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Posts posted by Lucy.3728

  1. 18 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    I assume you're doing this for convenience, but you are losing out on profit doing it this way. I assume you know that, but it never hurts to double check.

    Using just one for all is very convenient and the mystic one is way cheaper than the silver fed one per use (according to wiki). 10.5 copper vs 60 copper.
    And the gold to buy 500 gems to buy the silver fed kit, may make the silver fed kit a bad choice to begin with.

  2. It's Sunday, ladies and gentlemen, and out of this week of 10 defenses, I've managed to get to 6.
    Six in an entire week of daily wvw play.

    Not for lack of defending. I've been defending a fair amount.

    Just got back from defending a keep and 3 towers on ebg for an hour on my main account (this one) and didn't get one counted. I've stopped now and will calm down on another game because it's too frustrating.

    My side had the smc plenty this week and usually the castle was my dead certain target to get the defense counter up. But I don't know what it was this week, my luck ran out.

    Another account happened to get the daily defense today, I don't actually know how that happened. I can only guess since no one was left in the hills when I arrived, but on my way down, the serpentines to the camp, I ran into a couple enemies that I had to kill, and I guess one must have counted from earlier or something. I mean, they weren't even close to the archers on the walls.


    • Like 1
  3. On 12/8/2023 at 12:48 PM, Ashantara.8731 said:

    and hardcore veterans. There is nothing left to do for the latter.

    Time to take a break.
    Return later (or don't). A long pause can do wonders for the motivation (or for real life).

    I took a break of 7 years and am not bored yet (been back for 3 years).
    If I was, I'd take a break again.

    I know hardcore veterans too that play something else now and only return to GW2 when asked to join some event with friends. Others found other ways to busy themselves, like extra accounts.

    • Like 3
  4. I use shield on my holo engi in pve (similar to this: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Holosmith_-_Power_Holo).
    Since my dmg comes from the photon forge mode anyway, I don't need an offensive offset item when out of the forge mode. (I could switch to a kit anyway if I need even more offensive skills)
    I like its cc. When I need to escape because I overestimated myself or added too many enemies while fighting & moving it helps me too.

    I'd like a ranged (minimum 900) main hand weapon for my warrior so I could finally get rid of the riffle, as ranged backup weapon, and switch to shield as off hand.

  5. On 10/24/2023 at 4:10 PM, trunks.5249 said:

    i logged in to do some events and couldn't wait to log off .for some reason for a couple of months i cant get enough. then slowly i cant bring myself to log in. then i do not touch the game for5-6 months. then i cant get enough all over again. am i crazy or do you guys do this has well?

    That's Sims 4 for me.

    I play like obsessed for about 2-3 months and then suddenly lose interest and don't touch it for a year or so.

    As for GW2, I belong to those who had a break for years (like 7). Been playing for 3 years again and not bored yet. And no boredom in sight.

  6. You are necro, go minion master.

    And Berserker is for people who know how to survive (or how to get away if needed), not ones who get wrecked. Try marauder.

    And at defending the gate you need to go to Trahearne after a while. Dont miss that point.

    It is not hard at all. Or better said, if you think that is hard, then no need to proceed. HoT story will be your hell then.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 2
  7. 2 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

    you can do the whole thing in 1 sitting with a guide

    I know, but there are many bugs and following the wiki takes a lot of time and my motivation sinks with time. It's not fun for me. At some point I'd rather do something else, something fun and continue later.

    But now, every time I go to Lion's Arch and remember that quest, I cba to go to the npc to pick up the weapon. If it was via a special action key I probably would finish it over time.

    But that's just me.

    The suggestion was more general. Not just for me. I think it'd be helpful.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  8. 1) I'm a woman and I didn't experience harassment towards myself, because I'm female, for years. (Which doesn't mean I didn't experience sexism in general in Guild Wars 2)

    2) You don't need to talk in voice chat. It is for organising that squad. You listen to the commander. For replies you can use the squad chat in game.
    I don't even have my headset plugged in most of the time. I don't speak English in voice chat, so no need.

    3) Just don't run with guilds on their guild intern evenings. Look for an open squad or join a wvw guild that has own guild runs and stick to it. Guild hopping for squad joining will just get u black listed.
    I mostly stick to the community guild of a server.

    4) Third party software isn't against the rules per se. I use Blish HUD.
    Not sure what you are talking about, being told from a guild to use third party software. I guess Arc DPS?
    It's fine with the rules as well. But I understand people who do not want such a comparison meter in their face. However, everyone else sees what you do and what not anyway, with that tool. It can help to improve your game play or help deciding what you want to play if you are uncertain.

    • Like 17
  9. On 11/14/2023 at 10:38 PM, Preppy.7046 said:

    I responded to an EWP for an active defense event.  I killed 3 people right by the lord.  No credit.

    Right my experience from last week defending air keep on RBL.

    22 hours ago, Melok.2173 said:

    It seems preposterous that you would not qualify as defending if you killed someone who merely attacked a guard (or Lord).

    If you go this way, then it is just as absurd that a defense does not count as such if you build a catapult in the tower, attack the enemy under counter fire with it. Then storm their position with reinforcements, destroy their siege weapons, go back, repair the damage and as a thank you there is nothing.

    I sometimes have defenses where I die myself in the enemy zone while taking apart the siege weapons, but it doesn't count as an event success because I haven't killed the 2-3 enemies that would count.

    Sometimes you don't even get them anymore or they were so far away that they wouldn't have counted anyway.

    Defense events should be renamed to Random Hunt Event for defenses. Because that's all it is. You have to hunt and kill something specific. Best drag it back close to the objective before you kill it. Just to be sure.

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