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Posts posted by Lucy.3728

  1. Not until last night, but then I found an alliance consisting of half the server from one of my accounts and it felt like home again. So today there was no difference at all. I'm having fun again.
    Thank god.

    But that has nothing to do with the event. That is a failure. Some guilds wildly thrown together on some servers. Community gone. Identity gone. People are on other servers. The queue bug is much more common.

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 2
  2. 6 minutes ago, Tiamat.8254 said:

    I assume purely so it's clear which graphics settings are considered post processing effects so you can find tune them better. But just an assumption.

    Hm, the only change is light adaption. When postprocessing is set to none then that is deactivated (you can even switch it on/off). Rest remains unchanged.

    Now that's even weirder. Why put the settings to the postprocessing section when changing postprocessing has no effect on them but one.

    • Confused 2
  3. 10 hours ago, Kiki.9450 said:

    I don't need to like chinchillas to see the advantage to allowing a chinchilla mount in the game.

    Yeah but I already said that I don't care. Not like I get it forced upon me.

    I pointed out that negative feedback has just as much a place as positive feedback.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  4. Does anyone know why?

    From my point it was fine where it was before. Why the split now?

    I change my graphics settings often a week depending on the mode I play and post processing is a value I prefer set to none (looks better). It is a little bit more work now. I know third world problems xD But changing graphic settings often is annoying enough to establish and remember the routine.

    I'd like to save my own settings to presets and have an additional drop down to set an own preset to a mode (like I often use best settings in story, good settings in open world, wvw is special too sometimes I even have to readjust while playing depending how laggy it becomes - does anyone know the feeling of spam clicking a skill and nothing happens at all or is has a long delay? That was my wvw zerging yesterday - spammed F1 to switch legends on rev and it did nothing at all but my ping and fps were fine)

    • Like 1
    • Confused 3
  5. 1 hour ago, Kiki.9450 said:

    "I don't like it therefore it's bad." Got it.

    As opposed to "I like it therefore it's good."

    For ppl like me who don't need fluffly (I don't care though, the default springer skin is so ugly in my eyes, can't become worse) maybe an earth toad skin xD
    I'd like my Asura to sit on an earth toad!
    A cure thing like that: https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/toad-585112.jpg
    can be colorful like that https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/c/ce/Toads_Summoned.png/revision/latest?cb=20150517044603

    • Confused 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Schimmi.6872 said:

    The first transfer is only free when you upgrade from a f2p to a paid account

    But a 12 year account cannot be f2p, can it? Such thing didn't exist back then. GW2 had to be bought to be played. So it never was f2p. Maybe that's a reason? By now I have all expansions.  I did a pause after 1 year for about 7 years. I don't remember what I did in the first year very much anymore, but I was still on the server I created the account on. Guess I'll ask the support.

    I checked my other accounts and it'd be free for them.


    1 hour ago, Schimmi.6872 said:

    should discourage people from bandwagoning.

    As far as I know that's not working well. I know hopping guilds.

    And what is with those that don't want to change servers anyway?

    This would be much easier to solve (like, lets say, a 6 month lock for switching) than to discriminate just everybody.


    1 hour ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

    You have to transfer BEFORE the reset.

    I did, before the reset to the beta event. I knew, in the back of my mind somewhere, that there was some restriction but I though I wouldn't get wxp or something that's not important to me. Well, good I chose the alliance fk up weeks.
    But no tickets from the chests/pips at all is hard.


    38 minutes ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:

    1)Not twelve years yet.

    Ok, 11,7 or something, including beta 😛

    40 minutes ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:

    Don't understand why you transfer when you can pick a guild and be where they are.

    I like the server, not just a guild. And your saying only works in the wvw beta, which I don't like anyway.
    My original server has developed in a direction I don't like. Many players I know have stopped playing, transferred or died. The wvw participation is lacking a lot. I created other accounts on other servers to see which server I liked and where I could set up my new home. And after two years, I decided on one. That one is stable and I like its community.

    • Confused 5
  7. Why is that?

    I had my 1st transfer in 12 years and I am very upset about this bullying. I am currently collecting tickets for my 2nd legendary armor and this is dragging me down.

    I don't understand what the reason is. I moved to stay. I had a second account on this server for 2 years and have now moved my main account there. Just before the beta.

