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Posts posted by Lucy.3728

  1. 4 hours ago, Rauderi.8706 said:

    Reward tracks don't count, by the way.

    Why do they not count?

    4 hours ago, Rauderi.8706 said:

    The gold/hour in WvW and PvP is definitely a net loss, lol.

    I don't know what generates the gold there, I don't pay attention to it because I play for fun and not for money like you seem to do, but I can't complain. I play for fun and get enough gold to buy things, even waste it in skins. My leg. armor is from wvw. My leg. weapons are ones where you can buy the parts in the tp (including pre).... from wvw money.

    And while I play what I enjoy, everything else is done along the way, with no extra effort (often via tracks, the rest from rewards for playing) or anything that feels like grinding, farming, or a chore. (With one exception... getting all the shrines/ruins for the week. That's boring: step into a circle, wait until it's full, step out of it, wait until it's empty, step in, wait until it's full... and keep doing it until you've done it 10 times and expect to be attacked while doing it)

    What other mode offers that?
    Doing everything in the background while you play for fun?
    Of course you need to have fun. If you enjoy working in a game to reach a certain minimum amount of gold/hour, then keep doing it. I have a job for work. I play games for fun. I think wvw is good balanced in that, I don't miss making more gold.

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  2. 19 hours ago, Tanuki.4603 said:

    They promised a no grind phiklosophy, now the ONLY expansion feature we got is braindead grind. (Rifts).

    I've heard that players complained that they can't get legendary equipment by open world only. That leg. armor is tied either to raids or wvw or pvp. And that they want leg. armor for open world even when it means to grind a lot.

    Now, they got what they asked for.

    • Thanks 8
  3. 16 hours ago, costepj.5120 said:

    Guess people just like to have something to complain about.

    Or people are different.

    Guess it's not the same people complaining about all the same stuff.

    (I'm glad I've only needed 1 world complete so far, done for fun, but every attempt for a second one ended in abandonment due to the tedium of doing all the hearts - I have two chars that have everything but some hearts. On the other hand, I have several GoB in stock. For me, they do themselves, no extra effort is needed at all. Since I don't really need GoE because there are other options, I've never complained about it. Getting Skyscale was terrible. The most horrible gaming experience I've had in the last 15 years - or maybe longer. If I think longer, like a lifetime, my experience with the Lineage game was even worse. - So, everyone is different and experiences things differently).


    • Confused 1
  4. 11 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    Clever, except most everyone in my guild got one, and there wasn't all that much  whining.

    I've gone the that path twice. 2 of my 4 accounts have the skyscale.

    First time was the worst, whining, cursing, hating, dropping it all for 2 months etc Everything you can think of but quitting the game entirely.
    Second time I was prepared what kitten hits me and could prepare better (also mentally). And I used my 1st acc to help my 2nd.

    But I didn't do it a third or fourth time. And not planning to do it again. At least not the awful way.
    SotO way is good. 👍


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  5. 1 hour ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    If I tell my kids, kids, I'm going to take you to the movies tomorrow.  The next day, I end up forced to work, because I'm called in, and I can't do it. I didn't lie. The situation when I said I would do it was different.

    If this is a recurring situation in your life, I would suggest that you stop promising your kids things and work with a "maybe" and only promise something when you are more sure of it. I mean, your word isn't worth much anymore if it happens as often as Anet's corporate speech from marketing maybes.

    I don't want to get started about wvw here ^^

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  6. On 11/14/2023 at 12:23 AM, Windzor.7914 said:

    for the record the person/ developer is EVIL....yes EVIL. A hater of human life.

    I guess the same person created the halloween tower jp
    (and only after like 12 years someone else took pity)
    (the good thing was just, that it wasn't important,  unlike skyscale; just 3 achievements were tied to it)

    • Confused 1
  7. They are way easier to get now than from before SotO.

    You can buy a limited amount in wvw that resets weekly, you can trade the aa for clovers. You don't even need to own SotO for that.

    I disliked the throwing mats in the mystic toilet too, when I built my first legendary armor, but Anet already added other ways now.

    Is there a way when people will finally be pleased? Or does is not matter what Anet changes, the complains will still pop up?

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  8. I'm in favor of giving the Warclaw a reason to exist in open world pve.

    I know it's a WvW mount that needs to be unlocked there (and I can already foresee the whining if it's adapted for open world pve), but why does it have to be so completely useless in open world pve? It could at least be on par with another niche pve mount.

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  9. On 11/16/2023 at 11:16 AM, Zebulous.2934 said:

    The pogo stick is an interesting idea.

    I was always for a bicycle.

    Whenever I suggest it in wvw, people agree that it'd be cool to ride on bicycles instead of warclaws. There have to bee different type of bicyles.
    I'd like a high wheel for my Charr. And a children's bike with fringes for my Asura.

  10. 21 hours ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

    SO in addition to the skyscale making long range tagging completely trivial so you don't have to play, and the fact that it has mostly replaced the griffon and raptor and completely replaced the rabbit, it has now also completely replaced the siege turtle as well.

