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Posts posted by Lucy.3728

  1. Hello

    While I'm doing the HoT metas with my latest account because of masteries and EXP for them, I'm wondering why I have to wait 9 minutes in front of a wall at the end of the Tangled Depths meta.
    Why doesn't the cannon fire when all paths are completed? Or at least one minute of loading time.

    I don't even care about the content behind the wall. I'm just waiting for the meta completion experience points.

    Anything that needs to wait could wait after the completion.

    • Like 6
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  2. 5 hours ago, Kate.3679 said:

    Oh, I meant standing over them while they bleed out in downstate.

    Oh, that's evil that's so low.

    3 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

    I trade the confused Emote for  a proper down vote button any day. 

    I trade all emoticons for 0 buttons on opinion boards any day.

    • Confused 2
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  3. 33 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    just in case they ever want to use them because they'd never want to waste a transmutation charge if they could have done it for free.


    But these people would save skins regardless if they are easily destroyed or just annoyingly.
    The funny thing is that I recently had skins that disappeared from my inventory after unlocking them.

    The better system would be to have this annoying system only for locked skins in the wardrobe, so no one can just accidentally delete a skin that hasn't been unlocked yet.

    For everything that is unlocked: easy bye bye (or better for me: unlocked them and they disappear - but I see how that may be unwanted by some perple)

    • Like 1
  4. On 12/13/2023 at 10:12 PM, BraxXx.1047 said:

    Thank you for your fast response, im currently on kodash...is it worth switching (e.g. to Elona Reach / Riverside)?

    If you want to stick to Germans then Elona no, Riverside yes.
    Unfortunately they have no linking parter this round and are screwed.

    On 12/14/2023 at 12:49 PM, Ares Alpha.6725 said:

    Our guild transfered from Kodash to FoW over a year ago.

    FoW is the worst server in the EU.
    ANet should move that server to NA, so they can bother with the toxic and infantile collection of Fissure.
    Being linked to them is worse than having them as enemy (which sucks too).

  5. On 12/15/2023 at 9:45 PM, Dawdler.8521 said:

    For some reason, thieves represent like 80% of those players.

    It is a natural reaction... a mere self defence... to kill any thief on sight if possible... like with a group or zerg xD

    On 12/15/2023 at 8:44 PM, ArchonWing.9480 said:

    This is the same game mode where people have to put effort to harass you in whispers

    About 2-3 weeks ago, in a 3 server fight within the lord room of sm, I got a group invite. I was curios and accepted and it was an enemy. Been playing for some years but I had no clue you could form groups with enemy players in wvw xD
    Ofc he accused me of cheating with an acronym that I don't know, and he didn't write it out or even explain it after I asked him what it meant.


  6. If an emoticon get disabled, it should be the confused one here.

    Talk about taunting, I disabled that disrespectful function via uBlock.


    1 hour ago, Kate.3679 said:

    The real ones know the best taunts aren't even emotes. Personally, I like just standing over their downstate body.

    That taunts you?

    I always thought ppl are checking out my beautiful body that's even beautiful when dead. Since I don't consider that taunting.

    I like when people cry over my dead body or kneel.

    • Haha 3
    • Confused 6
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  7. Weird thing is, it doesn't apply to all skins. Just some.

    I used to collected all the junk in one character and then create a mouse macro that would do:

    1. Shift+right click to paste the name of the item in the chat window
    2. Ctrl+a in the chat window to mark the name of the item
    3. Ctrl+c to copy it
    4. Drag and drop the item out of the inventory (or: Left click first item -> delete/destroy)
    5. Ctrl+v to paste its name in the destroy popup
    6. Backspace to delete the last square bracket, Pos1/Home key to switch the cursor to first position and Del key to delete the first square bracket
    7. Ok
    8. Compact button of your inventory so the next item switches to the macro position

    Repeat that macro until done,

    You shouldn't have items you don't want to destroy after and inbetween your skin collection.

    Nowadays I get way less such annoying items, I don't need an extra char for skin-deleting collection anymore. Ofc all astral acclaim skins have to be this annoying.


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  8. Story and in between the chapters you can do map completion. If it is a new account you'll want the mastery points from the story chapters.

    I use tomes too if I want speed.

    The last speed leveling I know of, was bauble farm in verdant brink and that got nerfed that noone does it anymore. It was about 8 levels per session (about an hour). But you needed to be a bit higher than 1, like 30, since it is a level 80 map and you needed the safety of the farming zerg.

    And 10 years ago I leveled my chars in wvw, but that doesnt work anymore either. See they ruin every easy shortcuts.

  9. 5 hours ago, Ezic.8325 said:

    I don't play it frequently

    If you are a casual player, then don't waste your time with farming, esp. not fast farming. Play want you want to play for fun and not for gold.

    5 hours ago, Ezic.8325 said:

    I really like to know exactly what I'm doing, and why I'm doing, like why this way is better than this, why it has became the consensus, how this system or method works

    Join a guild. For pve join a large community guild.

    For other modes there are guilds too but you should have more time then to pour your soul into it because of a steep learning curve and your dedicated guild mates. Otherwise join community guilds there too. I know wvw has them. Even with tutors for newbies.

    There you can ask all your questions, best in voice chat. All guilds have regular events and meet in voice chat for them.

