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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. Not really, if you win 50% of the time (which is most players) you will net roughly 5-7 Pips per game on average. Only 100 player have access to the extra 2 from platinum and 10 people at any given time who get will get the extra 4 from Legendary. The player base is missing out of 25% extra Pips and getting to Platinum is unobtainable for most people, even I can only maintain upper gold 3 and that is the top 250 players. That means me being in top 250 players in the entire US, I'm getting the same reward as a bronze player. There is almost no point in me playing this high since it would get more from smurfing with a new account. That or purposefully de-ranking myself. If you want to know how hard I have it, I play from NZ so I'm almost always over 100ms ping.
  2. Low Intensity......... 15% damage increase means nothing on a LI build. I'm looking for a build with the least amount of button presses, with Restorative Strikes you would almost never need to heal. You can also use heals like "We Heal As One!" for boon application and not worry about your health. Also I would not use LI builds for Solo.
  3. To counter the other post made removing the rewards I think they should do the opposite and make it more rewarding. Rather than just having a Daily tied to PvP how about a weekly (like they did before). Conquest My First I suggestion is to remove Bronze and bump everyone up a rank since the extra Pips from Platinum and Legendary go to about 100 players total. The automated tournaments are good but need to provide Tournament Voucher not just First and Second. Five for 5th - 8th place, Two for 9th-16th place and One for 17th - 32th, even add them to Daily Tournaments for first and second place.
  4. The straight 25% Power damage increase while Unleashed pared with Restorative Strikes provide the perfect Trait recipe for a very good LI Build. Everyone weapon has good Power auto-attack options so really anything can be used and practices with these two traits. Sure your not pulling Soulbeast or even Fervent Force Untamed numbers but LI Builds normally are about tagging mobs and not doing the bulk of the damage. The best Combo has to be Axe 1 since it can bounce between targets and can be used for both Power and Condition damage (good with Celestials). You can bring this build to any Meta event and be able to help while using your entire utility bar for something else. For example, Spirit of Nature, "Search and Rescue" and "Protect Me".
  5. Honestly the gold per hour for Real AFK is pretty bad. If someone wants the best tip for AFK farming (well you are not afk). Its to just bind a macro and follow a Boss or Meta event around. It will net you way more gold per hour. There are couple of maps that will have NPC's that can resurrect you like in Bitterfrost so you can just not really play an entire meta and Teleport to collect the chests.
  6. They really just need to fix Mounting/Ziplining and anything else that kicks you out of some altered state. Either completely remove any cooldown from the state change or leave the spirit/merge active.
  7. "The same goes for alac on spirits--good in instanced PvE, bad everywhere else as they die too fast for the meager passives you get." We did start this primary talking about PvE, the mounting problem i outlines really onlu impacts you there. If we did want to talk about PvP then Spirits are bit useless outside I guess the ultimate skill. I mean most Druids can use the Glyphs in PvP which are infinitely better (Glyphs are just bad in PvE). For PvP you want to react to a situation so Spirits make no sense but maybe they a health buff could help, who knows.
  8. Virtuoso is amazing in the right hands. There is nothing quite like doing a Raid and being able to preform your full DPS rotation on any Ads as well as the Boss. Virtuoso has crazy synergy with Inspiration since it can also lower the cooldown of the Focus providing a much needed support alternative to the selfish DPS. Over all its great in most instanced content.
  9. How about Spirits are like Turrets, were you can pick them for a reduced cooldown. Along with this mounting triggers this pick-up ability aswell. The active ability should be instance cast but have a longer delay or maybe just leave it the same.
  10. We already have a few ways to get 25 might on any PvE build. I do like the idea that the pet gets a unique buff if it is Unleashed, unlike now where it gets nothing I believe.
  11. Mounting is objectively worse than the teleport from the active spirit skill, especially for the Spirit of Nature. Healing Spirits as a Druid again is objectively better than if it didn't exist becouse it can help get back Celestial Avatar. Spirits only get healed after a player so any excess healing goes into the spirits after the player is topped up. Again the mean reason they are bad outside instanced content is that you need to cast to spawn them, then cast to provide Alacrity. Most of the time in the open world you would have killed what ever you are fighting by then.
