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Everything posted by torben.1532

  1. It has the best combat but lack of support by anet and meh balance (every class has too much of everything) kinda very much annoy me
  2. So far the only constructive thing i‘ve Seen here is naru‘s post
  3. They should nerf sword 5 somehow ( either remove slow or put it on second hit+lower the damage) and probably lower the range on phase traversal to 900.The heralds damage isn’t that much of a problem but rather that it is so difficult to kite it
  4. I want them to revert all changes to rev up to season 5 meta where you would run sword shield with equilibrium...good old times
  5. Very nice job on figuring out all those builds.It‘s truly amazing to have such engaged people in our community!!!
  6. what do you mean not game Breaking..they literally introduce an item that you can not obtain if you haven't done X a year agothat is so dumb. they could at least patch something in that works around it
  7. It has been weekend, ofc they haven’t changed it but today/tomorrow should be their realistic deadline imho
  8. HeLlO aNeT dO yOu InTeNd oN fIxInG tHiS aNyTiMe SoOn
  9. it's just so stupid, like hello can you hotfix it or at least give us a Workaround for the specific part???????????it's not that hard unless anet forgot how their Spaghetti Code works again
  10. I wonder if anet read their Forums and are Aware of this bug even..if they give it the same Treatment as the pvp ranked Bugs that make you unable to Queue up we will never get any word on the Topic from them even
  11. Actually skyscale is op. You can do a lot of things easier than you could with a combination of all other mounts
  12. Yea it‘s kind of ridiculous, I expected them to do at least something but hey, it‘s still anet we are talking about and this is just pvp
  13. Even if technical difficulties might prevent anet from extending the seasons duration they could at least lower the total amount of games needed by 15 (this weeks amount)?
  14. Rolling back would be a mistake and won’t be well received by those unaffected by the bug.They should just give everyone a few extra days, maybe even extend the season to next Tuesday
  15. I really hope they extend Duration of pvp Season or smth. this is stupidthose who haven't completed their 120 games yet and can't Queue up because of this bug get completly cuckedsmart way to fuck over last Minute wintraders I guess
  16. I recently used shiro teleport to get from the ground up to clock tower.I ended up inside the tower..quite literally.I also like Spellbreaker tether to be quite consistent at pulling you into objects
  17. I don’t think anyone minds the extend of the collection. It‘s just timegates being fucking stupid
  18. You don’t have to count dodges if you just use all buttons to kill the enemy. On average the player does have more buttons to press than the enemy dodges
  19. I would move up firebrand to S tier as every competitive team needs one to be successful
  20. We currently are in a teamfight meta, while you can replace scourge in most teamcomps, for example by running an additional rev/holo etc the firebrand is pretty much a must have in today’s meta. If you don’t have a firebrand you will more than likely not be successful in any 5v5 on high levelScourge firebrand comp has been the most dominant ever since pof launch
  21. @tacoclaw.8251All I can say is spam games, duel friends and get better at your class + rotational understanding (means know when to move where)It‘s time consuming but it’s the only way to learn a game mode as complex as conquest
  22. Old staff 2 was good but situational.New staff 2 is good in any situation while being more consistent (speaking of pvp and wvw roaming perspective)
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