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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. The problem has been when Anet posts on the forum, some people take what they say as gospel and when things don't pan out they're insulted and called liars. I blame the community here for the lack of developer interaction.
  2. I wonder if this is also tied to ranger pets being stowed on dismounting?
  3. I would think that the lower material prices would be a good thing for new players coming in, especially with the Steam release on the horizon? OT: I'm not adverse to new legendary items. I don't hunt them myself because I haven't really found one that I like. Since I don't do the very high-end content, there is no reason for me to have something that I can stat-swap. For me, a legendary would pretty much be cosmetic only. Now, if they decide to put Gen3 in EoD, my preference would be more for scavenger hunting than material costs as long as the hunting wouldn't be locked behind content or activities that die off in a month.
  4. so u want a pony? carefull last time Anet made a horse thing in game for a mount... it ended a cow with chicken foot and wings, Is that what that thing is? I could never figure out what it was supposed to be.
  5. So, based on this post, AFKers using minions doesn't fit into the prohibited list. They aren't using macros to autocast, there isn't any autocasting going on at all, and there is no botting. As far as I can tell, unless there's been an updated statement from Anet, AFK necro minion/engi turrets are perfectly okay. Technically, no, from my understanding. One cannot be truly "AFK". A player must be at the computer. If the player responds to a GM, then they are not considered AFK (even if they are watching Netflix on another device or whatever).
  6. Of course, you're right. Unfortunately, I agree even though I would love the mode. I mean, if it were done off dev time, like SAB was, then sure.
  7. I would rather development resources be spent on content that is more appealing to a larger portion of the player base.
  8. Even if they are enforcing them, it's on the level of a "wrist slap" as Ygg said.Otherwise we wouldn't have afk farmers in so many maps. I agree that farmers are an annoyance. Despite calls otherwise, I do not engage or condone them. However, if these farmers are reported and they respond to a GM who checks on them then they are not breaking the ToS as it's currently written. No wrist slap required. They are playing the game insofar as Anet is concerned. Since Anet will never tell publicly what they're doing with these reports, or actions taken to determine truly AFK players, no one here can say that they aren't doing anything. I stand by my statement that to say Anet is not enforcing their rules is inaccurate.
  9. What makes a game or content "replayable" is quite subjective. I haven't finished the core story, not because I found it too hard, but because I didn't care for the story. However, I find plenty of things to do in open world that makes core maps replayable for me. While I respect the work that went into map design in HoT, I don't prefer them so I don't go there. I don't run through PoF maps too often because I don't like the aggo radius of the mobs and the intermittent lag that has been an issue in PoF/LS4 maps. I would probably go there more often if not for those factors./shrug
  10. You may want to check out the Fractals forum https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/fractals-dungeons-raids
  11. That's not how outfits work. Your suggestions are what armor sets are for.
  12. There is no schedule for returning items. You may want to watch this thread for its return: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/458/news-gemstore-items-new-returned-sales
  13. Why would a charr character, visiting the asura home zone want to dress in that culture's armor? Doing so, IMO, would invalidate the concept of cultural armor being solely for the race that lives there.
  14. First of all, that last line was not in my original quote, so I presume it was meant to be the first line of your argument (corrected above). You may have made a minor mistake when assembling your post, so that one of your sentences got added to the end of your quote of my post. Regardless... To address your argument darling, I think it is fair to say that most players don't choose a role when they play the game. They put together some skills that they like, and then play through most of the game with that build. Since the core game barely challenges anyone, it is quite possible for that build to be a really REALLY bad build. Even if it is a build they "know how to play" and "love", it might simply be terrible. So when such a player then tries HoT, they run into a brick wall. Before the release of HoT, these forums were full of people asking for better and more challenging combat. They weren't wrong, the core combat is pretty shallow and boring to be honest, mostly due to lack of interesting mechanics. A lot of those concerns were addressed in HoT and further refined in PoF and Living Story. Breakbars became a thing, bosses received phases, enemies received attacks and abilities that heavily punish players when they hit. Basically a huge overhaul of GW2's combat system. I think this change was badly needed to keep players interested, but it does mark a sudden change in difficulty. Especially players who didn't experience Living Story season 1 and 2 will be ill prepared for HoT throws at them. Plus HoT also seems more designed with groups of players in mind, rather than a solo experience. The tutorials of the game weren't updated to reflect these changes either, making HoT into this brick wall of difficulty for lots of players. It's understandable. "putting some skills together" is acually how you make a character in this game, no? and dont get me started on the breakbar.yep, they listened to the content locusts, and they have been chasing dogs tail ever since. They listened to people that actually want to understand game's meechanics, not some "content locust" like you keep calling it. If you want to smile at dying mobs after you hold 1 key then stay in starting zones or just core maps in general and continue being happy. "putting some skills together" is how you make a character in this game, sure -which doesn't mean that any combination of traits and skills is a coherent one, not sure what you're trying to argue here. All you're showing is your lack of understanding of the basics of the game. Maybe if you've put in that direction HALF of the effort you're showing on the forum to complain, you wouldn't actually have a reason to