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Everything posted by Kalocin.5982

  1. I dunno losing half your studio probably might be the reason. Company morale is a thing, when employees are happy they generally do better work. Lack of job security and losing your buds alongside effective people in the pipeline and of course it'll be a giant mess. That being said, it is a business which means this is entirely a management problem, not burnout.
  2. You can kind of have both, look at a game like Monster Hunter where each weapon is relatively competitive with another but have vastly different play styles. Part of the problem with GW2's balancing is that stat system is all over the place and being fully buffed is dramatically different than not. To give some perspective, FFXIV recently changed a Samurai skill to be an auto-crit because the performance of a Samurai's dps changed a lot depending on what you brought to the raid. By changing the skill, it reduces the reliance on specific buffs to be competitive. In other words, what's not currently balanced is not the classes themselves but rather the systems in place. Now I'm not recommending this, but think about how easily it would be to balance all the builds if gear/stats didn't exist and there were no dramatic buffs (ie, 10% speed increase as opposed to 50%). I guarantee you that you could make everything still fun but the playing field would be more even. Therein of course lies the problem with such a large discrepancy, if buffs/stats aren't more equalized, the players on the lesser half end up feeling less useful and/or not played with. The bring the player not the class idea wasn't a bad one, they just shifted so far away from that idea and that's what today's problem with banners is about.
  3. GW1 had it's problems but it was never gear/stat related, unless you wanted to 55 or whatever. The difference of course was back then you could henchmen/hero and probably make something functional to get through things, and ofc google when it failed. That's not really a check when it's 50 others+. Guild Wars 2 originally was fantastic about this, it just never kept up with it's own systems by properly balancing all weapons to be useful. That being said, yeah, both games are bloody terrible at guidance So I say, stop relying on the community to make people learn how to play.
  4. Seems like a lot of us old players are coming out of the woodwork, that confuse emote somehow makes you want to punch someone. As a Prophecies player, my perspective is that there's nothing wrong with GW2's systems but there is a lot imbalance over unbalance. From their recent blog post I'm a bit hopeful with bringing ignored old weapons and builds (etc) up to par. Fundamentally the largest issue is that builds and weapons themselves need to be stronger, stats need to influence less. Buffs can be amazing but what's nerfing alacrity going to do to a dude with full soldiers on a necro using sceptre as a reaper. I have full berserkers as a Scourge now but in game they were never given any direction to know that's bad. Easy solution would be give a pre-set build but viper's is hard to get fully for someone just starting. I think we've gotten past stats needing to be marketed, or at least condi being more than power. All that being said, I think stats need a major nerf, and all the damage needs to be baked into weapons and traits like the OG Guild Wars. Yes you do more damage with vipers but only 10-20% more than the kitten with power. Why this matters is because they can actually release harder content, and your dps shouldn't be tied to your gear or stats but rather just hitting 111. A proper weapon balancing would make weapon power be spread across just spamming 1 too, hopefully. How in practice does that work? Well anyone can join and it's a lot easier to deal with "they do 20% less damage" vs like, two people with full proper builds. The disparity is insane. You can have old school build wars, I grew up in it. However someone with lv 20 and basic gear with no upgrades would still relatively do well in any mission content in GW1, even with bad builds they weren't totally useless if they brought res signet but I digress. Long story short, the balancing issues aren't related to buffs but rather it's not easy for a standard player to have any information or easy access to succeed in the way that the community and Anet has been making content.
  5. Preset builds and notifications to recommend gear stats. I'd rather they bake a lot of the damage into weapons and make gear stats and traits like 30% but at the very least give new players or those who are unaware some in game resource to play "optimally". How the heck is someone supposed to know how proper builds and dps, rotations etc work when there's literally nothing in game to help them. Put anything in, some direction.
