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Posts posted by Kozumi.5816

  1. 20 minutes ago, pikalovr.4613 said:

    hell i spent one day in there and was baffled how they thought to do half the stuff they do like why are walls basically useless? what's hte point of gates when literally nobody goes for them outside of being absolutely forced to like SMC inner? why is a player allowed to blink 3 miles away in 2 seconds? why is there not a guaranteed easily accessible reveal THAT MAKES THE ENEMY STAY REVEALED for all classes (this would only reveal on guessing where they are or predicting the stealth and precasting the reveal spell/ability).

    This is what every new player I've brought to WvW has said to me, They get frustrated at the obviously badly designed and unfun things then quit within a few days.

    Keeping veterans happy by not invalidating their gear isn't worth giving up ever gaining new players. That's how a game mode gets abandoned forever by the devs.

    This is doubly true when a huge influx of new players are on the horizon with the steam release.

    • Confused 1
  2. 17 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    The current state of matchmaking and player pairing was/is near an end. Alliances might not be the only idea, but at least it is an attempt at fixing one of the root issues in the game mode: unequal player numbers.

    If you want to fix player numbers, make the mode fun for more than an extreme minority of gvg players in their late 40's who lack the APM to play a skill based PvP game. Literally any random trash pay to win MMO on steam has better PvP than WvW does atm. Steam release is a great time to bring new blood to WvW but with it's current design it will never do that.

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  3. 22 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


    You give a great example why you can't use the same balance sPvP team as a WvW balance team. Stop and re-read what you wrote. 'They removed tanky amulets because they runied the game.' The other way that was put was the take down time was too long for the game mode. They said it themselves it made game play too slow. They nerfed the damage in WvW because the take down time was too short. These are opposite thoughts hence why you can't use the same thoughts when considering balancing the two game modes. And no not everyone agrees the removal of those amulets was a good idea. So again, thanks, no, keep that in sPvP, its not for WvW. 

    You are the reason why WvW will slowly lose players until they abandon it entirely like dungeons.

    It doesn't mater what you like, you are an extreme minority and should not be designed for. For the mode to actually grow and stay alive you need to design for the majority; whom want what I suggest.

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  4. 4 hours ago, Salt Mode.3780 said:

    Yes because sPvP balance is removing amulets, runes, sigils, and more importantly build diversity as if there is any left in the game.

    Yes, sometimes you need to take away the kids toys if he/she is ruining the others kids fun.


    14 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

    I disagree, and sure with 23 different toons I must be a master of abusing the system

    A great example is they nerfed stealth durations in SPvP then took another year to fix it in WvW. Why? Who knows, WvW balance is trash.

    Another great example: They removed all tanky amulets in SPvP because they ruined the game, yet WvW is all about tanky supports in groups and condi bunkers lowman.

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  5. 5 minutes ago, jaif.3518 said:


    Your changes only help balance small-scale, which is just a tiny piece of WvW.  Boon balls, population,  server hopping, spies - these and other components are much more important, IMO.

    Boon balls don't exist in SPvP. Stacking actually gets you killed and is terrible to do. SPvP balancing also removes boon balls and makes small scale better. I don't know what balancing around "large scale" means, since WvW's current balance is absolute gutter trash at both large and small scale. At least SPvP is good at something.

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  6. 6 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

    I also said stop fighting "them", or go fight on another map

    Here's the issue with GW2 pvp since PU mesmer. You run into something you can''t fight, you run away or change maps as a solution.

    ...What if every map is nothing but boon balls and condi bunkers?  You're perpetually avoiding fighting / running away because everything you run into, you cannot interact with in a PVP  mode. That's the reality of the situation now, and why a lot of people have just quit wvw entirely. Why try to play for 3 hours when you spend the entire 3 hours running from builds you can't interact with?

    Avoiding PvP is NOT a valid solution to terrible balance; a valid solution is the developers doing their job in a timely manner. Which Anet are adamantly against doing.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Yunari.9065 said:

    WvW in Gw 2 has become the same clown fiesta like in ESO. There you have immortal boonballs stomping for hours. Has nothing to do with skill or fun. Most of them dispand after a couple of months. Why does every Dev force this bad bad gameplay?

    Zerk meta had more skill than this fart we have now.


    This is why so many MMO fail today.  Every MMO the same boring Gameplay like all other trillions of mmos. Because the devs listen to those hoppers who want the same boring gameplay mmos had in the 90s.

    People actually die in Classic WOW(and retail) so IDK about that.

