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Posts posted by Lucy.3728

  1. Most jumping puzzle have this no gliding debuff, but when it is suddenly disabled in wvw you aren't told in game.

    I thought it's me and was about to reboot my pc but luckily I asked in map chat before... after I died twice, from falling.

    Can't this glider crash bug be fixed without gliding disabled? We've has this crash bug for like a week or longer and adjusted.
    Or just disable the offending gliderskin that causes it.

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  2. 3 hours ago, Farohna.6247 said:

    OP what are you farming them for?  It seems like a lot of work for...nothing. 

    I'm not farming. Anything. At all.

    I'm playing the game and those things pop up in the inventory. Most likely when doing the meta.

    I just wanted to collect all the shard in one character and try the gizmo, because it is there.

    But not like that, because as you said, farming them would be useless work for nothing but curiosity. Not worth a hassle.

    The question remains: why are they soulbound? Not why I want them.

    • Like 1
  3. 23 hours ago, asket.5674 said:

    Yeah its absolutely worth it, and the collection is not that grindy, it took me, a working dad, a week of playing daily ~1-2hours. Wait until you discover legendary trinket collections..

    And it took me, a working not-parent, 6 weeks of playing daily and almost quitting the game.

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  4. How about a popup of the content of choice? Like you can choose between WvW, PvE, PvP - another choice could be Core, HoT, PoF, EoD, SotO.

    But I predict even more scattered dailies then, more complains because of that and even less help for newbies.

    (As for me, I'm pleased with my permanent wvw choice; the old daily system made me play more pve but that's over - that's surely a loss for pve participation/activity for daily events)

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  5. Hello,

    playing through the game with my latest account and I notice that my chars, that played through PoF, have Slivers of Vlast in their inventory but they are soulbound.

    It makes no sense to me.
    It's still just 1 account.

    I would have liked to combine the splitters scattered across several characters. All in the inventory of one character.  But in the end I threw them away at the merchant because I'm not going to start "farming" shards with 1 character.

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  6. 11 hours ago, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

    it would be better to just take a few assassin's pieces (possibly just the amulet?) than bothering with changing all your runes for wvw, this way you can just double-click an item from your safe bag to swap between pve and wvw loadouts without losing optimal build quality in either of them.

    That's a good idea, but I'm stingy xD
    I don't give overpriced runes to a secondary account.

    • Confused 1
  7. The boon/garbage bar is a terrible design.

    Back in the days I sometimes tried to read some of the... icons but I've given that up because they jump around with every new boon.

    I have to mount to see if I still have food running because the spam bar exceeds my visible screen.

  8. 1 hour ago, CafPow.1542 said:

    Participation matters in pve for the amount of loot you get afaik.

    Participation yeah, but the level of it?

    There are few events in pve that I do repeatedly, like Matriarch and Ley Line. And there's no difference.

    Matriarch bronze: https://i.postimg.cc/yY5zk7kJ/gw359.jpg
    Matriarch gold: https://i.postimg.cc/KvsmBns8/gw358.jpg
    Bronze reward is even 1 (crappy) bonus item more xD

    Ley Line (in Gendarran)
    Silver: https://i.postimg.cc/tJGtJZFq/gw446.jpg
    Bronze: https://i.postimg.cc/8zQwcYBd/gw447.jpg
    Don't know, seems no level reached but still participated: https://i.postimg.cc/hjgHmjLr/gw458.jpg


    1 hour ago, CafPow.1542 said:

    leaving the claim circle implies that it’s not a defensive event tho. But besides that, i also sometimes leave the circle and still get silver or gold. I think participation is mot only measured by circle-tapping right?

    Yeah offensive. I can hardly track defensive events because it is so rare xD

    But in offensive the claim circle is everything that counts for gold in my experience.
    I will get gold when all I did is barely reaching the circle and not having done anything in the event before.
    I won't get gold when I did everything, siege the objective, kill the guards and do decent damage on the Lord but leave the claim circle then. No gold.