  6. I forced my buddy to log in every day during the free weeks and he had no idea why, he was so confused. He was still getting onboard with playing the game so we skipped all of LWS3 since he joined at the end of the renewal. Imo, just like any game none of the release hold value over time. It's hard to think like that with an MMO but to put things in perspective, all of LWS4 costs about $10 in gems, but you can't buy 960 gems so you have to spend $20. Popping Steam up right now, for a similar price point you can get SW Jedi FO for about the same price as the season pack. It's hard to argue value but to somebody who doesn't play this game and needs to buy all the episodes well that's a lot of great games you can buy, and that's only for one season pack. When you stack those on top of expansion costs and all the other things like bank slots, bags etc it's a tall order for someone new, or heck even somebody with spotty game time and missed a lot of releases. To get all the seasons you need 4160 gems, and for the sake of argument you never spent the free 500 achieve gems. That's $50 USD for patch content. Then there's $30 usd by comparison for both HoT for PoF. The value disparity is kind of silly then. Throw in EoD at another $30 and we're at $110 to fully unlock GW2's story before account unlocks. I could make comparisons to FFXIV and other mmos but, that's a lot of games many people could buy that'd last them a long time. Now sure you can make statements about no monthly fees and all that, I agree to an extent. However, LWS2 is barely anything compared to LWS4, and it costs more lol. By comparison, since the releases were in similar time frames. Anyone right now can go play FFXIV and play all of it and the first expansion on a free trial, and unlike WoW there's scaling to keep it fun still. For GW2 you need to fork out almost the same cost as HoT to understand the story for well, HoT. The problem here is that old content, ends up being equal to current content, or recent content which makes no sense at all. All it does it provide a barrier for new players, that's it, only it. Us old folks who've been playing since launch (or Prophecies for me), we were around, we unlocked it all. So long story short, I fully agree with you, include S2 with HoT and include S3 with PoF at bare minimum. However these expansions are getting older, the maps aren't full anymore and it's not the same experience and yet it's still $60 minimum for all expansions before LW costs. Easiest solution is make an all in one bundle for new players a $60 price tag, match the competition. At the very least, if there has to be only one single change, make LWS2 cheaper than the other seasons. Nobody can argue against that.
  7. If it helps, I bought my buddy Endwalker to play with me. He had everything available for him to play all of the patch content he missed, and I enjoyed watching him go through the story, especially for the expansion content. While I'd love to just buy him End of Dragons and call it a day, that's not possible, there's so much more that I need to purchase that makes in unfeasible. Sadly, that's the difference. I've played this game for years, I want it to succeed and with their recent posts I'm eager to see the future they're setting. Equally, I love it as much as any of you but the barrier to entry is way too high.
  8. I admittedly had a bit too much to drink and didn't want to finish the EoD mission while I could barely focus so I afk'd and rambunctious-ed about on the interwebs. I got tired and closed the game and went to bed. Today I went to go start the story proper and I got the last cutscene and the whole thing auto-completed! I guess that's a helpful tip for anyone trying to get their elite spec weapon but I'm pretty sure something funky is going on
  9. It should seem like a simple thing, that the more this game expands, the harder it will be for anyone to start without requiring old content to be able to understand anything going forward. As it stands, I'd love to get all of my friends on FFXIV to play this game but it's hard to sell it to them. I have no friends here anymore, they all quit and I guess I just want to find some easy solutions to make it more simple, and easy, and not more than Elden Ring. However, the point of this thread though is that eventually this issue will not only become worse but unsustainable. Old content is valued the same as recent or current content and at a certain point you'll be competing with train simulator games or The Sims. Nobody should compete with the Sims. Currently most MMOs offer a full experience, and a month free for $60 give or take. When you ask that for GW2 it's a complicated question, it shouldn't be, but it is due to how many purchases are required to understand the story. Take yourself outside being a GW2 player, look at the Steam, or console releases. How do you equate the value by comparison? I use FFXIV as I quit ESO and WoW long ago but it's designed that I don't need to spend $20 constantly. It's an easy value for anyone who isn't invested into the experience. With all that being said, I truly think the Guild Wars games have always been the side to the modern MMO. You can always come back to them, and nothing changes. The value is already there, there's no need to be stingy for new players.
  10. There's an easy solution here, when squad is removed from LFG add the extras above the map allowance. There's very likely not going to be an exploit and I highly doubt it will overload your servers. If not: Queue system, you probably need to make it work for this game in our modern day but you refuse to so I won't challenge it. Otherwise: People get mad and don't do events, maybe quit, but they definitely were forced to quit by not being able to join Finally: Don't make meta events that require lfg to function Easiest solution: Stop making 2 hour map metas, people are actually asking for pre-existing meta buffs atm. Also don't make pre-meta buffs. Wait that's an easy fix: Easiest solution: Continue with Dragonstorm and keep big boss fights in a lobby so random fishers don't take up slot. What I expect: ??? Reality: I'm going to get arthritis trying to join a full meta map and I'm only 30
  11. They need queue systems for a lot of things, for some reason they've never added them. I think the reasoning is similar to a questlog but just like the achievement's panel being a bloat mess there's a lot of things that really need to be reviewed and updated for the current game.
