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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. True but what else do we have outside our personal bias. I don't think anyone posts PvP statistics.
  2. Hmm you know what I looked I guess Virtuoso has fallen out of favor in sPvP at least. Tier List - MetaBattle Guild Wars 2 Builds Seems Chronomancer is the way to go in PvP, although I see don't see it played nearly as much as Virtuoso. I guess it's more difficult to play. PS: Lol at Soulbeast being the best Fractal Elite. Probably one of the worst things you can bring into a Fractal, especially a PUG.
  3. It was only one trait, and it was directly after the launch of EoD. It was already very strong before that. Power in particular has had zero changes, just PvP buffs.
  4. Ahhaha true, I tend to get the most. King of confusion. To some extent, Im right. I called Virtuoso being very good in PvE right back at EoDs Launch, that warrented me alot of confused faces to. The way I see it the only Mesmers that are worth playing in PvP are Dueling Virtuoso and a bunker style Chronomancer. Whether they are dominating, I don't know. In the top 250 I know a few who just play Virtuoso, someone called Kyra almost always does. Its a bit like Reaper, I know players who just use that and never change. I think even with the return of the second dodge Mirage is far behind its hard to say whether it will be better than Virtuoso.
  5. No I don't but plenty of other Rangers do.
  6. The only real downside to Mirage in general is maintaining high DPS when you are under alot of pressure. Much like the other light armor classes your damage realises on you not being focused or attacked (you need all 3 clones). When I compare my two mains, one being Ranger and other being Mesmer. My Ranger can fight alot better under pressure. Mesmer in particular in my opinion doesn't benefit much from spreading itself to thing with Celestials stats. I personally would just use pure Vipers with Choas runes on Mirage with cheap lifesteal food.
  7. Virtuoso is amazing in sPvP, I mean Dueling it is a nightmare for any Ranger at the moment. I can fair better on my Untamed but is mostly rely on Condition damage and high vitality.
  8. Love it, Specter is one of the classes I want to play around with next. Right now I'm mostly using Revenant but I want to return the Meduim armor classes since I have Legendary armor for them.
  9. I never said you couldn't be a full healer especially in Raids/Strikes, but I don't think there needs to be ban on partial healers especially for stuff like fractals CMs where DPS checks are a bit more important. Anyone that can contribute something other than just DPS should be valued more highly than those who don't.
  10. I bit of both columns, for this truly to become a Meta we need both good DPS healing gear and also trait reworks. I feel like it's a bit of DnD approach, which is let Healers play the game aswell. Sort of original goal of Guilds Wars 2.
  11. I mean he was the primary healer so anyone else would have just been a backup. Honestly one of the other reasons to run Inspiration in fractals is you get access to feedback via a trait.
  12. Yeah I can agree with this. The same could be said for an Untamed who slots in Spirit of Nature. Same DPS but now you have an aoe resurrection. Honestly it's more I see a future where you literally run no healer and just tones are people who can resurrect downed players right away or in the case of Vindicator or Virtuoso keep everyone topped up.
  13. Hmm true but you could always have main Healers on off-Healers. I don't thing that should be to hard to work out. Vindicators who just want to heal are a bit silly but from what I played you can easily doing amazing DPS and at a moments notice switch to burst heals.
  14. I agree which is why I don't think a dedicated healer needs to exist in most content rather you can just hybridise everything. I mean the most common issue in Raids in having enough support in subgroups or when people die. If everyone is gearing towards contributing something to team, including heals it's not so rough. DPS issues will go away aswell since you won't have people with 3k dps or lower who play pure Healers.
  15. There little context on what Healer/DPS were in your party. Most of time I see Scourge take this role in fractals. Exactly so for a 5 man, two people run Quickness/Alacrity DPS while the third does Heal DPS. Right now we have normally a Quickness/Alacrity Healer with under 3k DPS. I don't see why everyone can't just be pushing 10k+.
  16. I mean is that pretty much exactly the same with Virtuoso. You don't change really anything about how you play and instead slot in Inspiration. I'm farely certain you could extend this to Vindicator but with its grandmaster on dodge trait and Salvation (Centaur) Traitline. Im not well versed on Elementalist but I'm certain all Elites can atleast attempt to support heal throughout their rotation. Ultimately we already have Support DPS so I don't see why we can't have Heal DPS.
  17. I would have liked flip skills for each weapon but honestly that would probably be to op. Ambushs are the next best thing I guess.
  18. Honestly the best answer is you just use everything. I personally use Untamed for Dueling or small Zerg clashes. You don't really need mobility when you can teleport it and just root everyone in place. Even chasing is a breeze with both teleports (pet one). Druid is for full Zerg clashes and I follow a similar principle to Untamed. Charge in to put down tones of AoE, use Glyph of the Stars to prevent my own death then Ancestral grace away. Soulbeast is just my infamous duel Longbow build for siting on walls or plinking Zergs who don't want to break up and instead just stack.
  19. Pretty much agree, putting simple Ambush cooldown or even delay would probably fix everything. Right now both Virtuoso and Chronomancer can dominate in PvP so I don't see why they cant unnerf Mirage.
  20. This is exactly why they should have a queing system. If properly implemented it would remove the entire need to pay guilds for Raids. You could just find a random party to do it. Its honestly not that hard to so I don't see the need to pay.
  21. Honestly they have no way of checking or finding out unless you macro a whole string of actions.
  22. There has been alot of asks especially with Vindicator to let players play exclusively a healer in instanced content. Why not open the flood gates for a Support DPS that just heals. Good candidates are: Virtuoso: The addition of the Inspiration traitline they can provide 5k HPS. Vindicator: Plenty of burst healing with a nice self boon which can boost outgoing healing, will synergies really well with certain runes/sigils. Untamed: Even without traited spirits, FF can reset many different abilies that can be used for resurrecting people. Tempest: Water overload with full dps gear and traits could be used to heal a party. Scourge: Barrier and amazing resurrection pull (often played in Fractals as primary healer.)
  23. Just wait I'm willing to bet we see Healer/DPS hybrid soon.
  24. Again same problem, when we had this before. When Raid group was formed you ended up with the same banner Warrior everytime. I don't think it's fair that a Warrior has to play a particular way due to unique buff the provide. If classes overlap to much there might be a best in slot for a particular role but I have never seen a group ask for a particular type of class for a role (except HB but mostly for fractals). Unless you are speed running most of the time people priorities buffs rather than build/classes. The one exception is healing (like HB) but I believe very soon we will have hybrid Healers like Vindicator and Virtuoso being a staples in groups. People are already asking for it so I don't see why it won't be mandatory to have a DPS/Healer hybrid. Most of the other things you said I agree with.
  25. Amazing breakdown and I completely agree. I currently use a Carrion Condition Untamed. Although I don't have amazing mobility I can really punish players in team fights and can literally peel people off larger groups while they chase me thinking I'm super squishy. It works wonders where Im sometimes able to trade kills in a losing teamfight only because I sneakily kill someone while I run away. My only tip is that you need to play incredibly selfish. Only doing exactly what you are designed for and not let's say waiting to cap a point, better of leaving it decaped.
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