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Jack Redline.5379

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Everything posted by Jack Redline.5379

  1. yo dawg ever heard of necro?nah me either but this dude makes spirits with spirit urns that have spirits in them powerfull enough to allow him to create spirits so powerfull ppl fall when they are encountered by themin other words this class should be calledThe Destiler the aladdin, summon carpets and genies?I was more thinking in a way of 40 y/o whiskey rum and vodka but yea sure whatever spirit does it for you
  2. yo dawg ever heard of necro?nah me either but this dude makes spirits with spirit urns that have spirits in them powerfull enough to allow him to create spirits so powerfull ppl fall when they are encountered by themin other words this class should be calledThe Destiler
  3. Indeed, I used to play Berserker/Assassin builds. I felt like a football quarterback in the sense that I had an internal clock counting down in my head. Get in, do what I could for 2-3 seconds, then get out before I bit the big one. It was decently fun, and really upped my Thief reflexes, but it didn't kill as easily or quickly as it should have. So I guess the new question is "What Thief build is enough to take down 65% of an enemy's health?" And how long of a time is acceptable for taking 65% of the enemy's health take? That is, where is the balance between sustainability and lethality? And, even more importantly, why not just take another profession that can do more quicker? Isnt it funny xD i have been saying this the whole time on these forums nobody would agree with me and now ppl start figuring out i was right xDYea glass cannon will not make enough of a dull on a non glass thiefAs far as your 65% chip on enemy class goes I have pointed out milion times there are ways of doing it. (Tactical dot when bluri appears)Stop going glass or power stuff and start going condi. Condi builds are able to do dmg to enemies since the condi keeps ticking even if you have to reset. It is maybe dirty play but we are Thieves for a reason.So if you want to become more usefull in mid and more useful on node holding so you dont have to run asap if you see inc Sb or another Thief just pick a build that can withstand that and can hold a pointWe have dmging AoE's working on condi base. DUH Wanna hold point? Do it like everyone does. GET AOE. Other Aoe works on power better our works better on condiI am not going to put numbers here so someone wouldnt start whining it is too much dpsBut i can assure you a condi dps based Thief can drop a watter based weaver if you unload all on him.nothing survives 40 stacks of poisonNOTHING
  4. Just to comment on this I would give you guys a DispenserSo I can run around PvP lobby yelling POOTIS Penser here and it would finally have made sense even in this game :D
  5. Okay I agree on the improvement part. Tell me what's on your mindSince all improvement here seems to be coming with overal nerf i am very unhappy with the suggestion since i am one of those one or two ppl who play them so you certainly understand my discomfort with this suggestion
  6. OBJECTION!!Git GudTraps are perfectly fine
  7. I've aquired a heart attack by reading the first post then I have aquired a brain tumor by reading the rest. why did you do this to me.....
  8. I am gonna be that guy and say there is no more high skill ceiling professions, especially since you don't want to play Thief.I know I am not being helpful but its factual information non the less so I hope it might give you an idea...With how powercrept all stuff is its come to the point that the handicapped professions are for that very reason the ones with high skill ceiling, but as I understand your post, thats not what you're looking for. I am going to be that guy who agrees with him
  10. lul CrabI am from EUI play on EUI still manage to get 49,884 ping just when logging to the PVP lobbyI think you will be just fine xDtrololololololololololololololo
  11. You know what is funny. If a Thief works as a scout and picks out targets that are downed or alone or weak (marks them) That sort of makes him a team leader doesnt it? xD unlocks seat belt as the vehicle leans forward down the salt hill lol-ing
  12. not necessarily a net issue if his net works fine but Gw2 has issues from time to time it might be a problem within the route to the server. which is not always his network issue. you see different worlds run on a different sets of servers lets say Tyria has 3 Magooma has 3 Elona has 3 to run all maps on it with several instances so if one set or instance is overflowed it might have issue with tracking back to user even tho his net might be sending msg properly Now if You'll excuse me I will crawl back to my Nerd cave the sun light is hurting my skin
  13. I want Torchor offhand swordBut torch 10/10
  14. 1 Take a Thief.2 Equip: Heal skill of your choice. Smoke Screen, Ambush a poison of your choice and a Thieves guild3 Get to a point and cap it4 Wait till you see enemy incoming enemies cast Smoke Screen.5 Stealth yourself for 9+ seconds.6 Lay Ambush Trap7 Cast Thieves Guild8 Share poison to your new friends9 Now you are not outnumbered anymore10 ...11 Profit
  15. I said I wont argue leave me alone :P and just to note this power thief builds also dont shine that bright so you could boast buddy I mean, all powerbased thief builds are in top both in ladder and in tournaments so no you are wrongwaves his hand above this madness and leaves into the sunset Adios amigo.
