that there was no trinity and that everyone was self-sufficient.  Now, we have a half-assed trinity and the boon creep is ridiculous, especially in some modes, like wvw.  Honestly, I wish they would just go all in with a proper trinity, or remove boon sharing completely.

    Yeah, instead of no holy trinity we have the worst group gameplay in the genre.

    I'd rather have a trinity.

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  4. 5 hours ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

    For many players, possibly even the casual majority, the story is repeatable rewarding content. Leveling alts for XP and story rewards, doing achivements, and completing the associated maps and so on.


    For these players, the lack of LWS1 ruined the game for them and many quit as soon as they finished Personal Story. It became such a big issue that the devs had to go back and re-introduce an entire season and do another New Player Experience (NPE) to stop bleeding out from losing all their new players.


    There's still alot more work to do (story mode dungeon streamlining, etc.), not less.


    What veteran players don't seem to understand is why parties keep getting harder to fill in LFG, and why alot of content gets abandoned (DRMs and so on), is because of this. People get tired of content after a while and stop doing it, so you always need to be rotating in fresh blood for a sustainable end-game.


    That player who quit because of LWS1 being missing might've been a Fractal God a year later.

    I don't think most people who play MMO's actually care about the story in them. It's an extreme minority.

    MMO stories are also all really bad. SP games are much better for it.

    Any new player I've brought to GW2 has quit due to terrible balance, snails pace updates, and lack of end game. Not a single one quit due to story.

    • Confused 4
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  5. On 11/5/2022 at 9:18 AM, Bazsi.2734 said:

    See, this guy gets it. All those problems with premades turning matches into boring onesided stomps, wintrades, long queue times, class stacking... just remove that 30 silver and it all gets magically fixed!

    People do not bot if there's no reward. See: BGs in WoW before and after WoD.

    Good gear? Botted.

    No gear? Zero bots.

  6. On 11/3/2022 at 3:42 PM, Hindenburg.3415 said:

    I am waiting for it.

    Having more or less coherent story IN GAME is very good thing.

    I remember being very confusing playing it first time.

    Like why Lion's Arch is different in the cutscenes ? Why there are references and content "from the future' on maps ?

    The story doesn't matter in MMO's, they live and die by repeatable rewarding content. Sacrificing an entire year of content updates to have a story "make sense" is Cyberpunk levels of bad decision making.

    • Confused 3
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  7. 1 hour ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    Maybe because they are re-releasing old content people have been asking them to do? PoF took ages to have the rewards adjusted to be good as well. 
    Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

    No one told them to remove all repeatable rewards from LS1 when re-releasing it.

    Their """""rewards team""""" chose to do that all on their own.

    PoF content still isn't done, they never fixed it. 

    HoT zones, Fractals and Drizzlewood is still the entire game.

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  8. 4 hours ago, Caille.7214 said:

    And lastly the fact that you need a Commander Tag (300g) to organize your dungeon party or squad is beyond ridiculous.

    Arenanet doesn't seem to know the basic functionality/utility of an actual mmo.

    Yeah I got told I'm stupid for saying this a while ago, gate keeping party forming is silly.

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  9. 1 hour ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

    How is "developing new maps and an expansion while having monthly releases of old content returning" equates "maintenance mode"?

    Everything since EoD is bare minimum and zero replay value. They don't even fix the issues with EoD/Strikes complete lack of replay value or rewards. They're spread too thin and it makes GW2 look like it's in maintenance mode and not being supported as it should be.

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