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Everything posted by NovaleePhoenix.1259

  1. I am in love with the new Aurora Skyscale skin - would love for the other mounts to get this type of skin too! Including an Aurora fox for jackal. That would so make my day :D.
  2. Having this problem too. Finally got my turtle only to get disconnected almost every time I try to summon it. I think it might be some issues with the skins, but not sure. Switching skins sometimes works, sometimes not, but the one that seems to do it most often is the lava/fire skin. (Also, slightly off topic, the new skyscale skins don't work properly for me either. I can mount up without crashing, but it always gets stuck for a bit after summoning it, both on the ground and in midair...)
  3. This has been happening to me too, with the newest set of skyscale skins. It's so bothersome that I stopped using the skins, and I'm fairly unhappy about that, as I really like the new skins, not to mention it feels like a waste of my money. I hope they fix this soon.
  4. So uh I finally got around to watching the last GW2 livestream on youtube and there are actually some hints that something like this is coming in EOD. Putting this in a spoiler just in case there are those that don't want to know anything about the new expac:
  5. Not sure if it has ever been mentioned before or if it is even possible, but I was thinking I'd really love to be able to dye my toon's hair more than one color at a time (unless we already have this feature and I somehow missed it?). So like multiple dye channels, like with armor, so you can have highlights or half dyed one color and the other half dyed another. Maybe that will come with the new expac, but if not it's a feature I'd really love to see!
  6. I am so much more hyped about this new mount after seeing this new trailer. It looks fun to use, but I am also thrilled that like with the skyscale we get to raise it from a baby (would have loved to do that with all of the mounts, honestly). I know not everyone cares about stuff like that, but for me, raising the mount myself makes it just that much more special. However, I really hope that they've also included the ability to name the siege turtle (and hopefully all of our other mounts too, or at least the skyscale). It's a minor thing, but it still bums me out that I can't name my skyscale like a ranger names its pets.
  7. I would love to see some more festival/holiday related gathering tools. Perhaps with festival related glyphs? Idk, I mean some of the gathering tools would kind of work, like the minion type one for Halloween or the glacial ones for Wintersday, but I'd love some specifically designed for that purpose. Fashion wars, you know? Also, more holiday/festival themed mounts would be fun. And at least a return of the Mad Realm etc mount packs because I am wishing I had bought them when they were in the gemstore not all that long ago.
  8. I've thought about how cool a spider mount would be before too! Also, maybe use your web to make ladders or bridges or catch people that fall or even lower a web string so people can climb up it to get to higher places (helpful for jps, for those that can't do them, helpful for people without mounts). And hey, I know we have the bouncing mushrooms, but how about custom web jump pads you can place for others so they can bounce up to higher places.
  9. Probably Rata Novus. That one is a pain. Ask for help in Map Chat, post in LFG, or wait for a HP train. They run fairly frequently in both HoT and PoF maps.
  10. Alternatively, the overall easiest solution would probably be to change it so that you can obtain the Favor of the Bazaar via a different daily. That's really the only reason why it's such a pain for me, as you don't strictly have to do it to complete the 4 winds daily, and the only reason why I bother with Bundle Looter anymore is to get the Favor of the Bazaar.
  11. It would be nice if they could maybe keep the Bundle Looter event, but add the option to also do it at any time via an Adventure, like the races, for instance. Or, at the very least, increase the frequency of the event.
  12. So my ranger was my very first toon on Guild Wars 2, but I haven't played her in quite awhile, but lately I have been coming up with fun names for ranger pets. As I hadn't done much with her in quite awhile, including pet management, I was quite dismayed to find out that pets only keep their names when active. Which means that only two land pets and two aquatic pets will have a name, and if I want to change to a different pet, they lose their name. I really don't understand why they can't just keep their names. It's not a must have feature for sure, but I really would like their names to stay, whether I am using them or not. Also, I've mentioned it before, but it'd be nice if you could customize your pet's skills, so you could use any one you want, and not sacrifice the advantages of using a different pet that you like less, which has better skills.
  13. Love love LOVE this idea. I have a full home but I don't always want to spend lots of time doing nothing except maybe inventory/bank management stuff while people loot my home, and lately I haven't been doing all that well, and when I am struggling I tend to be very antisocial (ie preferring not to talk to anyone, though I of course won't be rude if one of my friends or fellow guildies wants to talk, and they are always nice when I say I am not up to talking at the moment), which means I don't offer to host home loot for my guildies or random people in map chat who ask for a full home. Having the ability to let them go in on their own at any time would be wonderful, as would the ability to take squads in, not just parties. Also, not entirely related, but I would very much like to be able to glide and use my mount in my home instance.
  14. I've made a post mentioning this before in this thread, but it was a rather long post and this suggestion might have gotten lost in the wall of text. I want to be able to name my mounts, particularly my Skyscale mount. I mean, we raised our Skyscales, and I just feel like it's a missed opportunity not to be able to name them. Plus, you can name ranger pets. So why not mounts???
  15. A set of skritt themed gathering tools would be pretty fun. And since there's already something similar ish in the game where you can hire skritt to find skritt stashes in Ember Bay, I think it would be fairly easy to make a set. Also a choya themed roller beetle.
  16. Yes please!!! Or even like a fox type style for Skyscale, or even the others too. I love my gallant lightbearer raptor. The lunar maned skyscale is a start, but would love more!
  17. Would be pretty cool to make skins like this for all the mounts. There's the vital geode warclaw skin, but I don't think there's any other Fulgurite type skins for the other mounts.