  8. On 8/4/2022 at 10:36 AM, Aeolus.3615 said:

    Anet developers cant balance 1:1, 

    I meant WvW and PvP using the exact same balancing.


    On 8/7/2022 at 9:18 PM, Xenesis.6389 said:

    Don't worry gais world restructuring will fix everything. 🤭

    Steam release will give the catered to boonball guilds fresh meat to farm for a few weeks before they all quit, too!

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  9. On 8/8/2022 at 10:07 PM, Xenesis.6389 said:

    Just stop fighting them.

    just dont pvp in a pvp game mode


    On 8/8/2022 at 10:54 PM, Xenesis.6389 said:

    Quit the game.

    Vast majority of players chose this option years ago! 


    On 8/9/2022 at 2:42 AM, Sahne.6950 said:

    meanwhile gw2:  boonblob goes BRRRRRR......    not even 10 people can wipe 20..... NOT HAPPENING...    sad to say the least.

    Boons,slugdamage and Rallyspam completly prevent any smaller groups from winning against biggergroups...

    This is their intended vision for WvW.


    On 8/9/2022 at 7:34 AM, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

    But players complained about siege damage in a wargame, so ArenaNet took all the damage away. 😞

    The boon ball guilds they design this mode for complained. Won't be long until the boonball guilds have no one to be better than and "farm" then eventually all quit since Anet is doing a wonderful job killing the  non-boonball guild WvW player base.  Keep up the great work Anet.

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  10. 14 hours ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

    I cannot wait until the Steam release. I will LAMBAST pvp when I make that review. Deservedly so. gw2 does not deserve a NICKEL for pvp considering their epic disastrous botch over the years.

    You need to wait a few weeks after release to do this. Early reviews get a * by them


    15 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

    It would be too overloaded with effects to tell what is going on, and while the chaos might do my battered and bruised attention span good for a game or two, I feel like it would get mind-numbing pretty quick.

    Proper 15vs15 would be AB in WoW that has 5 nodes far away from each other so you're rarely in an actual 15vs15 battle.

  11. 20 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

    What they should really do is join the year 2022 and split Ranked into Teams and Solos arenas since they're very different. That would also allow more than just 2 people to queue together in the Teams mode without making every Solo player on my team want to quit & afk before we've even left spawn.

    Scrap the failed Esports mode and add 15 vs 15 unranked BGs only. Stronghold is basically 75% of the work done already.

    No other solution will increase participation rates.

    PvP in it's current state will harm the Steam release more than it helps.

    • Like 1
  12. On 7/31/2022 at 1:43 PM, Crab Fear.8623 said:

    Literally only a handful of players think downstate is good for competitive states, the bad ones...you know...the players always in downstate.

    Downstate makes the game more frustrating with randoms. If your teammate dies in a MOBA he doesn't revive every player on the enemy team you just downed. This makes you hate bad teammates even more than normal. That's bad.

    It's good in a esports only premade only game as it could add a lot of depth. It's trash for GW2's pvp modes.

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  13. On 8/5/2022 at 10:05 PM, Carnage.6751 said:

    And its shameless to A-net doesn't care and address any issues about this mode.At least have some dignity and say "YES Sorry  WE Fxxx UP!".Casual players seeing spvp as f...ing material farm.Afk and wintraders all over the place.I suffered all this horrible matches for get to "the Ascension" but what cost?Yeah all this terrible time for flappy wings.After all this frustration experience completing to backpack gave me not excitement ,gave me  relief.Because I don't need to grind in this kitten game mode anymore.

    This is their vision.


    17 hours ago, Tulkas.2576 said:

    8 second spammable CC followed by 5 second stuns 

    5 minute cooldowns

    Perma slows

    No self healing

    Needing cleansing from a healer

    Can’t move while casting 

    No dodging

    It's PvP is much better than this games.  Stuns aren't spammable and all CC has DRs.

  14. On 7/31/2022 at 9:58 PM, SamuelW.2685 said:

    What's going good? Anything that isn't class balance, even the story 

    • EoD and post EoD Open world

    Extremely Unrewarding.

    • PvP

    Completely abandoned.

    • WvW

    Lied to and strung along for 5+ years now. Balance changes going in the opposite direction of what the majority want.

    • Instanced PvE

    Zero rewards, basically. FFXIV simon says musical chairs square room encounter design. zZz

    • Cosmetics

    Barely any new ones, always extremely conservative and never cute or good looking. Mostly ugly trash bags.

    • Story

    Marvel Movie trash with terrible pacing.

    Tell me again , how everything but class balance is going the right way? I'll wait.

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