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Everything posted by YtseJam.9784

  1. First world problem: Armory came out, now I'm left with around 500 Ascended items from 14 fully geared up toons that I need to salvage. Already vendored the weapons that could be sold for 1G. Kits are 1G a piece so that's 500G I don't plan to spend on salvage tools. Whatever happened to 20 Ascended Salvage Kits dropping form fractals? And from the Fractal Reliquary? Like seriously I haven't have one drop or seen it on the Reliquary in over a year , when I remember the drop rate used to be so much better that at some point I had salvaged all my extra rings and still had 3 20x kits left. (I think last time I saw it on the Reliquary was around when Bjora marches came out) Now the pun: I do fractals with the hope that one of them will drop and I can make a small dent on that 400+ waste of space (but possibly some good stuff from salvage). IF I get an ascended kit, it's a 1 charge one. Then I get 4-7 rings... so that's not helping at all to my problem, it's actually making it worse! I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one with this problem and there's definitely people with more geared up toons than me (I know someone that had over 30 before armory came out), so is there something that can be done about this? Maybe lowering the cost of the Ascended tools, or even making a permanent one like the Copper/Silver-fed-o-matic. I would buy that. But with over 150 rings that even when attuned and infused give me 4 stabilizing matrices, it's a loss 100% of the time and not worth playing that game.
  2. yeah there are a lot of places where it looks like the baked lighting is messed up. for example the last boss on Deepstone, the top part of the Hoelbrack home instance where the garden plots are, etc. Deepstone makes it really hard to see where the floor is and where it's missing, so hopefully it get's fixed soon.
  3. I hate repeatable hearts, especially when you have to buy a recipe or an item and it's one of those repeatables that take forever. This LS4EP1 included doing 3 hearts. Man that was even worse than having to do the gathering ones... like why anet, why. It's so tedious and repetitive, why do you like torturing us like that?
  4. Skyscale: Toggle keybind for grabbing on every wall This is something that has annoyed me since day 1 of skyscale being released. It just grabs on EVERYTHING. Having a keybind to toggle/disable grabbing on everything would make it way more pleasant experience. It's sometimes ridiculous the little branches that aren't even visible that it decided to grab on to.
  5. Armory for unbreakable gathering tools I posted this a long time ago before armory was even announced, and the armory is exactly what I wanted for the unbreakable gathering tools. I want to be able to equip them on each toon like the armory. I currently have them on shared inventory slots and it's a PITA to equip/unequip them on every single toon I have parked at some rich node/flax farm. Indication of person in party/squad that I have blocked Sometimes I block people, cause they are not very nice, or had troubles with them in the past and I don't want to have them in the same party/squad. It would be nice to have some indication in the party/squad box for people we have blocked, like a red border, or something, so I can either kick or leave and don't have to interact with them. Right now I have to right click every single person and see if I have a "Block" or "Unblock" there to determine if they are blocked, would be good QoL/UX to have an indicator. Don't let people you have blocked as a Commander to join your squad Similar to last one, people sometimes spam /sqjoin <yournamehere> when you kick/block them. I should have the peace of mind to not have people do that (I've had instances of people doing it for 15+ mins) so I can Raid/Strike peacefully Personal/Private markers on map like Commander can do on squad Sometimes I want to tag someone/something and don't want people to see my mark, would be nice if this functionality was available to everyone in game and not just Commander/Lieutenant. Ready Check on party Same as squads, parties also need to ready check, for example fractals. Should have similar functionality available for parties.
  6. looks like this bug is back? just mounted and all my minions died nvm they disabled it lol
  7. make legendary armor/weapons/trinkets unbreakable if they get damaged, you can just remove them and equip again and they are not broken anymore, so might as well make them unbreakable. from a coding perspective it seems easier to make them unbreakable than to make the slot in the equipment tab remember that it's broken, and what if you equip something else that is not broken? K.I.S.S. make them unbreakable 🙂
  8. yeah they could have something like the boons that they get removed when you leave
  9. confirmed, after orbs/towers during 80% phase, hard client crash
  10. yeah can't even click on anything. the UI stops accepting clicks and can't fix it without having to restart the game, been trying to get my 2 hero boosters for the past 2 hours and it's impossible. it's ridiculous.
  11. It would be cool if the practice golem console had a feature to apply different types of foods while in the instance, similar to boons. That way us that spend a lot of time researching in the golem don't have to make a hole in our pockets using food
  12. I don't see why they don't want to keep a public version... we have public strikes, public DRMs, public Dragonstorm... ANET is never consistent 😞
  13. yeah I've posted about this before, even submitted tickets cause I was being stalked in game, persecuted and there was nothing I could do to prevent it and nothing support could do about it, they just told me to take screenshots and report, and you know that ended up nowhere. guess privacy is on the bottom list of priorities. the only thing I could do at the time was to play offline for 6 months, and being the leader of a guild and not being able to talk in guild chat, pretty much made me disband the guild. there are so many things regarding blocked list that could be improved. as a tag posting in LFG, people shouldn't be able to join if you block them. many times while running raids i've had to deal with people that i had previously blocked and kicked that keep rejoining and making us waste time. also it would be a nice thing to have some indicator in the party/squad window that someone there is blocked, a simple red border or something like that.
  14. yeah i've been going through all my level 80 toons, 5 hours later still like 30% more left to go...
  15. so yeah, if you copy from 1 tab to another, it keeps the skins but resets the dyes.. so either way you have to manually go through the process of either redoing the skins or redoing the dyes 😞
  16. Also, a "Copy to other tabs" option under the copy would have been helpful
  17. it is a painful process to have to redo all the skins on multiple characters with multiple unlocked tabs
  18. yeah but i dont want to copy the stats/infusiuons/runes/sigils cause each tab has different stats for different professions/roles
  19. all the customization on different tabs got lost. for example, i had Flameseeker Prophecies equipped on tab 3 and it got reset to default skin. the skins i had set on the equipment tab that was selected when i logged on that toon stayed behind. they kept the dyes but not the skins and now i have to spend a lot of time redoing all my skins on all the tabs 😞 sounds like a bug to me
  20. So my previous skins were left intact in the equipment tab i was on when i took the update, the other tabs have the default legendary armor skins... why didnt they get carried over? It's a lot of tabs and skins i now have to redo...
  21. have they even acknowledged they are aware of this bug? I haven't found anything that would point to it...
  22. didn't get fixed with today's update. sadface
  23. and the lifeforce bar is green and not yellow, unless you swap to another class (like reaper) and back and it turns yellow again
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