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Everything posted by agrippastrilemma.8741

  1. I think it was because very few people were using that trait. The new one is useful in situations with a lot of aoe damage (wvw and pvp teamfights).
  2. Spoilers: the new Dagger ambush on mirage is a 1/4s daze + 2 stacks of torment + 2 stacks of bleeding Looking very strong
  3. yep. some torment with illu, some boonstrip and vuln with domi, cleanse and heal with inspi, stab + resistance with chaos, thats it
  4. yeah they spent time and effort to make the skill worse
  5. Yup. Insane. Dagger 2 needs to have outgoing damage Dagger 3 needs to have initial damage, and preferably cripple This patch also basically removed the dagger 2 "shotgun tech" that they showed off on the first virtuoso livestream as a cool trick. I would rather they revert dagger 2 and just made the bounce quicker (right now it gets "stuck" in the air for like 1s before returning, the damage is too delayed).
  6. sword axe condi mirage is pretty good in pvp edit: okay, it definitely doesn't qualify as "pretty good" compared to the current meta (cata).
  7. They should revert to the old HoTM and make the tutorial island (for those who remember that) into a free for all arena
  8. I think the Virt elite would be a better spot for that, it even has the right shape
  9. If they took my suggestion specifically, I'd be happy, though they have never taken my other suggestions so it seems pretty unlikely. Yeah, enjoy. I think you will be able to get used to the new skill after the patch!
  10. It would be 100% utterly useless. GW1 is an entirely different game from GW2.
  11. Dodge key is the same as always, #5 moa skill is a dash that also evades. The #2 is a leap but it is pretty slow. When the Mesmer moas you, be ready for their pistol shot follow-up (Magic Bullet, a stun). Also be aware of their sword 3 immobilize. That's basically all you need to know.
  12. The new ranged, ground-targeted Unstable Bladestorm AoE will have a pretty small radius, so I think it would be a good idea to add cripple to it. Particularly since Virtuoso dagger currently lacks any boons, conditions or effects, something which has been complained about by many. It would be quite versatile as a kiting and chasing tool. 🙂
  13. Yeah so don't use snap ground target, or have it enabled but hold down "disable snap ground target" when you want to disable autotargeting. Consider it. Personally I swap keybinds between classes. Binding the toggle or disable snap ground target bind isn't a big trouble. It's not usable in many situations currently, which is why it was changed. 1. It's still instant cast 2. The duration is a separate question from whether or not it should be ground-targeted. 3. Yeah traveling vs stationary-but-ranged is a matter of subjective opinion. Personally I much prefer ground-targeted because the current version barely works in PvP, while the reworked version will work in all gamemodes. Why not? You can have your own opinion, I can disagree. I personally previously suggested that they should make it a ground target skill because it will be less useless in PvP and be a handy tool to cover some of dagger Virtuoso's weaknesses (Line-of-sight and kiting on elevation). Although I would still like them to add cripple to it.
  14. Yeah, so essentially how normal skills work (mirror blade for ex). You seem to want optimally placed AoE skills without the modicrum of effort of just moving your mouse to the desired location. Kind of a have-your-cake-and-eat-it-too situation. Well yes, it goes on your current target, that's the whole point. That's how normal skills work (if you are targeting an enemy and want to use point blank shot on another enemy, you have to tab target or left click on the desired enemy. Disable/toggle snap ground target to current target keybind let's you enable or disable snap ground target at will! Also this isn't relevant to Virtuoso. Why press the skill twice? I use instant ground target placement without issue. This is about Virtuoso, so daredevil staff 5 isn't relevant. You don't need to interrupt flow of combat by just pressing 3 on your target with snap ground target on.
  15. Try the "Snap Ground Target To Current Target" option, then you just need to press the skill
  16. Nah, there is a "Snap Ground Target To Current Target" option that you can enable, so you just need to press the skill! Yeah the cursor in GW2 is pretty bad (hard to see) so it is a good recommendation to try.
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