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Posts posted by Lucy.3728

  1. 1 hour ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

    The whole thing is really just an exercise in self-satisfaction that really has nothing to do with the game, but self-esteem and power.

    Some humans bleach their butt crack, whose gonna see that? Not even the owner of said butt xD But that owner may feel better just by knowing it.

    Let people be obsessed with aesthetics, it's natural. I recently read an article about chicken that are more attracted to symmetrical human faces (just like humans).

    My game is set to standard skin. So I see everybody else as a standard model but me. I'm the most beautiful one among all others. And I'm aware that it's only me who sees that and I don't care. (Originally I set it in wvw so I don't get distracted by some blinky flashy armor/weapons things of others and with time I preferred that and have that as default everywhere).

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

    That would be Ash Tribune Torga Desertgrave, and my tribune would appreciate being addressed by name, thank her very much.

    I mean in the character creation screen.

    I have the female version: https://i.postimg.cc/65vkSHFK/gw360.jpg
    (although I use a full face mask on her https://i.postimg.cc/Pf9GSG3K/gw374.jpg meaning nobody actually sees her eye color in game xD)

    • Like 3
  3. On 9/24/2023 at 8:06 AM, Quench.7091 said:

    How about they add a Mystic Forge recipe for Gift of Battle that involves 250 Badges of Tribute? That way WvW players would make bank on Badges of Honor getting inflated in value and PvE players don't need to touch WvW if they got that PvE gold

    I like that idea, basically.

    But I'd change two things.

    1) The first GoB has to be unlocked the old way, by playing wvw. That way we wvw players may get some new players. Not all come and complain all the time they are there and disappear. Very few stick and come back for the fun.
    The last reward of the track would have the account-bound recipe for the GoB too (for first time finishing).

    2) 250 Badges aren't many. WvW players get them quite fast and ppl sit on large amounts of them (and when they get moved to the material storage then ppl will be forced to sell them if they don't want to have a character dedicated to store them - I've 15k of them, that are 50 stacks if you exclude a max mats storage - am rank 26k with that amount). The value of them in the tp would sink fast.
    Drop rate may have to be adjusted or the number of stacks raised or something else.

    • Confused 3
  4. One Charr face has 2 different eyes colors and I remember there is such a thing with Asura too.

    So it already exists as faces and would be no prob to add more like that.

    That you can dye each eye individually on any face, that will probably not happen.

    (Even the editor in Sims 4 doesn't have something like that and that's the most customizable editor I know)

    • Like 1
  5. On 10/19/2023 at 3:06 PM, Katris Jace.6584 said:

    also I have 48 gold to my name, one guide I read said you have to get 250 gold

    With SotO a new daily/weekly system got introduced which replaces the old one, even if you don't own SotO.

    You do all the dailys and weeklys before they reset and gold won't be your problem at the beginning.
    From the reward tab you can choose to trade your daily/weekly points (=aa) for gold and mystic coins (which you can sell).
    My new account, which I started 13 days ago/54h playtime, has about 215 gold at the moment. And I already spent gold in the past to buy stuff for my two 80er chars like weapons, runes, armor, sigils and dyes from the TP. When I'd sell my loot/drops/salved mats then it'd be a lot more. (Keep your ectos)

    The gold you can trade is limited, the cheap gold choice at least, and the coins too. So after all is spent it's take ages to reset. But it is a great gold boost for new or returing players that need to readjust or start anew.

    Doing the weeklys/dailys or even the special tasks (only available if you own SotO) will eat your playing time though. Maybe you want to sell your materials instead (except the ectos - check what you need to keep to craft the skyscale food).

  6. On 10/19/2023 at 4:26 PM, Marikus.1875 said:

    Do you miss out on anything if you progress through zones just doing map activities and leave the story for the end once you hit lvl 80?

    Opposite, it speeds the story completion up since you don't need to interrupt the story-playing to level up to reach the next minimum level to start the next chapter. And you may have the needed waypoints by then too. Saves you to puzzle out how to reach the next instance fastest.

