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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. hyperbole, but sure, thanks for sharing your opinion with us. That's not what hyperbole means. ok, so all polls on these forums are biased, got it.A hyperbolic statement is an exaggeration of fact that is not meant to be taken seriously (look it up). I offered my opinion on the polls that I have seen, not each and every poll on the forum. That is not hyperbole, nor is it a statement intended to include all polls. It is an opinion.
  2. hyperbole, but sure, thanks for sharing your opinion with us. That's not what hyperbole means.
  3. I have yet to see a poll on these forums that isn't inherently biased. I really wish polls were not an option.
  4. I don't think that Anet has addressed this point one way or another; however, I believe that you pretty much have the gist of it. I believe that Anet thinks people won't want to spend money for shinies if they can't show them off. Forcing other players to see them is how that works.
  5. I thought Strikes were supposed to be the "tutorial" or stepping stone for Raids? Why would Anet need to make changes to allow for different levels of difficulty for raids? What is in it for them?
  6. What's flawed is thinking that it's not an issue for Anet.Clearly, it is not an issue for Anet or else they would have made some change back when these laws started. Mount-gate was a fiasco and was a huge issue for Anet, so much so that they almost immediately changed the way in which mount skins were sold. I don't see them scrambling to make changes to the way in which statuettes are obtained because some countries block the purchase of keys. @Treacy.4067 said:So what the OP is suggesting is giving an alternative way to earn those statuettes. It's a valid premise.I disagree because it is a solution that is looking for a problem. A problem that appears that Anet doesn't see as one. @Scratchpaw.1069 said: Even more money for Anet because people in anti-lootbox regions can now spend money on statuettes in the gemstore while still selling the same amount of black lion keys.If this were indeed the case, then I would think that Anet would have changed something by now. They have their own statistics and internal financial figures. It would seem that they are content with the status quo. To me, that says that the reason that you suggest is not a strong enough benefit. Perhaps if you had something stronger, it would be considered? Everyone, please don't get me wrong. I hate spending money/gems for keys and would also like to have statuettes available by other means. I just don't see why Anet would want to do so. Have you considered that maybe the statuettes were an oversight by Anet when they blocked black lion keys in anti-lootbox regions? Maybe it wasn't an oversight and they deemed the other means of obtaining them fit? The reason for this thread was to shed some light on them for players in anti-lootbox regions and also to show that the current way for us to obtain them is not OK at all compared to other regions.Black Lion statuettes were added for the exact purpose of anti-lootbox regions. It was no oversight. If you find yourself lost in the discussion, I suggest you to reread some of my replies, aswell as those of other users.No need to be insulting because I do not agree with your proposal. Every argument you tried to make has been refute.Which doesn't invalidate my opinions. There is absolutely no reason why statuettes should not be sold seperatly in the gemstore, or made obtainable by other means ingame so players like me also get a chance to get the guaranteed items from the Black Lion Merchant.In your opinion, sure. In Anet's business decision, then no. Good luck with your proposal.
  7. What's flawed is thinking that it's not an issue for Anet.Clearly, it is not an issue for Anet or else they would have made some change back when these laws started. Mount-gate was a fiasco and was a huge issue for Anet, so much so that they almost immediately changed the way in which mount skins were sold. I don't see them scrambling to make changes to the way in which statuettes are obtained because some countries block the purchase of keys. @Treacy.4067 said:So what the OP is suggesting is giving an alternative way to earn those statuettes. It's a valid premise.I disagree because it is a solution that is looking for a problem. A problem that appears that Anet doesn't see as one. @Scratchpaw.1069 said: Even more money for Anet because people in anti-lootbox regions can now spend money on statuettes in the gemstore while still selling the same amount of black lion keys.If this were indeed the case, then I would think that Anet would have changed something by now. They have their own statistics and internal financial figures. It would seem that they are content with the status quo. To me, that says that the reason that you suggest is not a strong enough benefit. Perhaps if you had something stronger, it would be considered? Everyone, please don't get me wrong. I hate spending money/gems for keys and would also like to have statuettes available by other means. I just don't see why Anet would want to do so.
  8. Also, remember that past Living World episodes are not included.
  9. Even more money for Anet because people in anti-lootbox regions can now spend money on statuettes in the gemstore while still selling the same amount of black lion keys. Yea as this person I reply to say kharmin.7683 What profit loss do you expect if Anet to get if it sells 1 statuette for bettwen lets say 75-100 gems or 1 black lion key for 125 were you get 1 statuette + chance items.You assume that a player would purchase only 1 key. This goes against the marketing tactic of the BLC. But for discussion sake... Assume item desired requires 6 statuettes. At 100gems (using a round figure for simplicity), that is 600gems. After that 600gem purchase, the player has what they want and has no need to purchase additional gems for statuettes. With keys at 125gems each, that person would have to purchase 750gems, which is 150gems more than in the previous example. 750 > 600 Why would Anet want to lose those 150gems sale? Also, if the item is not yet in the statuette list, and a player doesn't know if/when it will be listed and for how much, and the player desires the item then they will purchase keys to open chests in the hope of getting that specific item. This is where the RNG/lootbox stuff comes in to play and why some governments feel the need to protect people from their own purchasing habits. Now, if people who are in support of the OP can show Anet how this change would actually benefit the company, then by all means do so and I would even support it because I want the company to remain profitable and the game to keep running.
  10. What's in it for Anet to make this change? Sure, we all want easier access to things in GW2, but the current model earns the company profit. How would this change benefit Anet?
  11. IIRC, you need to have started the Skyscale quest in order to use the "rental" Skyscales in DF?
  12. How would this be fair others, then? Why should they have to buy keys to get statuettes?
  13. I do not like HoT. I don't visit those zones unless I'm helping a friend or for some other very compelling reason. I very much admire the maps (but can't quite agree with them being called a "masterpiece) but I struggle with the mobs. That's just me. HoT is not a perfect expansion in my eyes. Having said that, I would not want Anet to change anything (further) in HoT because there is a subset of the player base that really enjoys them. PoF might have swung a bit too far in the other direction (although I still detest the aggro radius of many of the mobs and very lengthy tethers). I think that some of the LW maps after PoF did a better job of working toward a middle ground but aren't quite there yet for my tastes. For me, there is now a diversity of map style/content that allows players to play what they enjoy (HoT, PoF or LW maps).
  14. Yes, they have. Most threads have a majority of forum posters against the idea. Many do not want this in GW2. There is a mode for PvP already. Those who wish to play that format should simply go there.
  15. It's not really necessary to bump a thread that is only 2 days old. If people want to read it, they can find it using the search function or simply scroll through page 1 and 2.
  16. Still having problems today...sold another item and didnt recieve the money...i cannot believe that this isnt happening to anyone else You might check the Bugs forum where these things are more likely to be reported https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/bugs%3A-game-forum-website
  17. @gnotshr.9136 There are potential solutions, as you call them, to a problem that doesn't exist for Anet. The entire thread premise is flawed.
  18. "I'm rich, you know" because I saved up a really long time to get that one. Also, like Danikat says, I tend to use titles that make sense to me for my toons. My ranger, for example, uses "The Hunter". I'm also a fan of "Been there, done that" on my toon that first finished map completion.
  19. Some of us (especially older players) simply don't have what it takes. For me, I don't care for JPs in the first place. Tried this one a few years ago and ... nope. Didn't do it for me either. What may seem trivial and easy to some is quite difficult and annoying for others. :)
  20. I would like this. Better than the "kill me now" button I wanted.
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