    1) I never used the Siege Turtle.
    I got it myself very, very late just for the sake to have it. Before I rather sold the mats but to waste them in a mount I probably won't use.
    Thanks to the turtle, stuff like carrots raised a lot in value.
    Thank you turtle.

    2) I love the raptor. 🥰 I often use it.

    3) I dislike the rabbit. I was glad when I didn't need it as many times as before anymore. 👍

    4) The Griffon, like the beetle are my hate-love mounts. I can't handle them well and thus don't use them often. So the skyscale was a good replacement for the Griffon.
    However, with time I started the race adventures for the Griffon and actually had to learn how to control it properly.
    With SotO I use the Griffon more than ever before. The diving and acceleration and raising and the nice color trails of the skin I use are just cool, cool and cool.
    My skyscale is a mere working mount. I don't think it's cool. It's nice. It's useful. Very useful.

    But raptor is pure fun.
    Griffon too on the right maps.

    • Like 1
  11. 20 hours ago, RagiNagi.1802 said:

    I would like to have the possibility to switch up builds on the go for my main char.

    Just one char?

    What's the trouble there?

    Power, Condi, Heal and maybe Cele/Hybrid or very tanky - all where it makes sense.
    I surely wouldn't equip a thief like that but my rev, guard and warrior are. And my necro and ele half way.
    Going for heavy legendary armor was not a choice there but a must ^^ But my chars were already equipped with 3-4 slots before. And cele was not easy back then. There was less easy-to-get stats select equipment around.

  12. 9 hours ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

    i like to farm mounts and xmogs. Feel like a rambo while i can solo everything with my hunter or warlock that was impossible back then. Or go to a dungeon for that 1 rare drop from trash mobs thats worth a few thousand gold.

    And I play GW2 mainly for the fun of it and don't care about drops. I mainly play wvw. No raids, no fractals, no dungons. No farming, no grinding. Bit open world and story every now and then.

    I don't need drops. What for? More gold? What to do with all the gold? Buy more skins? That's what I did until I didn't like the gold <-> gems ratio anymore.

    I started doing legendaries because I found no other use for my gold. And that's a really long term money sink. I started to like it. Something I avoided for years because it sounded too bothersome to obtain.
    But I only do easy legendaries. Nothing where I have to farm or do some achievement collection.

    Yesterday I decided to create the Aurene longbow and so I did. I only needed to buy a few materials (about 400g worth) and done was the thing. Now I'm trying it out on dragon hunter in wvw, a spec I never played before.

    • Like 3
  13. Quote

    Gear Treadmill

    That's what legendary equipment is for.

    Reduces the salvaging old armor pieces.

    Otherwise get yourself enough stats select armor pieces like the blade armor you can buy from the verdant brink frog vendor at the beginning (2g each +map currency) and the new wvw dude. He sells everything with stats select.
    For ascended use the new reward system from daily/weekly. Ascended stuff you can pass down on other characters.

    4 of 5 chars in my new account (about 4-5 weeks old) have 1-2 armorsets. Can't say it was bothersome or expensive. And since it is a new account, there are limits. I cannot go and buy bladed armor.

    My main acc has a lot of wvw hours and thus a lot of armor chests with stats select, not only from the reward tracks (like desert) but also from drops. I even delete the reward tracks ones (only need to unlock their skins) because I have many warlord's armor boxes.


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  14. 21 hours ago, Westenev.5289 said:


    I could get you back into the game for 30g, if you made poor gear decisions before you quit (because the scholar/berserker meta never fell out of favour). Hell, I've jumpstarted new players with less given the availability of bargain bin exotic level 80 gear on the TP. You seriously overestimate the standard of player gear, many of whom probably still take their level 60 level up uw gear into t4 fractals lmao.

    I think a set of exotic lvl 80 berserker armor is about 250k karma at the south temple in Orr.

    Leaves the runes, trinkets and weapons +sigils. Weapons at the new wvw dude and trinkets for laurels and the wvw dude.

    The Deadeye or Ogre runes are cheaper than Scholar. And sigils whatever one thinks fancy/useful. I love the generosity one.

    (I, myself, don't need anything due to legendary runes/sigils.)

    When I returned, 3 years ago, I had lvl 80 exotic armor like power, toughness, condition dmg (or sth) on my ranger with shortbow and sword/torch. It was quite though to play through HoT like that until some old friend told me about the berserker meta (that didn't exist in the first GW 2 year I played back then). Berserker with longbow and greatsword was easier. (But HoT was general quite though for me)

  15. 35 minutes ago, Chronardis.4028 said:

    The studio is small, and with limited resources, at least compared to the bigger studios like Blizzard. I never expected them to dish out the amount of content that WoW can dish out, because that's simply unrealistic. But for 25€ this is perfectly reasonable in my opinion. I do hope for a bit meatier patches down the line, but so far I'm having fun in SotO. Money well-spent for me. 

    It's enough if they dish out stories with an end like they in in their previous expansions.

    Nothing more is asked but what they did before already.

    SotO is the weird one.

    Got nothing to do with WoW or anything.

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