    • Like 1
  7. 8 hours ago, Karahkan.2167 said:

    the two main characters i play are an engineer (rifle + hammer) and a ranger (longbow + greatsword)

    1. Specialize the engi as mechanist.
    2. Equip Marauder or something similar that has power, precision, ferocity, vitality as stats. Armor, trinkets, weapon.
    3. Use rifle as weapon
    • For a low budget rune take Superior Rune of the Ogre orΒ Superior Rune of the Deadeye, whatever is cheaper to buy (ignore the 7th rune for your breather; actually ignore the breather entirely)
    • For low budget sigils for your rifle: Superior Sigil of Accuracy and Superior Sigil of Generosity
    • You can buy cheap armor from the first vendor in verdant brink (first HoT map), except the chest piece. Or you can buy everything in wvw when you have some of the wvw currency badge of honor.
    • If you have laurels you can buy ascended rings from a laurel vendor, like the ring from the pale tree. You need to buy 2 different ones since you cannot equip 2x the same ascended trinket.

    For how to play, ask your friend.

    Ranger is more hassle and work than Mech-Engi.

    Another easy way is minion master (necro), it is slow though. Or renegade (spec from revenant) with celestial equipment using demon and dwarf, shortbow only. It needs to use all weapon skills on cooldown though, you need to learn to handle the energy. Or the lack thereof.

    Mech-Engi is easiest however. Use skill 2 on cooldown and rest is just autohits. Let your mech tank.
    The other skills you can use if you think you need something from it. But its fine to just use skills 1 and 2. And maybe the mech skills.

    • Like 1
  8. On 10/12/2023 at 10:49 PM, TheNurgle.4825 said:

    Also deleting items is easy just use link to chat option, copy/paste it and you are done.

    • Use Shift+click on the skin (to post the item in the chat box).
    • Ctrl+A (selects the whole text)
    • Ctrl+C (copy to the clipboard)
    • Drag the skin from the inventory (to start the deletion process)
    • Ctrl+V (inserts the name of the item into the delete popup field)
    • Backspace key (to make the rear square bracket disappear)
    • Pos1 key (to put the cursor in front of the word)
    • Del key (to make the first square bracket disappear)
    • Click Ok

    That's my way, and I don't think it can be more streamlined, unless you record it as macro if you need to get rid of several skins at once. But when creating a macro you need to click on the compact button in the inventory to have the next skin on the recorded position again.

    Sorry, this is not my definition of easy.

    Easy would be:
    Right-click item: add to wardrobe. Item disappears afterwards, just like unlocked minis do.

    • Like 1
  9. I'm always amazed how easily I can throw away any exotic stats-select armor piece, I get from the end of a reward track, but a rare skin, that's already unlocked in my account, wants me to type its name in a field.

    I thought this is an ancient system no-one bothers to fix, but I bought a bunch of sanctified weapon skins from the Wizard's Vault, and guess what... πŸ€¦β€

    I don't need transmute charges. That system is just another redundant system.

    I'd be happy if the skin disappears after I unlock it and using unlocked skins doesn't need anything special to apply them, just my will.

    • Like 4
  10. 18 hours ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

    So I need to go to wiki to see when I can find correct fishing spots, I need to go to wiki to check what fishing power I need for that map

    Something I got told early on when I complained how little the game itself helps, that I have to use the wiki for almost every information was: Playing the Wiki is part of the game.

    There may be addons for Blish HUD to help with information about fishing. I know they exist but I don't know what they offer in detail.
    I use other addons though (for achievements, exploration, hp only runs, jumping puzzles and event timers) and they reduced my tabbing out to the wiki a lot.

    18 hours ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

    So what changes would you like to see for fishing to improve it

    I'd be happy to fish unbothered by mobs that are out to steal the boat under my feet. The boat should be a no go.

    But I rarely fish and there's nothing to make fishing attractive to me.
    Fishing is a mode for other people, not for me. I only do it like once a month for some rare fishes to trade. And for that I have to use my fishing character too since only that one has all the stuff.
    (But that's the same reason why I only play wvw with 1 character. 4 rows of my inventory dedicated to wvw stuff is nothing I want my other chars to spam with.)

