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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Because physics doesn't matter.Make a unique data table same structure as the first bank storage and put a true linking table between the two. Limitations lifted. Now it becomes a space issue which can always be solved with more money. Call it our Swiss gw2 bank account. That might be an option, but as things currently are it may not be. We don't know enough about how the system is built or coded. And, as you stated, there's that pesky "solved with more money" issue that would need to be addressed as well.
  2. Casuals that really want it take this card you see and swipe it, buy all the candy corn from trading post and poof they have it. they are extremely expensive, i am not rich, do the math. It's not about whether or not one is rich. It is about the option to flat-out purchase or grind. The choice is up to the consumer. uhmm yes it is, i don't have the time to grind my kitten off to get one single hat and not rich enough to buy them.lowering the grind to about 5 instead of 30 makes this much more do-able and much more an event thing, 30 for one single hat isn't made for events, that's a thing for regular stuff like legendary weapons.uhmm sorry. In my opinion, no it is not. A player can budget their money and purchase from the gem store if they prefer not to grind. Just because you choose to do neither does not invalidate this. This festival occurs every year. Put some money away now and save up for next year. If you had been around, you could have saved up from last year.
  3. All of the information that we have can be found in the stickied link above https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/112953/guild-wars-2-is-coming-to-steam-merged
  4. What use is it to "publish" names on a screen when there is nothing one can do about it anyway?
  5. Casuals that really want it take this card you see and swipe it, buy all the candy corn from trading post and poof they have it. they are extremely expensive, i am not rich, do the math.It's not about whether or not one is rich. It is about the option to flat-out purchase or grind. The choice is up to the consumer.
  6. That's a bit disingenuous to say that they don't care. They've said that these things weren't coded/designed to be dye-able from the start and that making them would take a lot of resources. They seem to have decided that the cost outweighs the benefit of going back to make changes rather than working to move forward.
  7. It might be a database limitation. You could create a guild and use the guild bank?
  8. Anet seems to hold back this information so that players have to log in every day to check. Alternatively, one could watch this thread for announcements.
  9. Some posters want to raise the cap, but no one has mentioned to what limit or if it should even have a limit. So, what is the proposal? Just saying "raise the cap" isn't going to be enough for Anet to implement anything.
  10. I don't really get into any of the festivals, but I think it is cool that they are available.
  11. There are threads on this topic already which answer your question. The forums search function is a wonderful tool.
  12. Instead of statuettes, why not just make those items available for gems? Then, players could simply purchase these items outright.
  13. I mean in WvW and PvP. PvE balance is likely near perfect because of the attention PvE gets over PvP and WvW... I didn't even know pve was even meant to be balanced since it's all about killing brain dead ai with lots of health, and the ai dosnt complain lol so why do they focus on pve balance ? If they did focus on PvE, then PvP balance wouldn't ever screw over PvE players. Since that isn't true, what are you talking about? PvP combined with PvE screws over PvE every time, as proven by all games that have this kind of idiocy. Its not just PvP, its PvP and WvW. I won't make 2 posts because I would like the comments that give ideas to be in one place If this is a "problem" in both of them, I'm sure most people who are interested in PvP will visit both. And what excatly gets screwed over in pve? its not competitive at all. i dont get why pve balance is a thing.Well Ranger pets, to start. The latest SoulBeast changes were predicated on competitive play and should not have been introduced into PvE. Those are two off of the top of my head.
  14. Unless they also made statuettes purchasable in all regions for cheaper than a key, than sure I guess. Which would devalue keys. It may also cause Anet to earn less as well. Been trying to make that point, but perhaps you're more succinct than I.
  15. Please. No open world PvP. GW2 has a mode already for PvP. Please use that.
  16. The way that Anet seems to monetize so many things in GW2, you honestly believe that they wouldn't have done this already if it would make them so much more money? There has to be a good reason for them to gate statuettes the way that they are now, something that tells them that making them available through other methods wouldn't make more profit (or less). Again, I am not against making these more available but I don't see a compelling reason for Anet to do so. Your say-so that it will absolutely make them more money is not enough. And what if they sell statuettes as a stand-alone item in the gemstore only for players in an anti-lootbox region, for the same amount 1 black lion key costs?That's a good question. But why alienate the rest of the player base by not allowing that same option. I'd wager that many would scream that it is unfair. Anet seems to have made the decision to keep things fair to all players in the way that statuettes are currently available. That some governments decide to pass laws that block them is not really Anet's problem. Just my opinion!! But as I said before, making statuettes available for purchase (assume world-wide, to keep things fair for all players) might decrease the number of keys purchased as some players would no longer try to get the BL item through chests, which with RNG will probably cost them more in keys. Why would a player buy a chunk of keys to try to get the item that they want when they could just purchase a few statuettes and get the item without RNG? I know that I wouldn't. Should Anet change as you suggest, I would expect the statuette cost of items to dramatically increase.
  17. This is PvP. This isn't PvE/WvW something everybody farms.PvP could use more playerbase. If you worried about bots....Well they need to eliminate them, can't be worried about bots,and on the flip side, make it unfun for those legit players. And PvP uses a different BLTC than PvE? While I agree that PvP could use more population, I'm not sure that increasing drops would be the right way to do that.
  18. The way that Anet seems to monetize so many things in GW2, you honestly believe that they wouldn't have done this already if it would make them so much more money? There has to be a good reason for them to gate statuettes the way that they are now, something that tells them that making them available through other methods wouldn't make more profit (or less). Again, I am not against making these more available but I don't see a compelling reason for Anet to do so. Your say-so that it will absolutely make them more money is not enough.
  19. More drops would mean more junk that is salvaged or sold which would dramatically impact the in-game economy. Be careful what you wish for.
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