  18. To preface, I am well aware this will probably be merged with the Suggestions/QOL thread, but I wanted to at least start it off as its own thread to see if anyone is even interested in what I am suggesting. Also, I'm well aware that some do afk farm this, but many don't, and find it a fun way to earn a decent amount of gold (including my best friend. As for me, not really, as due to lag and how quickly the spawns die, I often don't manage to get even one hit in for credit which just makes me frustrated. Not worth it until I have a better computer or something). Anyway, I think it would be fun for anet to kind of embrace this little gold farm, and release an achievement for it, for collecting so many shiny baubles. They could include a title and a shiny bauble mini. The title could be something like Shiny Bauble Afficionado or Seeker of Shiny Baubles, or even just Shiny(!) (exclamation point optional). In addition it might be kind of fun to have a shiny bauble backpack skin or even focus skin. Or a shiny bauble roller beetle skin. (And this is not really entirely related to the topic, but it might even be fun to have a Bauble Bubble roller beetle skin for fans of Super Adventure Box.) It would also be kind of fun if anet made actual shiny baubles as merchandise, as a key chain or something. Idk, just throwing it out there. Anyone interested or is it just me?
  19. As someone who is very fond of the star themed mount skins, and of the Gallant Lightbearer, hummingbird, roadrunner, Resplendent Avialan and Shrine Guardian skins, I kind of seriously want star themed versions of those specific skins, and of other unique skins like those. And more fox themed mounts and stuff in general, like the new fox glider. A wolf type skin for the raptor would be pretty cool too (with a star themed version too!). Also I hope they make a star themed skin for the siege turtle, and maybe even the skiffs. Also looking forward to unique skins for the siege turtle. I know it might wig a lot of people out, but a giant spider would be pretty cool. Or maybe a hedgehog or a giant crab or a karka we somehow managed to domesticate. Hmm and a jelly fish or dolphin skimmer. And a star version of the turtle skimmer.
  20. I have quite a few I'd love (some of which I know others have asked for but I'm including them anyway because it's always helpful to see that more than one person wants a specific feature): An infinite revive orb option. I am squishy. And cheap. And sometimes it's really a pain to waypoint and then go all the way back to where you were, if someone isn't around to revive you. Also, please get rid of revive orb sickness. Having someone revive you doesn't apply it, and it's free, and it feels bad that a paid option has an inconvenience attached to it like that. A way to trade single use items like teleport to friend, merchant express, revive orb etc in for other similar items (like trade in a tp to friend for a bank access express), especially if you want or prefer or need certain items, but not others. The ability to either change ranger pet's stats or reskin them so you can use whatever pet you want and still get the benefits you need/want. It makes me sad that my white wolf isn't the best option to use for an ideal build, and it's part of the reason I don't much play my ranger anymore. A way to make infinite gathering tools into legendary items, to be added to the legendary armory. I don't care what's involved in upgrading them to legendary status, whether it's a collection or a crafting process or both, but it'd be really useful. Also, it'd be nice that if you do upgrade them to legendary status, doing so would allow for 2 glyph slots per gathering tool, so you could use glyph of reaping with glyph of volatility on the same tool, for instance. The ability to take squads into home instances. As someone who regularly shares their fully stocked home to guildies and others asking in map chat, it'd be nice to be able to take more people in at once. The ability to use a different head skin with an outfit rather than just toggling the head off. The ability to save dye combinations for mounts and outfits. An option to set mount skins (preferably with different chosen dye combinations) to random if you want, so mounting up would cycle through the skins you have for that particular mount (but of course make it purely optional). Same concept for minis. The ability to name your skyscale. We raised them. It feels weird that we can't name them, especially since we can name ranger pets. It'd also be nice to be able to name any of our mounts. But especially the skyscale. Make it so going into wvw and then back doesn't keep warclaw selected as your preferred mount. Just a small annoyance. It'd be nice to be able to tp to your home instance at any time for free, in any of the home cities you prefer, regardless of race. Ie I currently main a human, but I prefer Rata Sum, and I also tend to change which instance I use depending on the daily gathering achievements available, like most. The home portal stone is therefore of no use to me, as I am not asura. Yes there are portal scrolls you can make, but they do clog inventory space/shared inventory slots. A library to store all of the lore books obtainable. Initially I kept the books I obtained, but due to inventory space I eventually just deleted them and I wish that hadn't been necessary. More items obtained via collections, especially legendary collections, marked as This item has no value and is useful only part of a collection. Many items that should be marked with this are not, so I have to hang on to them until I research to see if they are safe to get rid of. And sometimes you can't even find concrete answers on whether you can safely get rid of them or not. Frustrating and time consuming. Never make any items completely devoid of value, where I just have to destroy or delete them, because it really feels like a waste. Either make it salvageable or make it worth one copper. It'd kind of be nice to increase mat storage, maybe to 5000. Most probably won't need it, but when you do get to the point of crafting legendaries, they require a lot of mats. Also it'd be nice to increase the stack count from 250 to 500 at least, for stuff in inventory and in the bank. Make it possible to favorite crafting recipes because it's a pain to search for them every time I want to craft something. It'd also be nice to be able to transfer a crafting profession to another character, especially if you maxed out a profession on a character you don't even play anymore. A merchant in the home instance that anyone can use, in case someone needs gathering tools. Also, I may just not be able to find them, but why is it that the Rata Sum home instance doesn't seem to have any vendors (only accessible to the owner) like the others do? Make more materials storable in the bank material storage, especially Scribe materials like lumber cores, the flowers used for dyes, baubles and bauble bubbles.
  21. I had even worse luck the other day (Sunday I think?). 36 keys and not one rare slot. Usually I get at least one by 15 opened or so. I thought maybe I just had really bad luck, as I often do, but maybe not?
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