  16. I said I wont argue leave me alone :P and just to note this power thief builds also dont shine that bright so you could boast buddy
  17. Dont forget about the single crazy cancerous d/d Trap DD who is doing just fine in his Gold heaven :3 And yea I simply dont want to argue about the fact it sucks since i know it is good for my purposes only since i am only one playing it in the whole world. So from now on i wont argue about theif at all. My interest was lost due to excesive drinking today and severe sleep deprivation. BUT I promise i will not continue to argue with you ppl since it anyway makes no sense and it is pointless like A CIRCLEExample = OSEE NO EDGEThat is not for meI need to be Edgy. That is my flow guys. YEA.I m gonna go back to PvP to play at my ridiculous 50000k ping (yea i litelarry had that today) hoping i hit anything and if not i will proceede with standardtized procedure such as cursing out loud smashing my table and then having another glass.Evening well spent AYEEEEEE I explicitly said "talking about Staff" to make it clear I am talking only from that specific perspective.I didn't say, nor do I think, that someones specific build is also not working.I myself do not like Condi-Thief, even though I like condi builds, so I don't speak for condi-DD-perspective because I don't play it.;}) its okay i just said it to keeepmy edge bro i kmow you dont like condi thieves. fortunately beside me there isnt rly many more of them
  18. Dont forget about the single crazy cancerous d/d Trap DD who is doing just fine in his Gold heaven :3 And yea I simply dont want to argue about the fact it sucks since i know it is good for my purposes only since i am only one playing it in the whole world. So from now on i wont argue about theif at all. My interest was lost due to excesive drinking today and severe sleep deprivation. BUT I promise i will not continue to argue with you ppl since it anyway makes no sense and it is pointless like A CIRCLEExample = OSEE NO EDGEThat is not for meI need to be Edgy. That is my flow guys. YEA.I m gonna go back to PvP to play at my ridiculous 50000k ping (yea i litelarry had that today) hoping i hit anything and if not i will proceede with standardtized procedure such as cursing out loud smashing my table and then having another glass.Evening well spent AYEEEEEE
  19. I agreed with you up until here. Condi Thief is not a joke. Its Meme. It is Meme. Very very dank Meme so dank there is a very good chance it will work. :P Also the fact that Meta changes has not been questioned here. The problem is ppl believing that playing off meta is stupid. Even you have said Condi Thief is a joke which meams you dont find it effective even tho you said Meta changes :P
  20. Yea that is true but in the moment you get killed or fail once you get salt baths since you are not meta. Also Thief can 1v1 just saying :P xD
  21. .....I think we have lost each other somewhere along the wayI havent took things out of context you have pointed out some things from my first comment of this thread perticulary these: My point of view on what is meta I have specified after that I am talking about the META as a set of builds that are according to communitites view the best set of builds in the current game state(This is what i was always on about I can quote myself here)'' Guys I have figured out what seems to be THE MAJOR issue not only here on forums but also inside of the game itself.An issue which's understanding is is absolutely crucial to the entire complex of the PVP as we know it.EVERYONE THINKS THAT THE META IS THE ONLY RIGHT WAY TO PLAY THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! '' - Me in first comment You have also mentioned what meta gaming is. And i agree with this and I said it is a good point and it is true. I dont know what else needs to be mentioned hereYou have also said that Metagaming leads to creation of Meta builds = a ways that are proven to be effective because they worked durring the proccess of metagamingAnd I have said that I agree with this as well The thing i disagreed with since the very begining is the fact (which is very real not made up) That community is obsessed with following these Meta builds that may be good and all yea I havent denied that. I am disputing the fact that following these Meta builds even tho they may be efficient blindly without questioning the process of developement of the gamestyles and any other aspects that might prove some other build that wasnt mentioned in Meta builds is not good.I realize that meta builds are good Yea sure they are. I said it as well The Meta builds are 100% effective in their area or field You have even proven it in your comment about the d/d ele and rifle engineer.They were effective in dueling on any spot on map because they could outsustin enemy while dealing enough dmg to deal with them That is called 1v1-ing and they were effective in it 100% that is why they became Meta (at least that is why i understood from what you said) And even tho I have noted they are old builds it doesnt undermine the fact you were right and those builds were 100% good in their job and so became Metas Also your view on the effectivenes in a certain area is strange immoyou are using the outputs of each class like = Ele couldnt burst