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Everything posted by cryorion.9532

  1. What about nerf boon spam instead? That would be more healthy for the game tbh. Imagine if Anet pulled their head out of their kitten and nerfed all the broken mess. You know, something that should have been done after Feb 2020 balance patch, buuuuuuuut... Outliners that are currently top performers should be nerfed instead. Warrior in competetive modes is good reminder which direction game balance should go in order to keep it more healthy, rather than continuing buffing more and more things to degen levels.
  2. @Obtena.7952You should think more in-between lines. Most people here know that the description of profession isn't reflecting its actual performance and is more like guidance of what to expect when choosing the profession. People simply want the profession to perform better in-game so it fits with the profession description better. It is pretty obvious and you take it way too literally. There is more to what someone writes than just words on screen.
  3. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Leg_Specialist October 01, 2019 In addition to its previous effects, this trait now also grants a 7% damage bonus against foes suffering from a movement-impairing condition. The cooldown on this trait is now calculated per target. I guess they just forgot to do this also for CtW trait... together with 8529089025 other things needed. How shocking. And yes, that arbitrary 7% modifier is stupid. I doubt additional 3% is siginificant enough to require gamemode split. So many things obsolete, who would have expected that with such neglecting balance approach...
  4. This would be actually quite huge QoL for Bladesworn. It is so annoying having to click on mobs because tab target change is sometimes random and clicking doesn't always work reliably if there is gazilion players and mobs. Visual aoe indicators on top of ability to better control direction of all Dragon Slashes and also Break Step would be so gooooooood and useful.
  5. cryorion.9532


    You probably mean competetive modes. I was talking about PvE as I no longer care about PvP/WvW after Feb 2020 balance patch. In PvE, the biggest issue of Bladesworn is that like 90% of its damage output is condensed into 1 skill and so its performance is quite sensitive. This ties with long charging time during which you do literally 0 damage and if you don't land your charged Dragon Slash, that is pretty massive dps downtime. I still can't believe Anet thought this was good idea... oh well. On the other hand, the spec is very satisfying in more favorable situations where there is not that much incoming cc/weakness and targets don't move like on crack I would be lying if I said I have only good times with Bladesworn, I rage pretty frequently when things go bad cuz they do go bad frequently 🙃
  6. cryorion.9532


    I don't think so. I took break from gw2 and thus stopped thinking about it. When I came back I just figured some things and the spec has grown on me since then. I think the main reason I enjoy Bladesworn is that it is new, compared to Berserker which I played for years, and that the spec's performance in PvE can be great... in some situations. If you think that "accepting that anet gave us spec we didn't want" is stockholm syndrome, then yikes. Bladesworn isn't perfect and surely needs more love, but it isn't as bad as some people claim. I would try to avoid comparing it with current top performers because those are overtuned af.
  7. You wish. They gave Virtuoso ability to stack blades outside of combat because virtuoso wasn's fun/functioning well when starting with 0 blades. Very fair, classic 🤡net. It reminds me when they nerfed Signet of Rage boon durations. Anet's reasoning was something about having perma boons being unhealthy for the game. Year after that they released Herald that has perma boons by just existing and even sharing them with multiple people... The point is that there are double standards among classes/specs and people seem to be fine with it because I guess majority of them play/main favorable ones 🤷‍♂️
  8. Unseen Sword - please change this trait to activate only when in combat. It is quite annoying getting into combat beacuse of random mobs or rubble/structure when dismounting, using kits and some consumables, etc.
  9. Spellbreaker's performance in PvE is tragic. If you want to do high damage, don't play Spb. You can still play it for fun of course, but for more unforgiving content (e.g. Dragon's End meta, 99.9% raid and fractal encounters), you will be dragging your squad down with it. Anet has neglected Spellbreaker in PvE for years. There was a time when Spellbreaker pulled off nice numbers (not even overtuned like other professions has been for years and even now) and Anet nerfed it for some reason. And since then, nothing nice (and useful) happened to Spellbreaker. Some people were like "but not every spec has to be good in all game modes" which is stupid and low IQ. It's just Anet's laziness and unwillingness to do something about it. I suggest to play Spellbreaker in casual PvE content where you don't care whether you fail or succeed something that takes time to get to. If you are tryhard, don't bother.
