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Posts posted by Kozumi.5816

  1. It'll just be another 1 and done content like the rest of LS1. Lack of rewards and replay value in a game that gets very little content updates compared to other MMO's is a bad time.



    7 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    EoD was easily the worst expansion so far and they followed it with the unfortunately necessary re-release of old content.  We're likely going to be a year out from the expansion before we even begin to see anything new.  If there's any hype there it's simply the fact that we'll finally be done with rehashing season 1 so we can move on to something fresh.

    If FF14 or WoW had 1 year content drought after the release of a new expac, there would be such an outrage. 

    They could have at least put proper rewards to make this LS worth replaying for a year.. The rewards team doesn't seem interested in making content rewarding for multiple playthroughs, though.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 2
  2. On 10/30/2022 at 4:18 PM, Farohna.6247 said:

    This was predicted, the risk of bringing back old content and low reward. 

    Their rewards team  is not doing a good job at making content rewarding and repeatable. Everything released since EoD has had essentially zero rewards outside of "one and done". It reeks of mobile game design.


    On 10/31/2022 at 7:57 PM, Silent.6137 said:

    Alternative is dead game. Yes, I'd rather play dead content since it's just a re-release with minor resources spent.

    Game has been in maintenance mode since EoD release tbh.


    23 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

    It just needs better rewards.

    Sums up everything released since EoD perfectly.

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  3. On 10/29/2022 at 11:40 AM, Daredevil.2745 said:

    Like for real, i've never seen so many complaints about any game in my entire life as i see here about Guild Wars 2 WvW.

    The reason for this is because they listen to and soley balance the game mode entirely around the < 50 players total boon balling in WvW guilds and ignore the majority of MMO PvPers. All the complaints are coming from people who want a better MMO PvP mode.

    Thus the mode slowly dies as no new players replace the old because they designed the game mode for veterans who are slowly quitting over time.

    If they made a WvW game mode that the majority of people who like MMO combat want they'd actually attract and gain players, but they refuse to.

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  4. On 10/18/2022 at 11:26 AM, Fueki.4753 said:

    Rater than reworking the visuals and turning it into more particle vomit, I'd rather have Arenanet remove the projectile block from this skill. A flat AoE that applies Poison and Weakness sounds good enough to me.

    There's already too much projectile hate in the game anyway, so shaving a bit off that would end up being an improvement for the game.

    Those condis are cleansed before their icon even registers on your screen.

    • Like 1
  5. On 10/18/2022 at 5:39 PM, Amorimm.6732 said:

    Scrapper is the God spec defining the WvW meta for 4 years - leaves it be. 

    Vindicator is doing decently well if someone plays it well, without being too strong (but still solid) - gut it, fun not allowed. 

    CMC 😕

    Game director mains support scrapper.

  6. On 10/10/2022 at 11:59 AM, Lighter.5631 said:

    make boon buff raid area size, so ranged can actually be ranged

    and melee can actually be melee

    instead of every one stacking together


    so ranged can actually be more safe and consistent output

    while melee being less consistent with higher output.

    Stacking and having 0 positional awareness is the developers vision of this games action combat.

    • Haha 2
  7. Missing themes:

    • Warrior
    • Archer
    • Rogue
    • Mage
    • Bard
    • Paladin
    • Cleric

    You know, pretty much all the BASIC DnD classes?

    Instead we get: Dragon wings spearing holy warrior, summoning spirits bow person, made of paper piano your keyboard sword mage, and really angry screaming burning warrior.

    • Haha 1
  8. There's too little compared to the amount of stun breaks. I've never been able to "set up" a kill with CC in this game. It's just sustain wars or one shots.

    I cannot remember the last time I died to being CCed in this game. It's so rare and generally just means I'm being outnumbered 5:1 so it's not even relevant to worry about.

    • Confused 2
  9. On 9/16/2022 at 3:57 PM, Bazsi.2734 said:

    You have endless ways to play with friends in this MMO though. Ranked is literally the only gamemode where you cannot take 4+ friends with you. Just as having a 2man premade in 3v3, having 2man premades in 5v5 is dumb. It doesn't let you play with FRIENDS(imagine, some people have multipe of those), it makes wintrading easy, and it's impossible to get matches if everyone teams up. Someone has to be  the one with the worse winrate, a loser who goes in alone... because you aren't making 5man teams out of 2man premades.
    Anyone defending duoQ is either self reporting, or the "opinion" of those who haven't really thought about it. I have yet to hear an actual good argument that made me think... what arguments people put on the table are just making them look sus. You can wintrade without ending up in the top 20 you know?

    LoL doesn't have issues with duo q.

    The majority of people who duo q don't abuse it. It's an extreme minority that can easily be investigated. 

    By the way, removing more ways too play is a great way to make an already low player count game mode even lower. You should be asking for more ways to queue, not less.


    If friends and duo groups actually working together as a team without gaming the system is too much for you to handle, then perhaps you should try playing 1v1 games such as RTS and fighting?

    • Thanks 1
  10. On 9/13/2022 at 4:03 PM, Crab Fear.8623 said:

    Well, probably means they are not going to remove duo from conquest.

    We have our answer lol.

    Duo Q has never been an issue in LoL because Riot actually moderates their game.

    Not being able to play with friends in a MMO is bad.

    Duo Q  isn't the issue, lack of resources being put into the game as a whole is.

  11. On 9/13/2022 at 10:21 PM, Zizekent.2398 said:

    Why not? "emergency" patches that at least tries to minimize the abuse of the current busted classes, like a nerf on bladesworn heals, can be made on a really short patch at any day.

    Their development cycle is really bad and inefficient with tons of merge conflicts.


    On 9/14/2022 at 1:58 AM, ArthurDent.9538 said:

    It is funny how they repeatedly hotfixed vindicator and willbender until they were dead (harb too but it's still decent) while we are going 3-4 months of specter stacking for MATs and nothing for them at all.

    Thief doesn't abide by the same rules as other classes in PvP.  It has defined the meta since alpha.

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