but could have good dmg output while he managed to sustain himself enough the same for Engi.That is not rly a role in gameAll classes can deal dmg and sustain themselves and cap and decap and fight on/off point.You cant meassure the effectiveness of a build by its output. You can only meassure the efficiency of this output. If a warior will burst 400000k crit AD on a Thief but completelly misses him the output the warior actually got from his effort is 0 even tho his possible output ws 400000k crit AD. That is why I am disputing the fact Meta builds are THE BEST since even tho they have 100% effective possible output of their dmg sustain mobility etc the real output is not equal to those numbers.If you manage to slide down 4m golem in PVE within 2 seconds it doesnt mean you will be able to do the same in PvP where you fight a personAnd I am saying that even tho these builds have the best potential they are not as effective since this potential can be applied only if the player using them is1st still alive to use skills2nd not interrupted while using skills so he actually uses them3rd his build doesnt limit him against what he is trying to do Versitile doesnt mean I can cast 15s of protection on me while i deal 5k dmg on hitting Aa. That is only the potential the build may offer to youBut the cost for this is that you must be able to do those 3 things listed above And I also said that Meta builds can only perform well against other Meta builds because the Meta is based around fighting Meta cuz if you can beat the best you are obviously the best. And I said it is not right and that Meta builds perform poorly against non meta builds or as you mentioned anti meta builds. And that is true. My point has since begining been that Meta is not THE ONLY RIGHT WAY to play this game. I have listed why I think so. My reasons were that Meta performs poorly against good non meta builds and that the way -Meta works it carries the player so it depletes him from actualyl gaining game knowledge and skill so it increases possibility of him being qqing here after someone who actually has game knowledge and skill beats him on something non meta. Not to mention when meta changes and they cant adapt till new Meta list comesThose were my points. I wasnt picking out cherries. These are real things and they happen daily. I dont understand what made you angry. But I cant agree with you on the fact that community should accept Meta just beacuse it is good in its specific job. Ppl should be open to tests new builds and everything. I came to the arena today to have fun and test some rifle / lb condi berserker. Everyone immediatelly asked me and ''adviced'' me to go sb since it is Meta. I got so much salt and laugh that i could harvest it all and sell it on market to finally become rich.This mindset is bad and wrong and should change. That is what i say-
  22. That quote was more oriented on the mentality of not accepting or even considering other builds than Meta valid and valid and then being salty about it. But I agree that if knowing how to deal with someone doesnt mean you know how to kill it every time. It might be that you loose even tho you know how to fight a certain class or build. First 2014 and 2015 are so back in time that those builds actually became obsolete and that is why they are not used anymore.Second you just confirmed what I said. The ele and engi. They were good at 1v1 fighting cuz they could outlive their opponents. That is 100% being good at A. Just cuz they could do that on any node doesnt mean that they were versitile ( °-°)Also if thief gave up on dmg to become stealth and revive it wasnt Meta it was just acknowledged build that could be used. Meta build would be the one that is 100% dps or decaper or whatever as it is now. So that stealth revive was off meta build that might be mentioned somewhere sometimes. I think we have different view on what a condi thief is.This is immo condi thief. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAoYVn8lCNmitNB+OB0PhltiybCqxLQLFDgyaO5f+pH-jZxBQBl8IAQxyAY4UAAgHAgB3fAA There is only 2 changes that could be made to it to make it more support which is equiping Bountiful theft and changing to signet of Agility instead of Distracting daggers.That is what a condi thief build looks like imo if you could put in yours i would be greatful.Second. That build can and does anihalate majority of s/d thieves unless i get seriously outplayed and waste my ini by bursting and spamming either out of troll or out of need cuz i am outnumbered by someone from a side.That is why i say s/d is countered by condi thief since i see it a lot in game. (herald and necro is countered by this even more than thief)I would just use this as example to not deviate The main point still is that I want to point out ppl need to stop focusing so hard on THE META and become more inovative and acceptable towards other builds since they might be as well effective they might be good but when ppl see the response to them even trying to be inovative and they fail a few times because trail and error they give up and go to meta discover that it is cozy and easy to paly and it gives results (as i said agains other meta players mainly since Meta focuses on 100% efficiency in A) and then the community becomes dull and salty.