  10. My guess is that they will put quickness on all banners (except battle standard) and specific boon on each banner (strenght - might, discipline - fury, etc), but it will require us to spec into Tactics = bye dps, welcome support that has garbage utility compared to firebrands and other supports. Why take quickness warrior without reflects when you can take quickness firebrand with reflects, blocks, stability, etc? It is similar to spellbreaker's boon rip, why rip boons when you can convert them into condis instead? However, we still don't know for sure what is going to happen with unique buffs. So maybe if banners retain those (even in weaker form), warrior will still have an edge over other classes, with better offensive support. I wonder if they will touch spellbreaker in PvE, as it is very shameful how neglected the spec has been in PvE for years. There is balance split between game modes for a reason, so... In any case, I don't trust Anet. Their balancing has been very questionable, non-transparent, not frequent enough and mostly disappointing. They also react way too slow to balance overperforming outliners as we can see even now with EoD specs...
  11. cryorion.9532


    Pistol is best if you want to upkeep Fierce as Fire stacks and Guns and Glory buff, which you should if your aim is dps build. Pistol 5 at max stacks has also decent melee burst damage. Skills on pistol fit the fast paced rotation very well. A bit offtopic but idk where to put it: I despised bladesworn at first, I tried it during beta and twice after EoD release and still hated it. But after 3rd try (like week ago, after few weeks of break) I started to really like it (PvE) and now I don't even want to play Berserker anymore (at least for now). It's new, it's different and it's not bad at all (in PvE that is). Just accept that Bladesworn isn't what probably most of us wanted and move on. The spec fits lore well (which was most likely very important during its developement) and it's just missing things like stow ability and so. Also, I don't even consider the spec to be weeb-y anymore, so I'm happy 🙂
  12. Yeah yeah, I know. I was just being sarcastic. I remember two shotting squishy builds with Bull's Charge and Wastrel's Ruin in WvW. Those were the days... 😕
  13. Spellbreaker's off-hand dagger? What's that?
  14. Can you really compare 50% shroud degrade with 5sec weapon swap cooldown? Does the functionality of each trait not matter? Also don't forget that warrior doesn't have secondary defensive HP layer (which VP made even stronger), so we are getting into territory, where a nerf on one profession is not equal to same nerf on different profession, as there are too many different variables. In this case, nerfing FH would be one of the biggest, if not the biggest change to warrior profession due to how present FH is in builds. FH simply isn't the same as VP. You can call this a reason for nerf, but given how FH makes the warrior playstyle much more enjoyable, better, fun and making it baseline would also help builds that need help, while also making weaponswap consistent across all builds, I see it as win-win solution. I simply can't understand why would Anet nerf builds that: 1. are not overpowered nor degenerative/unhealthy relative to the whole game; 2. are the only competetive warrior builds (with very few exceptions) with builds of other professions; 3. make the class more fun/enjoyable to play; just to artificially make weaker and underperforming builds more appealing (this assumes no compensation for FH nerf). I don't deny that Anet can nerf FH. They can do whatever they want. But it would be senseless because nerfing Fast Hands doesn't improve non-Discipline builds. They will remain as useful as before FH nerf. And we want these builds to be improved, by making FH baseline (or alternatively by directly improving multiple traitlines). What is smarter: A) making FH baseline and then adjust things that are still underperforming/overperforming or B) nerfing FH, then fixing the mess by buffing some builds so they can retain competetive performance with other professions and then also improving non-Discipline builds anyway because they would be still lacking? There is only one warrior build that would get away with FH nerf, power Berserker with Decapitate spam. So instead of build variety, we would have one. Nice.
  15. Eh, should we pretend that Fast Hand doesn't massively alter warrior's gameplay? I believe that Anet is aware of how potent FH is. We are simply vocal about the fact that it would be beneficial for all warrior builds. The aim of this change is to improve warrior because warrior needs improvements. The trait is good candidate to become baseline because of its effect, how it alters the gameplay which naturally helps less used builds to be more useful. I mean, sure, Anet can do anything (whether it's reasonable or complete nonsense) but I believe they are aware that FH plays big role in many builds that rely on 5sec cd swapping.
  16. Ok so what about traits where Anet broke this trait system with integrity and made them baseline? Why did they broke it back then and why couldn't they do it again?