  12. You know you can heal your spirits, a better complaint is that mounting destroys them which it should not.
  13. The only skill that negatively interacts with Fervent Force is Path of Scars. If they just increased its cooldown or even better replace the 20% cooldown reduction Trait then the playstyle would be much healthier. Most of the utility skills that can trigger Fervent Force reliably come from a Trap, Cantrap and Spirit. These are somewhat passive playstyles so it already is very hard to get this to work correctly. Hammer is the best weapon but it only serves to reset Utilities so more survivability. Again the problem weapon is offhand Axe.
  14. Along with the 3% damage a 3% cooldown reduction much like alacrity. This Trait was already super reliant on keeping you pet alive and attacking enough to provide this buff, so boons like Quickness Zephyr and "Sic Em" can really help(pet speed buff). This simple change would allow this trait to be used for a few other weapons like Greatsword and Longbow that don't have good stuns to fuel Fervent Force.
  15. They definitely need a PvE only buff, it would be cool if it was cooldown reduction instead of 3% damage increase. It is very hard to preform the rotation in time with the 1 interval second cooldown for the Trait. This is why I love Fervent Force, it is engine of any build I make and the stuns are the fuel. Celestial Untamed Axe/Axe is amazing and if played correctly you can get very good DPS 20k+. Sometimes I'm the only one to survive in a PvE bounty train or Meta event when the numbers are lacking.
  16. True but at the very least they could just not include them. Weaver duel skills on Hammer could just not be there and instead just add something minor, maybe a small boon. In terms of ambushes, that would be tricky but they implemented the old ambush system very fast for Untamed and again they could just not include it and offer a small buff to the primary attack when used with ambush.
  17. Hmm it is an interesting Elite Specialisation in PvE. Rather than managing clones and your own rotation, you manage the battlefield with well placed pulls + bladesongs. Restocking blades is very straight forward but it is what you do in relation to enemies is the goal. Power Virtuoso is even more this way since you can't rely on the Bleed to keep you alive so you need to let's say F5 into signet of Illusions then F5 again. Applying aegis at the correct time while also outputing damage when the enemy is exposed.
  18. Virtuoso's damage doesn't need a nerf, I'm easily able to get the same or better number on Mirage mostly due to the more consistent playstyle. Virtuoso for the most part is fine and probably won't see any number changes except maybe catching a general nerf like all conditions have 10% less damage.
  19. @Waffles.5632amazing breakdown and universal agree with everything you said. I will just emphasis the baiting. This is how high level pvp works with all light armor classes, you bait let's say a Necromancer Lich form only to line of sight them. This is why it is so important to duo que with Mesmers.
  20. This is exactly why it is hard to post anything positive since once upon a time Mesmer was better that its current state. We need to all stop reflecting on the class of the past and just look at the here and now. Mesmer was once the Meta sPvP pick, now it isn't. It doesn't mean it cant work with the right team composition to capitalise on Mesmer's high burst damage. The funny thing now is Mesmer is now a Meta pick for WvW so @Salt Mode.3780 you should be happy about that. It is also mostly core utilities so you can almost run any Mesmer Elite.
  21. I think it is more discovered the inherit weakness to Power builds on Ranger. Most the high damage skills especially for Soulbeast which relies on setup skills are very hard to land and can be easily interrupted. Your best bet is to use a Hybrid or even better full Vipers Condition damage. The reality is Ranger is just not very good at any instanced content in general. Sure you can play, sure you can get good DPS especially is a short window but the reality is the skill ceiling is very low. This is exactly why I switched to Mesmer for Instanced stuff, even Virtuoso arguably even easier but when played well is amazing for Raids and Strikes. You can quickly tag and perform a full rotation on the Boss + Ads without dropping any DPS.
  22. Yeah hence my suggestion around duo queing since you can have something like a Willbender exhaust all their dodges first. When a Mesmer works though there is almost no counter play much like thief.
  23. I mean like I said the turrets do need to be recast unlike Necromancer minions so as long as he does then Arena Net can do nothing. I mean anything less than removing minions from the game there is really nothing anyone can do to stop this. Even if they got a copper per hour, with enough people farming it will add up.
  24. He has to click the turret skill himself this by definition makes him not AFK (which is why he uses Engineer as appose to Necromancer). The YouTube name is a bit of a troll and even in the video he states that the Necro players are truly AFK.
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