    The next thing is, why did I have to pay 1000 gems? I always thought the first transfer was free?

    • Confused 12
    • Sad 1
  8. 13 hours ago, ShimmeryLuna.2475 said:

    The issue started cropping up when I came back to WvW in the following days. Each time I would play (solo roaming only), someone in map chat would call me out by name and say how bad of a reaper/player I was

    If your server is that childish and toxic then transfer to another server.

    But you should ask here before which server have mostly normal people.
    Like I wouldn't recommend to go to Fissure (EU).

    When I play a new account my dps is terrible for a dps class too (the difference between exotic to ascended/legendary gear is like 5k damage for my same rotation/gameplay), but no-one's ever called me out on that.

    • Confused 1
  9. 13 hours ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

    ou are paying more Gold for Gems because Anet put the price up. Period, end of story.

        Are you rather new to the game?

        It's much easier to get gold with almost no effort, but your normal playing (astral acclaim, higher prices for materials), and you don't have to spend much gold on gear anymore because of the vault (ascended armor/weapons) and the NPCs that sell stats-select gear (anything exotic, even breathers) with low requirements.
    I equipped my 4th account faster and cheaper than any other account before and I could choose my stats - so very beginner friendly. 👍

        So more gold income and less gold expenses = more gold reserves.

        Of course, this is reflected in the gem price.


  10. Hello

    I usually go to the server voice chat first, see if there are already groups, join the channel, ask where they are if the channel name/structure doesn't tell me and then go to wvw in game to join them.

    If there are no groups in voice chat, I either go into WvW anyway (for the dailies and maybe there's tag-less fun somewhere) or do my daily pve routine first (opening chests etc).

    I miss the server voice chat in the betas. I miss the community. It's only day 2 and my wvw motivation is dropping, which is normal for betas, sometimes I don't play them at all and do pve story with alt accounts. But in this beta I actually participated, I joined a wvw guild (although I'm usually happy with my server/community guild) and that guild joined an alliance with other guilds. But it's not fun. It lacks a personal component. I miss the usual people. I even miss my native language. We were linked to a server with the same native language and I loved it. Now it's just boring English again on the server.

    Maybe it would get better if Anet offered (temporary) voice chats per server for betas. Then I might find a personal connection to the game again.


    • Confused 1
  11. On 1/11/2024 at 7:00 PM, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

    In my few hours playing I've seen the castle in EBG flip colors so many times it made me wonder why nobody seems to give a kitten?

    Because getting sm was an achievement in the rush event collection of achievements. And everybody wanted it. Defending sm was no achievement.

    Another thing is that the no-fun-beta was around the corner and most gave a kitten about objectives apart from achievements. I didn't bother with defending anything. What for anyway? Only interesting thing may be bags.

    Bad time to try out wvw 😉


  12. 22 hours ago, CafPow.1542 said:

    Clearly. Don’t know where i had my info from but there’s no debate. All clear now thanks.

    well under that light, op‘s suggestion would impact the mechanic in a very minor way for zergs.

    Whatever wiki says, in game I experienced otherwise. More than 1. At least in wvw.

    • Like 1
  13. 5 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

    The guild selection screen is blank for me now--assuming I selected the right one almost all the other ones I have are dead, but guess weeelll seeee....

    I picked my wvw guild in the normal guilds overview screen. And I'm on the same server.

    The other screen (last tab) has been empty for me for months.

  14. 1 hour ago, VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig. said:

    Remember when they did a forced game restart, because some cosmetic had some clipping issue on char horns? On a Friday? 1h after reset?


    22 hours ago, CafPow.1542 said:

    but you can’t glide into jerrys from green or bravost from blue directly either

    How do you glide into Jerry's and Bravost from the keep?

    Red can glide into two towers on EBG. Imo Blue and Green can't glide anywhere from the keep. Maybe if you do the jp onto the roof, but that's not common tactic at all.

  15. A niche bug for the English/international forum, but on the topic of 'WvW bugs without end', since today, for example, German-speaking players can no longer chat naturally when letters like ä, ö, ü, ß appear in it. It simply posts nothing, as if nothing had been written. And these letters (umlauts) are not exactly rare in the German language.

    Perhaps an unintended side effect of trying to fix the glider bug?
    It is quite an unusual bug. And only in WvW.

    I'm curious to see what new exciting bugs the next beta will have.

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