complain. Now that I think about it... maybe that's your issue? Maybe you don't want solutions, you just want to keep complaining instead? Also just a reminder that you forgot to answer some questions about what you mean here:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1343877/#Comment_1343877 if they can get to end game content in a few days, then they ARE content locusts, no dev team could ever keep up with them No, they're not and it has nothing to do with this thread in the first place. ???Wrong thread? Or what's exactly your point here? What "demands"? You think anet consulted anyone before/while making expansions? Stop with your silly baseless claims. And another reminder that you forgot to answer some questions about what you mean here:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1343877/#Comment_1343877 hot was made for "replayability", so it doesi stand by my first commentyes, they clearly listened to the hardcores, when designing hot, why are you even trying to to argue this? Every map in the game is built for replayability. Every race has it's own starter zone, and with level scaling, every map will be played for events, or map completion, or to fill gaps between story levels. It's been built that way from the ground up. It's also why there are variations on the racial stories, and choices such as which order you join, how you handle quests, etc. If you want to see them all, w/out just searching them up on youtube, you're going to replay the game. They clearly took some feedback, but they also clearly didn't just listen to the "hardcore" crowd. If they had, we'd have people peeking through our virtual windows to see what gear you're sporting before they decide to let you in their group. Had a player yesterday trying to claim that a WB group in a level 40-50 map required Legendary gear to complete. They clearly didn't listen to that player... For all that, I didn't find PoF or HoT all that "hard". It's not difficulty, one way or the other, too easy or too hard, that has me floating games, it's time to spend playing, new stuff, old stuff that starts calling my name, etc. I'm rocking about 2 TBs of games right now, just on the PC, and another one on my xbox. Going to be fun when I get my Series X and have to decide what's getting installed, and what isn't... But if one can get a handle on basic mechanics, and understands that some of OW content is intended for at least casual group play, they'll be fine. what? how? all the lower level hearts are NOT repeatable. Not on one character. But you can run alts through all of them. Replay-ability isn't limited to one character. True. But when we talk about replay value, we're talking about content people actually enjoy. Hearts in the core game are more like watching paint dry than playing a game. If I were a potato I might enjoy it, I guess? I don't know...You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but it doesn't speak for everyone. We don't know how many people do enjoy said content. I'm guessing that if people didn't enjoy doing heart quests then there wouldn't have been such clamoring for repeatability. /shrug
  15. This is a great idea but it doesn't solve the main problem of not having living world available: the jump in difficulty. Missing Season 3 isn't really a problem, other than missing story parts, and missing Season 4 also isn't a big issue. The main problem comes with jumping from core to HOT and having a more expensive "complete bundle" won't really help in that. I mean a player pays for HOT+POF yet if they try to go from core to HOT (or POF, it's not like the jump from core to POF is small) they might be unhappy as they are destroyed by the mobs there (forums are full of threads on the subject). Making Season 2 (and only Season 2) completely free with purchase of an expansion will provide content between core and the expansions, shortening the massive gap, not a perfect solution, but I think Season 2 IS easier than expansion content and at the same time harder than core. In my opinion, it seems that a lot of new players make that jump to HoT or PoF because it is billed as end-game content and they end up rushing to get there. I'm not sure such players would even bother with S2, even if it were free.
  16. You cannot say that Anet doesn't enforce their ToS. Players should report suspected AFKers and move on. After that, Anet will do whatever it is that they do. Anet does not publicly detail what actions are taken. To say that Anet doesn't enforce their rules is inaccurate.
  17. Yet it happend all the time and CS was flooded with support requests. I personally had it once (and yes I was an idiot). I traded for the item Nicholas the Traveler wanted and the icon was the same of another item. I did not read carefully and accepted the trade. I am very happy that support took actions but even more pleased that GW2 offers more protection let alone stopped the spam. It definitely didn't work in GW1 and it was a pain to trade. actually it does work, the problem is simply the identical item icons GW1 suffers from, AFAIK GW2 doesn't have that problem. First, the fact that similar icons made scamming easier does not in reverse mean that there is no scamming at all, even with differing icons. It only means less players might be affected. Second:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mystic_Coinhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rare_Ascalonian_Coin You were saying about same icons?Interesting example. However, the rare Ascalonian coin is soulbound on acquire, so it wouldn't be trade-able.
  18. Ah didn't see it. First time being on the forums.Welcome to the forums! Also note that there is a search function which would have found all of the DPS related threads. There are several. Unfortunately.
  19. I don't really care that it was flawed fir 8 years, it's never too late to make it better. I won't feel scammed after countless of hours of enjoyment the game gave me just because they offered better value for new players. If a player has countless hours playing the game, then he/she should have plenty of gold to convert to gems to buy LS chapters. They're not that expensive.
  20. People will complain about necro, and those are outdated.I could bring back the housing ideas since only GW2 core. Super outdated to current game. Thats why fresh threads are good. Yes, if only fresh threads have new ideas or points for discussion. Most (if not all?) housing threads are the same things over and over again. If one wants to know the forums community's thoughts on housing, one need only review the existing threads by using the search feature.
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