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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. I will say that and Spellbreaker are pretty kitten at the moment. It's so hard to deal with, with anything other than another one of the same class. Both Elites can really shut down any playstyle you are going for. It's hard to counter play a counter to projectile reflects or tones of CC.
  2. Yeah honestly I agree, I only but'd back in since people are claiming its used in end game. No one uses Untamed so it does need a buff and if Fervent Force is preventing that then it has to be nerfed. I think you seriously looks at the self stun thing. It's a bit broken that a stun can trigger its own cooldown reduction with FF.
  3. Out of all my raiding/fractals/strikes I have never seen anyone use it as a support or anything other than pure damage with worse dps than Soulbeast. Its so hard to play, no one plays it. Honestly though I agree with lowering the cooldown reduction to 3 seconds and the self stun thing I bring up alot. Then just buff the rest of the kit.
  4. True but barely anyone uses them like that. I mean I sure do, which i know is ironic but I'm thinking of the little people. Mounts don't really prevent it anyway since a dueler can also ride them and dismount you. Its honestly only helps prevent one shotting from something like the stealth Engineer or Thief. I don't think anyone would class that as Roaming, would they?
  5. I mostly mean catching up to a Zerg, the mount levels the playing field a little. I mean sure people can still gank or duel but at least if you don't want to you have some means of escape.
  6. Honestly I'm glad it died, nothing is worse than running back to your Zerg only to have some teleporting theif one shot you and run away when anyone tries to help. Now at least there is option of redemption or atleast the ability for someone to help you. No one should be punished for not play a roaming class when riding solo.
  7. Honestly what is Meta normally gets hard countered, just play whatever you want and get good at it.
  8. It's so broken that no one even plays it -_-. I mean come on a year in and its almost nonexistent in end game content. At this point any nerf would probably ruin the class if they don't make viable in another way (which I believe is Anets plan). Like I said have Fervent Force is not the problem, the way its triggered is. The ability for Stuns to trigger its own cooldown is broken. Path of Scars is the other issue skill, slight cooldown increase would help. Then just buff everything else in PvE.
  9. Lol I just realized I have played with you a few times. Hmm I guess if there is 2-3 plat games every 15 minutes then there is a good chance for match manipulation. Honestly, I have just never seen it. Not one of last 200 games has anyone just afk'd in the base for win trading.
  10. I think you are confusing pure condition damage elites with hybrid ones. If you look at arc most if not all Condition damage builds only get up to about 70% conditions damage and the best ones are even less due to being hybrids. The best Snowcrows builds are all hybrid ones so the mix is where all the damage is at. There are some exceptions but most of the time it's not pure Condition damage and Expertise. Perfect example is Virtuoso which does have some of the leading Condition damage percentages but requires Precision so that's your trinity stat set up there.
  11. I don't know what anyone is talking about. Win trading is a very small part of the community (like one discord group) I solo que and have gotten into Platinum a few times, in the US that means the top 200 players. Honest you need to play alot to even get close, so most of the time I sit in gold 3. I also play the most off meta build out there, Condition Untamed. When anyone want to argue with me, I just say I'm gold 3 and they basically shut up. I mean they can try and say I'm playing bad or have the wrong build but my rank proves it works. PS: I'm having a break for the rest of a season, untill Warrior is fixed.
  12. There are barely any one in Platinum so if your low Gold is the bar you need for it to be op it definitely reached it. Most Platinum players que with the Gold players so they would have seen them being abused and dominating the rest of the team. EU might be different but there are not even 250 Platinum ranked players in the US, some might be on that level but they don't play enough to be placed.
  13. Yeah that is all they need to do, give it atleast more damage than Elixer gun auto
  14. You do realize there was very little counter to the rifle spam. You could hide but due to auto fire nature and the multiple ways to access super speed it was useless. Literly the entire meta shifted to favor Elementalist (still is) due to fact they could provide a reflection aura rendering rifle spam useless. Only one elite has access to this, not very healthy for the game to just have 2 classes played in high level PvP. Hence the nerf.
  15. Remember that this game is meant to be enjoying by all players and how they nerf or buff Mesmer doesn't really mater outside of the Mesmer forum. Most other players looking in still think Mesmer is OP, even in PvE Virtuoso/Mirage still gets lots of complaints for being to easy to play.
  16. Chronomancer is bad one since right from the start the boons it provided meant it was going to be OP. After the nerf and then the reintroduction of those boons on other classes meant Chronomancer was left behind, well until recently. Now Chronomancer is an amazing duel investment elite that means one gear set can be used to boon support two ways. Virtuoso is just silly now, it now meta for PvE and does have its place as the defacto replacement for Mirage. It has more power damage, more sustain, more survivability. The only thing it lacks is mobility. Although its not great in PvP is utterly stomps at PvE. All the crying was pointless much like it was back at launch when people labeled it a selfish elite and wanted it changed. Mesmer right now is a one class fits all. Jack of all trades master of none essentially.
  17. The whole Devs talking in Discord thing? It's really only Mirage that has suffered anything close to malice.
  18. They have like 2 big CCs with Hammer, if they miss those the class is pretty weak. All the CCs require a target, so just don't be there when they CC someone, then come in after to one shot them. Warriors' biggest enemy is.... 2 players.
  19. Chronomancer and Virtuoso are very strong at the moment but for very different reasons. Chronomancer has one of the best opening rotations for a Zerg in WvW. Virtuoso is just very tanky which can throw you off when you are dueling them but just like Specter their damage is very weak. PS: Mirage is weakest Elite at the moment
  20. Trying to say anything like "Mesmer is OP" on the Mesmer Forums and you get laughed at. Honestly, it's just Distortion that seems to be problem for you. The best way to fight classes with lots of mobility and defensive abilities is to just to sustain them and wait. You can tell when you can one shot a Mesmer since your sustain (normally ranged attacks) start dropping its health a lot. That is when you burst them, don't mindlessly attack something watch their animations and behavior. If they start fleeing that is when they have run out of distortion like abilities.
  21. It does seem like a patch is on its way so let's hope it includes some Mirage buffs.
  22. Isn't that the majority of the people who Roam in WvW. I mean the only thing that makes an Elite a Roamer is mobility. Mirage has a Teleport as an Ultimate skill so of course its great at Farming noobs in the WvW. Same reason why Soulbeast is an amazing Roamer but Untamed is a better at sPvP. I mean I watch endless dueling WvW videos and most of the fight is them leaving and coming back.
  23. Yeah, one trait a month after launch that is what I said. Originally, I played it Power but really liked the bleed healing even before the buff.
  24. For PvP there kind of is, I mean EU and USA are very different in Conquest.
  25. @Veprovina.4876Okay...... All I mean is we don't have any good PvP stats. The best is probably MetaBattle ratings. I imagine the reason why Mirage is so high is because of Clones/Phantasm rather than Ambushing/Dodging. Stacking clones on a player, shuffle them, stealth and leave if things go bad. You underestimate a strong Zerg push, right now Druid has one of the best Ultimate's only because it can be placed on a small group to keep them alive even when you go down. Same principle behind Gravity, it can take people out of a fight long enough to wipe an entire Zerg and you can cast it twice.
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