  23. First of all: ''OOF'' This took a lot of time to write and i srsly appreciate it.Secondary: I rly happy you provided the definition since i know now you will understand when I say I was reffering to the set of Meta builds that currently are ''the best'' and thus form the META.I know what meta gaming is and i understand that is how you form the META but the thing I mean by this thread is not that Mind set of preparing yourself for enemy encounter as you said is bad. Meta gaming on its own is actually what I would love in this game since it would require thinking and actually trying to adjust to the enemy setup.The thing i reffer to as bad is THE MINDSET OF META (the set of builds) IS THE BESTAs you've said the meta changes and yea condi is good against it cuz they sacrificed cleanse to be able to face power I agree with this 100%What is the problem is that ppl dont view the meta gaming as imporant. They only care about the best builds = the Meta and abolish anyone trying to meta game = figure out new ways to counter current set of The Meta builds or to come up with something new.THIS IS THE ISSUE NOT THE ONLY WAY TO PLAY THE GAME :P That is what i said If I reffered to it somewhere differently i appologize. And it still proves me right and it is true. The one build that becomes The Meta like for example rn s/d thief is not THE ONLY RIGHT WAY to play Thief. It is probably the best at some area of the game. But it isnt the only way to play you can be lets say 70% effective in one area and 30% effective in other unlike the meta that is 100% effective in just one thing.That is why i said that Meta can effectively only face Meta since they are 100% effective in one matter and so they can 100% face only one issue. Unlike off meta build that can be versitile I am not asserting i am trying to be objective and factual :P Yes I agree with partially.1st being meta = you are 100% effective in some way wich makes my builds not meta since i am not 100% effective in one way it is versitile in more areas and that is why i run it2nd I agree that if it is good it becomes sort of a meta but until it reaches 100% one area focus it wont become meta since it will not be THE BEST in that ONE thing3rd Being good in JUST 1 thing is not good you need to be versitile in the game so you can face more things S/D does deal with condi thieves, too,. NO NO NO NO NO NOs/d thief is actually so hard countered by Condi thief (if it isnt bamboo that just instaled the game) that you have to be srsly good to be able to defeat a condi thief on s/dAND MAIN REASON ISs/d is Core build not DrD so they lack condi cleanse on dodge so they have to equp it it some other wayMost usually is Acrobatics yea that one is nasty to deal with even for condi BUT it still isnt on the level it could deal with condi thiefPorting to condi thief with s2 even if you would like to cleans condi is your dead if he runs Traps or if he runs caltrops or if he runs poison or imparing daggers hek even if he runs scorpion wire if you wont keep your distance you are dead on s/d becauseinhalesCONDI DAREDEVIL IS THE ONE AND ONLY ACTUALLY VALID AND TRUE BRAWLER BUILD FOR THIEF!!!exhale as i said yes and no This is the problem i am trying to amplify hereThe exclusion of other builds is not right and shouldne be done. Reminds me of Elitism in Raids and we all hate that so why having it in PVP A lot of text but yea i agree :D it is true and thx for putting it here Yes I agree unfortunatelly we can only hope that devs will change it. This thread might help a bit but probably wont :D we know how it worksThanks again for your post it was LONG (#that'swhatshesaid :3 ) but it was good and i am greatful thx again
  24. There is always point in beign constructive with anyone since we are all on equal level here we are palyers. You are not any better just cuz you have bigger elo. Second I will find those 4 ppl then it wil take a while but i will let you know if you srsly want it so
  25. by stunning dmg i meant the full counter and the chain it casts after that also causes a stun and it maybe doesnt deal as much dmg but it still can be quite hurtful for classes with low health
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