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Everything posted by Minjin.8259

  1. But see that doesn't make sense to have a mount that is instrumental in the fight locked behind winning the fight.
  2. On my 12th attempt a bit ago I went with a group that decided to split the group and have half on tail and half constantly on head. I will say it's the furthest I have ever gotten with a group. Also I did notice that we had fewer over all downed people compared to the first 11 tries. I honestly thought we finally had it. But nope. At the last sliver of health we ran out of time and failed yet again. People have already listed the issues; RNG movement, too much time where you can do no damage, weird mechanics like the whirlpools that do nothing to give you an advantage, etc. It's so utterly exhausting and frustrating. The entire concept of a game is that is supposed to be fun, and while a challenge can certainly be fun....no chance of beating it is not fun. I am just over it. Edit: I also want to say people in our group were saying they had tried 26 and 27 times to complete this. I don't want anything (turtle) that bad.
  3. They said in another thread they were going to monitor it over the weekend and decide based on how many clears there were.
  4. One of the things I dearly love about this game is that, where there are people who can't do a thing...and there always are for one reason or another...you can get or give help. If I can't do a JP there is a mesmer who is pro at it that will help, you are on a ele and can't do harder HP's I am there for you on my rev to kick butt. But with this, they took that away. I really wish they hadn't have.
  5. Well they also need to remember that if people can't get the turtle mount and give up they are hurting themselves in future turtle skin sales. As for the mace, yes it's cosmetic but it's also ascended and I don't have a decent mace, so of course I wanted the one I needed for the new spec. Sure again I can craft one. Hmm can you craft the new ascended weapons without having to fish? You know I am not even sure.
  6. In my humble opinion it's fine if they keep it hard and you can just choose not to do it. But in the case of the mace, if I want it I have to catch an amber trout. Take those requirements out of the fishing or add another way to get it. Don't make fishing necessary for getting items like weapons or gear. Make the items you get cosmetic or a title or something that doesn't effect the rest of the game play. And yes I know I can craft a different mace, but of course you want the new one, it's part of the new maps. But don't put items like weapons or gear behind a mini game wall, and don't put the turtle behind a meta wall.
  7. Well you are still squeezing the mouse. I know people don't want it to be made easier...and I can understand and appreciate that. But most MMO's I have played have easier or even afk fishing. Now afk fishing is bad because then people bot. But last night I was trying to catch an Amber Trout for the mace...and out of 25 bait I managed to get 2 fish. So of course my enthusiasm waned greatly, especially when it's interspersed with endless meta fails. Look at it like this...some people are great at jumping puzzles and some can't do them at all. It's the same with this. The difference is people can help you with JP, but I don't see how they can help with fishing.
  8. But what you said is exactly why. If you have hand issues, or wrist issues....pushing the same two buttons is repetitive motion. In a fight you are pushing lots of keys. So you are moving your hands and arms more. Also having an older computer at this point it's laggy and I can't keep up with the bar.
  9. Keeping in mind these are my opinions and if someone disagrees that's fine. On the positive: I think the new maps are beautifully done. I was hesitant over Echovald, thinking it was going to be Tangled Depths 2.0 but then I realized if you stick to the paths you can get where you need to go fairly easily. I personally enjoyed the story line. Completing the story line was doable. Weight of the world was a little difficult to figure out but I got there. I think the jade bots are cute, and at this stage somewhat helpful. They will probably be more so later on after I level it up and get more skills for it. I really like the taxi system. On the negative: I am super disappointed in fishing. My computer is getting a bit old and with inflation I can't afford to buy a new one right now. So it's really hard for me to catch fish. Also I have hand and neck issues...so I was looking forward to something fun and relaxing. I do not find fishing fun or relaxing and discovering that you have to catch certain fish to make some of the weapons is annoying. Even though I understand how it works, have it leveled up a bit, and am using bait...I still can't reel in the fish most of the time. To me fishing should be an outside activity from the main game. If you want to give hardcore fishers special achievements or things they can catch from fishing as a bonus, fine but don't integrate it into things we need to get like ascended/legendary weapons. Also while I like the new meta in Dragon's End, it's frustrating to spend all that time and fail repeatedly based on things you can't control like RNG or other random players. Especially when you get nothing for a failed attempt. I also think losing the battery charge when you change maps is unnecessary. And I think a few more well placed anvils and a bank in Archstone would be good. I like some of the new specs and some not as much. I have always mained engi so that was great, but my second main is a revenant and I found that to be kind of meh. Two of the biggest selling points of the expansion was fishing and getting your turtle mount. I paid for the expansion on several accounts when it first came out because it never occurred to me based on my experience with the rest of the game that I wouldn't be able to do those things, and I can't do either thing as it stands now. It feels like a waste.
  10. This! I just did it for the 10th time with a fail. A few minutes more and we would have had it, because once again bad RNG. So 10 hours of my life with no reward that I paid money to do...
  11. I think it needs more time added. I have done it multiple times, people are understanding the mechanics and all. But to fail when she has a sliver of health and the clock runs out or because of RNG is very tiring. It's a LONG meta. While I love the game and play too many hours a day, people like me still have families and work and outside lives. So most of us can't just sit and spam it endlessly, nor do we want to. Sure I want a turtle like everyone else. But not at this expense of time and energy. I realize it's new and I will get it eventually, but I am losing the urge to try right now.
  12. Because not everyone has a really fast computer (and with inflation right now I am not going to be getting a new one any time soon) or fast reflexes. There are lots of reasons why people would lose fish. Lag for instance.
  13. Ok so I get it now you are moving the red and yellow bar not the green one....that was SO counterintuitive!
  14. No everything doesn't have to be easy...but it does have to be doable.
  15. I rarely complain, but honestly I can't figure out how people are catching fish easily. I am in the Aurene's sanctuary story and I get how the fishing works but the 2 and 3 keys are simply not responding fast enough to get a fish. I have been trying forever. I have tried it with both the 2 and 3 keys and the A and D keys and they just don't respond quick enough to keep the fish in the bar. It's horrible.
  16. I was doing the return to episodes for this week and I wanted to go through a raven gate, it told me I needed ravens flight mastery. The thing is I have the entire raven mastery track unlocked and have gone through raven gates plenty of times. Is this a bug? Is anyone else getting this issue?
  17. Out of all the games I have played, and that is a large number...this game is quite generous, not RNG based, and has great content for the most part. They have tons of different ways to keep players engaged, you don't have a true weapon leveling system that can fail or break. If you want a costume you buy it outright and it's good for all the characters on your account. And they allow you to convert gold into gems. I think having to pay for expansions is very little to ask to be honest. Now I understand it's a lot of money for some people. I can respect that. But lets keep in mind all games are still businesses and they have overhead to pay for and employees who like to eat and live in homes. I honestly think if you haven't played in 7 years and you have to pay again to play expansions now that isn't such a huge request.
  18. I main Herald, and I enjoy it. I was a bit underwhelmed by the new elite spec. But I am willing to see what might happen between now and actual release. If nothing changes I may decide to play something else, but I certainly wouldn't delete my herald because I still like to play it as that. But I also respect your decision to do what's right for you. Good luck and I hope you find something you truly enjoy playing.
  19. I managed to get on earlier this afternoon, and now I can't again. I tried 5 hours ago and still can't.
  20. Same for me! Edit: I do play windowed full screen though.
  21. I can't get it to load at all, the launcher pops up for a second then vanishes. It isn't downloading the update or anything.
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