    Sometimes all I do is kill a guard and leave the area then and maybe even leave the map and return later and I'll get bronze reward when it happens the objective gets claimed shortly after I re-joined the map. There seems to be a generous timer for offensive events. And no distance limit.

    Defense however has just crap variables to trigger a participation.

    I didn't check whether gold and bronze do reward differently because of my pve experience I never paid attention to the rewards.

  9. I didn't even know that the rewards differed on such a level.
    Is that just for defense (which I rarely get counted anyway)?

    I often leave the claim circle to go after enemies or extract resources and then only get bronze, which I didn't care about before because I thought the differences between gold and bronze were unimportant. Because they have always been unimportant in PvE, in my experience.


    4 minutes ago, Sirvaleen.1379 said:

    Good luck to OP if their server adopted the "we'll get it back later" motto though, even for most T3.

    Surprisingly, we are doing well, although the participation is rather poor due to the wintersday event.


    3 hours ago, Ragazm.6018 said:

    When you get diamond chest for first time in a week, then weekly limit is reached


    I guess I can't see what chest I reached before last reset? A history. Maybe in gw2efficiency?

  10. Mounts I rarely use since I have skyscale: griffon and jackal
    SotO is an exception for the griffon, used it plenty there while I played it (dont play it atm anymore, waiting for the story to complete before I pick it up again)

    Mounts I use daily: raptor and skyscale

    The SotO skyscale is easier to achieve, I'd recommend it.
    The classic way was hell for me.

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  11. My fresh Vindi, on my latest acc, gets to only 53% crit chance with berserker equip +deadeye runes (with fury I get to 103% in pve and 98% in wvw, half of the trinkets aren't ascended versions yet, so that'll be something I will use to adjust precision to reach 100% for wvw). If I was only using scholar it'd be even less.

    The 125 precision from the deadeye rune = ~6% crit chance. That rune is way cheaper than the scholar one and is the reason I'll be able to reach 100% crit chance in wvw.

    The rune is good. I don't know about other builds but since fury only gives 25%/20% to crit chance (rest comes from specs) I'd think some builds are more dependant on runes with precision than others?

  12. On 12/27/2023 at 10:43 PM, costepj.5120 said:

    It sounds like a real chore, but after a little while it just becomes second nature.

    After 2.5 years I still often forget to switch 😞

    But I have 2 sets in the shared slots so I'm not completely doomed in my laziness to log to the other char to switch the tools again.

    But I don't like how that system is, not user friendly enough for my use.

    • Like 2
  13. Yes. I sometimes switch to best quality settings just to enjoy the view more and accept the fps drop xD

    The nights on desert maps are art.

    When I returned to this game after a break of 7 years and played PoF, I was so distracted by the beautiful scenery that my playthrough took much longer than HoT, for example, which I found ugly in most places. Nothing to linger over and look around.
    PoF has many beautiful spots.

    In Orr, I did a search for someone that took me into the depths of the sea, and the colors were so beautiful. https://i.postimg.cc/pLFnyS9J/gw945.jpg
    Orr can be beautiful in its creepiness. https://i.postimg.cc/XVnB8rdW/gw445.jpg

    In IBS, the moment Jormag's huge head appeared through the fog... goosebumps and it was so creepy and fascinating. https://i.postimg.cc/2rbwQY68/gw322-Jormag.jpg

    Standing on the airship in Dragon Fall and circling the island is also a beautiful sight.

    Or just spending time on your skiff. https://i.postimg.cc/TY8BMMJV/gw245.jpg

  14. I also like GS on Herald.
    Skill 2 and 5 on cooldown, fill with auto attack.
    Needs the unlock to use GS on Herald in SotO though (weapon master?).

    GS on warrior would be an alternative if you could move while doing skill 2. As it is now it is no fun, damage gets lost when the enemy moves, and they actually do that often. Hammer/GS warrior could be so fun.

