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Posts posted by Lucy.3728

  1. 1 hour ago, ChildofEmbers.7329 said:

    I don't mind crafting being more expensive

    I do mind that. Make the entire crafting system useless to me.

    Almost everything is cheaper to buy from the tp than to craft it. I'd like to craft my own food and stuff but not when it is cheaper to just buy it.

    The only reason to level crafting are the items that are locked behind it, that aren't buyable.

    Some items are still profitable to craft, but only with effort or waiting times. Often things are dependent on other items that are cheaper in TP than if you also craft them. But you have to be patient to acquire the necessary quantities at a price that is still worthwhile.

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  2. 11 min waiting time today.

    When this cannot be changed/reduced, then maybe, like waiting in the queue of a full wvw map, there can be a sound that I can hear even when the gw client is in the background? So I could do other things. Anything else but starring at the wall.

    The meta feels like this to me: 2 min preparation, 2 min beating the Chak black and blue, maybe 2 min helping another lane, 15 min waiting for the end.

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  3. 4 hours ago, jonesy.1470 said:

    most of you guys will be playing with the 2 most important setting(model limit, model quality) to increase performance down to low. 

    Wow how true.

    But I don't do that because of performance but because I want to see less ppl spam my jumping puzzle or wvw zerg. And because I don't want to get distracted by other ppl's blinky-blink flashy-flash styles (for same reason I deactivated their visual casting/skill effects). And I deactivated post-processing because of the look (game looks better).

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  4. On 12/21/2023 at 3:31 PM, kharmin.7683 said:

    I deleted quite a few early on, not knowing about birthday gifts.  Whoops.

    And you remember that?

    Two years ago I sorted and organized my screenshots and my oldest screenshot is from 26.08.2012 and shows my login (see) and there are two chars that I don't know at all. I also don't remember creating them and I don't have them (anymore). xD
    It's just been too long and was probably too unimportant.
    If I hadn't seen the screenshot, I wouldn't have known that I'd deleted chars of mine before. I actually avoid doing that. I'd rather create a new slot than delete an old one.


  5. 3 hours ago, Panda.1967 said:

    Mirage has more clone micromanagement than Chrono does. Mirage actually cares about the clones’ auto attacks for their Ambush skill, so Mirage has to balance when to and when not to shatter thus being mindful of when they may waste a clone generation.

    What for do you shatter your clones as mirage?
    My closes are meat to use the ambush skill, so they remain. They aren't meant to be shattered. I could shatter them because of the rather fast generation. But then again often mobs take care of them anyway. And if the mobs are on them I'm happy they aren't on me.

    I don't care about wasting clone generation. Playing casual is no efficiency competition. I care about easy and not dying,

    • Like 1
  6. Wintersday and Dragon Bash are my favourite festivals.

    As for rewards/pay off it'd be Halloween. Probably.
    I never compared directly since I'm not much after gold, I'm after enjoyment.

    From the enjoyment it is Wintersday. I like its mini games/instances. Destroying structures is still fun to me. At least with the hammer.

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  7. 6 hours ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

    20 odd years ago games had no wiki and had maybe a couple paragraphs in way of guidance in a manual and players coped perfectly fine, veterans included.

    God mode (cheat)

    That's how I did all of Unreal Tournament.

    Which was a bit over 20 years ago.

    6 hours ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

    Its not just games, ask someone in there mid twenties or earlier how often they read a book for pleasure, the answer is scary.

    I'm towards 50 and my answer would probably be the same as your mid twenties.

    Give me the movie, spare me the book. Novel don't excite me, they bore me. Too much blah, blah wasted on description. I want to get to the point.

    6 hours ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

    not conducive to good problem solving

    You learn problem solving through problem solving.

    I know where the button is on a PC tower, and that makes me a PC specialist for many in my age range and above. I have learned to solve problems through confrontation. Which used to mean trial and error and learning by mistakes. Nowadays I use Google, YT and forums. Over the years, you accumulate a lot of knowledge. Many problems come up again and again.

    But if someone comes to me with their cell phone and wants a solution. I'm better off asking my mother.

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  8. On 12/21/2023 at 2:59 PM, Kandrax.1504 said:

    but when the whole map is designed around obscure pixel-perfect jumps, near invisible holes or tiny cracks

    I often have problems recognizing things in the texture like edges (which my character then runs along and falls off until I've figured it out and reacted), gaps (and bye-bye), humps I get stuck on. It's also rarely possible for me to gauge whether I can walk on the slope or whether I'm about to fall off.

    I use pathing in Blish HUD (Tekkit and also the old ReActive because it's sometimes more generous with mistakes), I used to have Taco separately, but Blish Hud just has so many nice things in it.

    It puts a path over the map that I can follow.