    5 hours ago, Ezic.8325 said:

    I decided to still focus in PvE, maybe I'll try PvP and WvW later, but for now I'm focusing in the PvE content mainly, but before I can go and get to explore the world I really want to make my endgame gear, the ascended one


    If you are a casual player it is better you stick to exotic for open world pve and use the hard obtained ascended gear for modes that require certain setups. If you don't spec in healing/support then you can use that gear (be it wvw, fractals or raids or whatever) for pve too. Like berserker gear is very versatile. But you should try out the other end game content to see what may become your fun thing.

    5 hours ago, Ezic.8325 said:

    because I would need to farm a good amount of gold

    You get ascended pieces from the daily/weekly reward system. Unfortunately not all popular stats. Same with weapons.
    Amulet and accessories from the laurel merchant. Ascended rings are more difficult.

    Also you can choose gold from the rewards.

    So how much is a good amount of gold for you?

    5 hours ago, Ezic.8325 said:

    a good amount of gold, like something around 15g per hour sounds good for me for now

    Wasting your gaming time for farming but playing for fun.

    That's just wrong. A game should be fun and not work. It's your life, but don't you find something better than that?

    • Thanks 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

    It'll be because your mouse is still highlighting selectable characters even with no UI visible. Moving your mouse around can also help. Agree it would probably be better if it was also removed along with the other UI elements as I don't know why you'd want to select something with UI hidden, as you can't see the selection anyway.

    Had nothing to do with selection or mouse pointer.


    image with ui and mouse pointer in the left upper corner: https://i.postimg.cc/gjnGHjPy/gw155.jpg
    same but without the ui: https://i.postimg.cc/sXfj1K6N/gw191.jpg (spoiler: outline still there)
    same but with mouse pointer on the character: https://i.postimg.cc/cJS4GdQZ/gw211.jpg (character get highlighted)
    image with the character selected: https://i.postimg.cc/xCs0mHBT/gw212.jpg (surprisingly the outline disappeared)
    image with post-processing disabled: https://i.postimg.cc/SKfQyHr9/gw216.jpg (wow, everything looks better... less over saturated)

  11. 13 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    It could never be sillier than the Trained Choya Hammer (which is a choya with a wooden sword and shield tied to a stick). Maybe backed up with a shield made of glass (and water, and a live quaggan).

    My Choya loves to be let loose in wvw.
    And being carried on a stick in his a-men is still faster than running on his tiny legs by himself.


    • Like 1
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  12. Hello

    When I take group photos (like today in the PoF story), I often have at least one player with an outline around his frame. Sometimes I can get rid of it by moving the camera a bit, but today that didn't work.

    Whatever reason there is for something like this, I think in "screenshot mode" (when you disable the GUI = ctrl +h) it's not necessary. It kind of ruins some of my screenshots with other players.

    Example:  https://i.postimg.cc/DwkqLbsF/gw248.jpg (the Asura)

  13. 9 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    I don't tell people to buy the silver fed. I use mystic salvage kit for rares and such, but I'd still use a regular salvage kit for greens and blues, if you don't have a runecrafters, or a copper fed, even, which would save you money on every single salvage you do. That's going to add up over time.

    I personally have runecrafters, and copperfed.  I opted for the silverfed for convenience, but the mystic salvage kit would be fine. But paying close to 20 times the amount ot salvage each green and blue over the years I've done it (I do a lot of salvaging) would end up costing me money forever.

    The question is, since both items are from the gem store, how many salvages does it take for it to pay off compared to the mystic salvage set? Buying gems is an investment, and investments made for profit must also pay for themselves.
    I don't buy mystic stones, I just have them. There are no costs for them.

    When I returned to gw after a long break, I bought the silver fed one because someone had recommended I buy the copper and silver one, but I regretted wasting the gems on the silver one quickly. I don't use it at all.

  14. LS5 was my most entertaining story experience. I really wanted to know how it continues.
    Second to it comes PoF with the whole Vlast thing, everything after was ok, still nice to play and Joko was a good running gag.
    EoD was amusing and sad, I liked it. Played through it several times. Makes me want an Asura only story, that must be hilarious, they've the best dialogues.

    LS2 was worst, HoT was no fun. And everything else is, well playing it once was enough.
    I like the personal story up to Orr, with Orr comes Traherne and the endless monologues (which continue through Hot, HoT was just so much blah blah blah followed by more blah and annoying foes).

    But story was never Guild Wars strong points, not in GW1, not in GW2.

    • Confused 1
  15. In my newest account I was after unlocking auto loot asap and did those:

    • play personal story - one point per finished chapter (8)
    • Kill the Karka Queen - see event timer: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Event_timers (1)
    • Triple Trouble (one path per day, do all achievements on the way), the TT community lead you can find there: discord.gg/6YG5CC6 (in schedule you find their dates and times - they go every day) (5)
    • Kill the Skritt Queen in Dry Top every hour at xx:50 (only on a map that reached tier 4) (1)
    • Kill Tequatl (1)
    • Insights - some are annoying to get, the easier ones: Bloodtide Coast, Fireheart Rise, Iron Marches, Sparkfly Fen, Harathi Hinterlands - just run past all enemies and only kill what sticks at the mastery point. (5)

    21 points in total, for autoloot you need 19. And other than that I don't see anything useful to unlock with core points early in a game.
    I went as minion master most of the time, it's convenient.

    Silverwastes was disappointing. Spent a lot of time there but only one legend spawned. Mastery points there are by chance or a long hassle. I don't recommend it when you are after sure and "fast".

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