    (GS on guard is utterly boring and feel so slow. GS on mesmer doesn't feel like sword at all. GS on necro is ok, also feels a bit to slow for my taste)

  15. 7 hours ago, Image.8630 said:

    Orphan would have more use of clothes, food, shelter... a family.

    I remember how I used to get socks and oranges for Christmas from my grandmother. As a child. I wanted toys and sweets and not some crap. It was Christmas!
    Those were sad times for me. Christmas in my childhood was nothing to look forward to. Creepy Santa and boring "presents" and acting like it was a good time. And afterwards hearing what my friends got (real presents) 😔

    I still celebrate with my family, but no Santa and no presents! Just having fun and spending a good time, no acting. If you can't gift what I want, then pls spare me the disappointment. Tyvm.

    You don't know what those children want. You may mean good but a family is nothing to give for a Christmas present. A present should be  a present and nothing something for survival.

    (I played with the guns my neighbour kids got for Christmas or birthday. And it didn't make me war loving or anything. I was having fun with the neighbours.)

    Also this game is a very violent one, most problems get solved with violence. Brutal violence. Again and again. What would you expect to gift in such a world?


    • Like 3
  16. If you're playing in a group, you probably won't disable chat so you can't read what they write. The same reasons are behind voice.

    From experience, squads with people who listen and follow the commander are more successful than squads where the commander is just a lamp for other players to follow.

    In PvP situations it can make the difference between winning and losing, as can the team composition. If certain roles are missing in the squad, then the squad cannot win in a situation against a better organized squad. The commander would have to use other tactics to slowly thin out the opponent, and that's where people in voice are even more important.
    A squad that only does ppt will hardly insist on voice and metabuild. But if you as a player want to play ppk/gvg/zerg vs zerg, then you should follow the rules of the game that lead to victory. Nobody wants to play to lose. If you hinder the team then you are not a team player and have no place in a team. Logical, isn't it? If you want to go your own way, then go it, but alone. Because then you're also playing for yourself. That's fine too. But whining because you don't want to play the team rules in a team is immature.
    I don't like playing metabuilds in wvw because I've done it for so long, it bores me, but then I don't join an organized squad either. And when I do, I switch to a metabuild and join voice.

    I even go to Discord even though I don't like Discord for voice. For me, Teamspeak is professional and Discord is unprofessional. But it is a popular tool for voice communication in international teams. It also has the advantage that you can use it in your browser and don't have to install an extra program.

    On 12/23/2023 at 1:21 PM, LordMadman.5812 said:

    People use a position of power (commander) over others and abuse it because they can

    A commander has no power.

    The masses decide, not 1 commander. If the masses don't want to follow him, then the commander can't do anything about it.

    He is dependent on others voluntarily following him and doing what he says. If they don't, then that is frustrating for a commander. Everyone has probably experienced that the PUG zerg does everything but what the commander says and roams around everywhere but is not at the tag. So it's the opposite situation.
    Do you think that's better?
    I find it pointless.

    Your problem has nothing to do with harassment, but with the question of whether you can adapt if you want to play together or not. It's not the others, it's you.

    That is nature. Natural selection. Natural adaptation. Being part of a community. Making compromises.

    • Thanks 2
  17. 8 hours ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

    I know some people used to specifically build catas to hit those houses cos they didn't like Fergie's House

    Typical. The emotionally cold blues can't even understand why red is attacking their position.
    Their ugly fortress surroundings are in ruins anyway.

    3 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

    North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.

    Pfft haha. I mean... that's good.

    But only one?

  18. On 12/23/2023 at 12:32 AM, Parasite.5389 said:

    on the off-chance you havent already earned the Festive Imbiber Achievement, the winterday tonics will count towards it, and since it 'tis the season, why not just gift them to new players in map chat

    OMG I had no clue. I've been throwing them away too.

    You can't consume a stack of them like the other drinks, can you? If not they probably remain useless to me. Can't image to have the patience to do one at a time. Unless I do a macro and go afk - shopping xD

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