  12. Been around since ye ole prophecies and gw2 beta, I've always liked that my progress and characters never need constant log ins or gear grinds to stay relevant. I was able to go play Endwalker, do all the content and then come back to GW2 with everything still intact. No matter when mmo or game I play it's always "there", which is a nice comfort. Using WoW as an example, I stopped playing a long time ago so all of my progress is basically worthless today. Sometimes it's refreshing being able to pick up and play. So when I rage quit from the meta and come back in 3 months it'll all still be here! (Joking, maybe) Outside of that, it's probably the only open world mmo that focuses so heavily on environment, movement, and action in one piece.
  13. I find it funny because WoW stopped doing 40 man raids way back in the day because it was too difficult to balance and also hard for guilds to prep that many players. Eventually they moved to a scalable 25 man raid system. They figured that out years ago and while WoW's quality is in the toilet now, they had a lot right back in the day and this was one of em
  14. They really ought to make a proper lfg system like WoW/FFXIV for an easy mode version of strikes/raids. Keep a proper difficult/normal mode with better rewards. It'd reduce the anxiety for those who have it and would make it more accessible to learn the fights. The important part is having flexible difficulties so you can make all kinds of players feel welcome to the content. It'd also help with some balance issues imo
  15. Coming off of finishing Endwalker it definitely felt a lot smaller by comparison. I enjoyed what was given but just like some of the other stories it always feels like they could have done more to make it more than just "good". There's simply just never enough time given to the characters to really feel any impact. The only character I felt they did really well was Rama, pretty fun character and a lot of his story is given room to breathe. I imagine if they put the breaks on world ending destruction for two minutes they could also do the same for the other characters. The other issue in general is that GW2 isn't all that cinematic in it's story delivery. Certainly cinematic in other ways, but the story is mostly told through speech bubbles lol
  16. Got a random DC and lost my map after spending all that time doing the prep events. Don't feel like doing it again and even on our map there were people telling those doing the meta to leave because it was a fishing map. Then there's the endless cycling of LFG and maps being full. Gave up, going to go play something else since I'm finding myself again frustrated with this experience
  17. I want GW2 to survive, succeed. If you want to do this, an open world meta that's basically an easy raid in FFXIV but 50m, well I only have one request. Balance your game. Make every dps 10% of eachother. Make support at least 20%. Reduce how many stacks you can get, change skills to be proper dps rotations. Why I say this? Because you want to compete with the top dogs with raiding, then do the work they did and stop relying on players to make builds and attempt to balance the game for you. This game has struggled for years over its systems, all because bring the player not the class. Guess what? Everybody brings the build, the gear, the items. Not even the class. FFXIV Raids are harder than this meta, by comparison it's actually kind of boring. The reason that even the worst player can succeed in that game is because from the ground it makes the player learn what does damage. It doesn't rely on Google or raiding guilds, it's intuitive. And thus I posit a simple question. Where are your UX designers? Did you fire them all? Because colour blind people can't even do the final meta
  18. Also there's no more lfg being made at 11pm est so good luck doing this meta if you work outside of 9-5. Thanks
  19. That's it, that's all. How many times have you tried to join a squad in LFG and it fails due to the map being full? I'm not talking WoW lfd queue, I mean legit queue to join your squad on a map By the way, this post should be a good example of a broken system atm.
  20. The meta event with the crystals randomly reset with a minute on the clock to half on every crystal. Obviously the whole map failed with only a minute.
  21. It's been like that since EoD launch, probably an interaction issue with the research kit and crafted items. Maybe it's the missing salvage all option for them lol
  22. FFXIV has harder raid content and is more accommodating to all levels of difficulty and accessibility. A lot of people like the tuning, and a lot don't. Seems easy enough to make an option for both. Otherwise you'll make someone mad either way. That being said I'm done commanding for randos. I'm not wasting my time anymore. I have no desire to play in this toxic environment. Bye.
  23. We commanded and did it as best we could with randoms on our map, finished every previous event early but the boss gave us terrible rng and a good portion got downed. The boss is barely target-able for half the fight, it's absurd. If you want to keep the difficulty then put the boss in a lobby, get rid of the 2 hour meta time. Otherwise me and many others are going to get annoyed, exhausted and just give up, and why? Why, well why should I waste my time doing this again? Honestly, it actually is a literal a waste of my time. Maybe I'm rage quitting for a bit., I'll go play Elden Ring or something. That being said, you know you messed up when I want to go play Elden Ring to relax. Holy expletive. All that being said, it's not even that hard of a fight, but you can't expect 50 people to be ready for raiding. Even WoW couldn't get it working well with 25 people.
  24. If you have utility items on hand and go to salvage all it'll only show the utility items and nothing else even if you have the same quality items. As a result you can't mass salvage while using those items without going to a bank. It's making me want to toss my utility items which kind of sucks. My guess is that it's interacting with the research kits for some reason and trying to salvage crafted items instead
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