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Everything posted by Morvran.8265

  1. GW2 is a game. It's meant to be fun and exciting. If those things are out of scope and not worth pursuing because all they do is chase short term profit with a dwindling playerbase then we're doomed.
  2. "Too much effort" - Anet anytime it's not a gemstore request they can outsource
  3. Because it's still relevant? If he makes a new thread people will just tell him there's already this one. There's no winning.
  4. I don't want these writers touching the past. They did enough damage even without time travel.
  5. I don't, please never bring them back. Not a big fan of the new story but at least it's not the Starbucks teen group that was forced on us for 10 years. That's an improvement.
  6. GW2 writing is everything that's wrong with modern entertainment all rolled into one. Writers draw inspiration from sinking ships like Disney. You kind of have to do it for rewards and unlocks but I'd suggest muting dialogue and doing something else while characters are going on and on for minutes at a time.
  7. Whenever Anet reworks an old system they seem to suck the fun out of it.. they removed all the interesting rune effects and refuse to even comment on it.
  8. I have to disagree there. The things you mention aren't content, just minor tweaks. Nobody would care, whereas a new map would bring some attention to the gamemode and give PvP players simething new to do because things have gotten stale.
  9. The game already has way too much visual noise, we don't need more.
  10. Good questions but Anet isn't very communicative, we'll probably learn it on release day. Probably no visual effect at least. While we know nothing about material costs I think it's safe to say that the relic collection achievements will be required, so I'd get to those. Especially the core set, as prices will probably rise.
  11. And then some people still act like GW2 is struggling because it has a gemstore instead of a 15$ monthly sub fee..
  12. People who don't understand GW2's business model think subs are the only real way of making money. The most profitable games on the market today don't have sub fees, usually they are F2P too. There's a lot of money in microtransactions and GW2 is extremely heavily monetized. There are whales dropping hundreds if not thousands of $$ each month on gems alone. It's actually why Anet keeps making less and kess content. Why have 100 devs working 1 year on an expansion for 25$ when you can sell an outsourced plush skin for 20$? Anet only does the bare minimum to keep the whales logging in. If they could keep them around without releasing any content, they would never release another map. In a way the business model is killing the content.
  13. Let me rephrase that. SoD set the bar pretty low, and they only managed this much using cheap tricks. They are running out of things to recycle for the next expansion, and I doubt that they'd add more new content or features than SotO to compensate, which means future expansions won't even match the already barebones SotO. It's not that Anet can't make anything new. But their ability to add new content is clearly diminishing each year, and they are rapidly burning through stuff to recycle to mask this.
  14. A transition into what exactly? The way I see it the next expansion will have even less in it, as they won't be able to recycle as much. Weaponmaster training, relics, easy skyscale, even legendary armor - these were all existing things they repackaged. Next one will have to do something new and I don't think they're capable of that anymore.
  15. Anet WASN'T working in IBS during S4, it's something they cobbled together real quick AFTER the layoffs. Who's the one with the headcanon now? They went with making a saga because they needed to deliver something ASAP after NCSoft made them continue GW2. This flopped so they had to do 2 years of content drought to make an expansion, EoD.
  16. He's referencing a Jessica Price comment, she claimed that Anet was steadily moving people off of GW2 during S4 development and the remaining skeleton crew had to maintain the illusion that the game was still a priority. Also it was supposed to be the end of GW2. Considering how S4 ended and the fact that Anet wasn't working on an expansion at all despite 2 years passing since PoF, and the fact that NCSoft laid off 30% of the company and shut down the side projects not long after, her claims make perfect sense and we have no reason to doubt them.
  17. I think an ingame DPS meter would be a great addition to the game. One of the biggest problems of GW2 when it comes to endgame content is how good players do 10 times the damage of bad players, and bad players don't even realize how little they are contributing. If Anet makes the game harder like in HoT people will just complain because they are suddenly stuck. However if ingame DPS meters were a thing everyone could get a harmless reality check. Maybe it'd motivate people to seek out resources and see how much they could improve, which could pave their way into harder content later on. It'd be a net benefit for the game. I guess some could say it'd also lead to gatekeeping, but 3rd party addons already exist, this would just make it accessible for the average person and maybe in time help them to catch up to others.
  18. Imagine getting mad at customers for asking for more info about upcoming content.. How dare they! Should just consoom and be grateful in silence! /s
  19. When did GW2 become Hello Kitty Online? This is so sad.
  20. It's really sad how many people are defending terrible business practices that are harmful to the game and the community. This is why we can't have nice things and the game will continue to decline. Because you put up with everything and attack those who have standards. Community shrinks, new content slowly disappears, but at least the whales can tell each other how great everything is once the sane people have quit.
  21. At least you had to play the game for that, and if you're not an active WvW player then doing the HPs directly is much faster. I think that's fine. Do you really not understand why selling more and more ingame progression and content skips in the store is bad for the game?
  22. No, buying legendaries is just a gold sink. You don't skip content by buying one but I agree that isn't great for the game's integrity either. Buying raids with gem to gold conversion is P2W too, but at least you had to be there and players actually did the content. There's also the silver lining that some good players got rewarded for their skill which creates incentive for others to get good at the game too. Hero Point auto completion is worse on principle.
  23. This might be the first real content skip sold for money. Some HPs actually are challenging and require more than just pressing F. Now if you have the money you can autocomplete these without having to do them. This sets a very dangerous precedent and promotes spending money over learning how to play the game. Which is clear P2W mindset.
  24. Sounds like WoW would be a better fit for you, where they raise the level cap every 2 years and you can solo old content. Most of us play GW2 to escape that. Anet promised us evergreen content but powercreep is ruining that.
  25. They've already tried this before, and people started throwing games on purpose after a certain rating so they could keep playing with friends. What I'd like to see is Anet disableing duoQ for the last 2 weeks of a season. That way you can still play with friends for fun for the most part, but wouldn't be able to abuse duoQ to the top because the last 2 weeks could undo your work if you can't do well solo. This would keep duoQ around as a fun option instead of a tryhard option.
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