    • Like 2
  11. Hello

    It's my 3rd try to start the story and right at the beginning when I must choose between saving the sylvari or preparing the camp for the night battle I choose the sylvari and then nothing happens anymore. I can't proceed. Wiki says the objective should update to "Take Laranthir to recover the captured soldiers."


    At first I thought it may be because I use the brand new account, that isn't even allowed to use the tp yet. But trying with an older account is the same.


    Unfortunately I need this first chapter to get to Verdant Brink (to learn the glider +get the better hps for the specs). The portal to VB is otherwise crossed out red from the Silverwastes. 😞

    • Thanks 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Balsa.3951 said:

    with that excuse anet can delete everything u own now

    They don't need that excuse.

    That they can change, alter, remove, do whatever they want with "your" stuff (that isn't yours, yours is only the playtime you invested) is, and has been, already part of the user agreement. Not just since now.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    So I assume you started on a free-to-play account and then upgraded it

    My key included Hot, Pof and Eod. No seasons, no Soto. I didn't start with f2p.
    Bought it in Dec 22 when that collection was on sale in the gw2 shop. Didn't have time or the want to use it earlier.

    But whatever, I'm asking why some items are buyable and some are not. See screenshots.

    Also I ask why buying is limited in the first place.

  14. I created a new account and I find some things very strange.

    I can't use the tp properly. I get a message telling me that. But some things I can buy, most things I can't. What is the difference?
    Why can't a new player buy things using the tp anyway? What is the harm in buying?

    I wanted to buy an invisible bag, but I couldn't buy that (others were buyable, but they were useless to me).


    I used the level 80 item for my engi and got the expected celestial gear with a rifle. But I wanted two pistols. So I wanted to buy them, but just like with the bags, some were purchasable and most were not. The stat combination I wanted was not purchasable.


    I had to buy the weapons (my Rev only got a spear for underwater with the level 80 item, not also the ranged weapon, but the ranged weapon is my preferred one) and bags with my main account and send them to my new account. But what about the people who don't have that option?

    • Sad 1
  15. On 9/25/2023 at 9:57 PM, ArchonWing.9480 said:

    Actually, I think WvW is the best place to not run them. Because nobody can kick you out of the map if they disagree with what you're running. The meta doesn't exist outside of zergs either

    That goes for every non-instanced game mode.

    I actually prefer to play in squads.
    While those that just collect players don't say anything about what class/spec joins, I know some of those would prefer when the people, who join, play meta.
    An organised squad anyway, they expect you to play a role. They may accept everything at the beginning but sort the non-fitting people out later (meaning they ask them to switch to something meta or kick them).

    I don't join squads often anymore and run beside/along them because I cba to switch to herald and play meta, I rather stick to renegade and snack what the squad leaves in downstate or what I can catch. I help with building sieges and do scout, report hostile zergs, take camps, but I know from voice chat that those commanders that run organised squads, mainly for fights, detest people like me when not playing their meta. Esp. when their squad is low of meta people because of those ppl who won't join and won't play meta. That's often the case on EBG. But they rarely say so nowadays because even they had to learn that people have feelings πŸ˜‰ But every then and now they show their true colors. And then I hate them. For thinking they can tell how people are meant to play, how wvw is meant to play. In my opinion it is not meant for squad fights, thats gvg abuse on wvw maps.
    Some commanders are really cool and play organised squads even with non-metas saying everyone should have fun. Ofc that means we may lose more often vs zergs. And I can count the number of those commanders on one hand.

    The last wvw event had a lot of newbies flooding the wvw maps, they did the track needed for legendaries and the veterans were often so hostile towards them. Awful and so short sighted. Wvw needs more active people and instead of hoping that some of the pve players will stick to wvw and welcome them and make them feel welcomed, they gave everything to make it a bad experience for them. As if being new to wvw isnt hard enough already.

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