  17. By underestimating FH's functionality, I meant that you probably don't realize the fallout of FH nerf on all Discipline builds which work properly and are not even overtuned compared to other professions. Nerfing such working system just for sake of "not having to be forced to pick Fast Hands traitline" (similarly to VP) makes absolutely no sense.
  18. I think you are confused. FH is strong trait for sure, but it is different compared to VP in terms of how it impacts gameplay. If you think about this as "if FH changes warrior much more than VP changes necro, then FH is much more OP", then of course you will come to conclusion that FH is OP. However, you could do this with literally anything and suddenly the game balance wouldn't make sense at all. That is exactly why you have to treat FH differently, aka special case. Also, what other examples of Anet nerfing things that people wanted as baseline are there to support your argument, except VP nerf?
  19. You are very underestimating FH's functionality compared to previously nerfed "exceptional cases" and even called it irrelevant (so far you've used only VP as an example). If Anet nerfs Fast Hands, they will basically destroy all competetive builds, just so people can "enjoy" more options - builds which are lacking, which is nonsense. So unless Anet compensates for FH nerf, they will significantly degrade warrior profession since most builds use Discipline traitline.
  20. Funny that you mention ignoring things. The irony. You oversimplied it because you know that there is more than just "beneficial for non-discipline builds" behind the reason of wanting FH baseline. Other professions are irrelevant in case of halved weaponswap because 1st: this is warrior's issue; and 2nd: other professions were never balanced around it, unlike warrior. But for some reason, you conveniently call it "game-wide mechanics and not warrior mechanics" so it fits your argument. Why do you even bring up that FH baseline would be beneficial to all other professions, when they never had access to it in the first place and never needed it to be competetive? Did you know that any buff applicable on any profession would be also beneficial for every profession? How is this relevant to the buff itself and profession that the buff is meant for? "lol, no, that is exactly what it is. It's a random trait that's strong due to how the game-wide mechanic works and "you" randomly deciding it's crucial for warrior." Idk what to reply to this nonsense 🤷‍♂️ Weaponswap is obviously game-wide mechanics (no one denies that), but 5 second weaponswap FH trait alters only warrior's gameplay since the trait is only on warrior, not on other professions. If you call FH a random trait and that we randomly decided that it is important, then I think you don't know its real value and impact on gameplay.
  21. Do you agree that non-Discipline warrior builds need improvements/buffs? If yes, does FH baseline improve all these builds at once without also improving already good performing Discipline builds? Yes. Does FH baseline make weaponswap on whole warrior class consistent and unified? Yes. So why is it bad thing to make FH baseline? You will still have meaningful choices which are dictated by all traits in any build, not Fast Hands. This is not wanting FH baseline for no reason. The reason is to buff non-Discipline builds which need buffs and also to unify weaponswap across all warrior builds for sake of consistency, quality of life and fun.
  22. Yes, it has too big impact on how potent weaponswap is. In a good way which makes other builds more frustrating compared to Discpline builds. And we want other builds to be more fun, like Discipline ones, not the other way around. And this "fun" aspect is not just feeling. It also includes already mentioned better weapon flexibility, adaptation and other functional things. Just to make sure, I am aware that if some outliner is too impactful, there is option to nerf it. I don't deny that. But Fast Hands is special case, nerfing it makes 0 sense as the trait alters functionality of warrior and makes warrior unique among gw2 professions.
  23. What makes you think Anet will do same thing with FH they did with VP? Do you base your argument on a VP example? FH and VP are functionally much different. FH imapacts a build much more than VP, think about it. You can't treat them the same. There is no reason to nerf Fast Hands over making it baseline instead. Why would Anet downgrade warrior instead of improving what is lacking? Anyway, the elephant in the room is that warrior builds that don't use Discipline have significantly worse control (simply put). And why should Anet nerf all builds that perform well (Discipline builds that are competetive with builds of other professions) to force weaker build gameplay that are used way less? That makes no sense. You probably don't realize how important and good FH is, I guess.
  24. That comes from assumption that the trait can't become baseline. It can.
  25. Why would you nerf something that is working well and as intended, is time-tested over like 8 years and makes the class play better? Only to downgrade most used builds for sake of weaker and more annoying to play builds? FH is not VP, stop acting like it is.
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