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  9. On 11/3/2023 at 6:49 PM, Panda.1967 said:

    Virtuoso and Mirage are the meta picks for Mesmer but they are NOT the most casual friendly. Both specs may be somewhat easy to learn, but they both require you to be very precise on timings and are unforgiving when you make mistakes. Chronomancer on the otherhand is not only easy to learn, but easy to play,  and very forgiving of mistakes… the reason no one has suggested Chronomancer to you is because it is not the meta pick.

    Why shouldn't Chrono be meta?

    Chrono was always too much hassle for my taste. Too much micro managing.  Bothering with time split. And the clones, all the time.

    While mirage, which I started about 2-3 months ago, is casual. Right my taste. I give a kitten about timing and rotas and as Chrono that often had a bad outcome for me (downstate ahoy), while it is chillier as mirage.

    Didn't try virtuoso but then again mesmer isn't any of my preferred classes but when I play it I want it easy. Easy like minion master for necro at best.
    No more chrono tyvm. (I specced Chrono when it was meta, like 3 years ago)

  10. The wintersday events give you gold if you're in dire need. Do the dailys and sell the gifts that are not account bound. Otherwise there is nothing special, unless you are after the new skins you get from the festival weekly chest. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sacred_Solstice_Chest

    I played through PoF story recently, as mesmer. Mirrage specced. Actually for the previous halloween event I made this mesmer: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Mirage_-_Tag_Mirage for tagging in the labyrinth. I liked the game play and stuck to it in open world. The staff mirrage is almost the same: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Mirage_-_Condi_Mirage but I prefer GS over staff.

    You can also stick to berserker if you can handle yourself well enough. Chrono is more difficult to play. HoT has quite a steep damage curve. Annoying mobs.

    Gliding is a must. Since you need to level HoT masteries you can play the story anyway and your mounts don't matter there. You can't use them.
    The raptor is fine enough for the open maps there. Important is that you learn to use the updrafts and everything you can get from the gliding mastery incl. ley line riding.

    If you want to push your mounts, then level the raptor until he can do that large jump. The rest you can ignore. If you've no skyscale, then no other mount but the raptor is awesome to have in HoT.

    If you like to play story and that chronological, then, sadly, you must invest in the seasons too, if you didn't buy a complete edition. The stories continue in the seasons which play inbetween the expansions.
    HoT metas, after verdant brink, are still well visited. You can level masteries in the metas quite well.

    PoF metas are not that popular, if at all. If you play PoF and level your mounts, level to 3 and switch to the next mount for leveling.

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  11. On 12/21/2023 at 12:08 PM, Player.2475 said:

    Now, you can only use it once before being stuck behind a 5+ second cooldown

    And as rev you usually don't get to use it a second time because either you've no energy left or you already switched legends.

    The person who decided to get that skill crippled has no clue about rev and wvw.

  12. On 12/21/2023 at 12:08 PM, Player.2475 said:

    Before you'd have to blow your entire energy on using Banish enchantment 2-3 times

    Usually my first attempt got evaded and the second worked. With the old skill mechanic it meant I could at least strip once. For rather squishy targets it was valuable.

    Now I get the usual evade or block and it's just a waste of time.

    And the worst thing about rev, you cant replace a useless skill because rev has only as many skills as slots -.-

  13. 17 hours ago, Neferpitouh.4356 said:

    You can open chests on all lanes, kill TM, do hero points for extra loot, buy token with chak egg instead of waiting.

    1) not enough of the vials to open many chests

    2) i cant see hidden mobs like the tm, also i dont care about that shroom, zero; also not enough mobility and not enough explored

    When I was doing that meta with my main account, like 3-4 years ago, I was hopping to Grothmar Vally and doing the Shrine Meta there to fill the time with something. Sometimes I didn't get back on my old map though and would miss the EXP reward.
    So, no more hopping either.


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  14. 10 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    It's still better than going through that horrendous UI just to get rid of the red mark.

    At least the red mark is just sitting there patiently waiting and not actively begging for my attention.

    And the AA UI has less clicking than the chest spam... open one and 3 new wiggling chests appear because the first one filled the reward track further...

    • Confused 3
  15. On 10/15/2023 at 9:36 AM, Fueki.4753 said:

    They should turn the daily and weekly rewards into wiggling right-clickable chests above the minimap, so we can avoid that horrendous UI of the Wizard's Toilet.

    Pls not more wiggling chests. I play wvw and have more than I want already, have mercy, the wiggling and the followed spam clicking annoys me as it is.

    I want less wiggling chests. I want wiggling chests to not appear at all. Can go all in my inventory.

    I rather use the astral acclaim ui than have anything wiggling in my view.

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  16. 23 hours ago, starlinvf.1358 said:

    getting mad at Anet protecting players from themselves after being told they need to protect players from themselves. 

    Priory Backplate - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Priory_Backplate

    An item for a collection. It has no use otherwise. Cannot be consumed, cannot be sold. Only kept for no use or get destroyed.

    When trying to destroy:  https://i.postimg.cc/14hmSpc0/Gw2-64-2023-12-19-16-16-13-091.jpg

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