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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Once you have an outfit, it is account bound so transmutation orbs aren't really needed. Having a way to quickly swap in to/out of an outfit could work I suppose, but the slots would probably be monetized like the equipment wardrobe. I don't know about Warframe. Is it also F2P? Comparing things in games with different business models isn't necessarily a valid comparison.
  2. Thanks. This pretty much confirms what I had been seeing. Good to know that it wasn't just me. Seems that in order to have any effectiveness at all with staff, I have to continually create and shatter clones. For solo OWPvE this is do-able, but not too efficient for me.
  3. pof is prolly the most unpopular expansion, and i have given up getting some of my toons through it. it is better than hot, but that doesnt say much.but it has better maps , too bad they made them such a PITA to play in . It just goes to show you what happens when you listen to the noisiest complainers. They exaggerate everything and speak as if they represent everyone else, but when you give them what they say they want they don't stop complaining and they still don't play. HoT is clearly the more active and popular expansion of the two, as you say. I hope they've learned their lesson on that!But what are the true reasons for that? Is it that HoT is simply more loot-rewarding rather than the preference for the content? Is it that some players don't care for the expansiveness of PoF or the aggro radii? There are probably many factors that need to be considered before determining that future content should mirror HoT. Just my opinion. I admire the maps in HoT, but do not like going there. I prefer PoF, but hate the aggro. For me, I'd like to see a better mix of both. Some of the LW maps did a better job of this for me, but now they're laggy as all heck so I'm spending most of my time in core maps now.
  4. pof is prolly the most unpopular expansion, and i have given up getting some of my toons through it. it is better than hot, but that doesnt say much.but it has better maps , too bad they made them such a PITA to play in . Most unpopular for you perhaps? Given that there are only two expansions, though, there really isn't much competition between them.
  5. I agree, but this is why it probably won't happen. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/3981/eater-of-souls-fight-is-too-difficult
  6. I hope it gets fixed. It has some really awesome abilities. It seems to me to be more of a condition type of weapon and/or one that spreads boons to allies and thus it does not do much damage. Perhaps that is by design for some semblance of balance to the skills (1-5) associated with the staff? I was just looking here to see if I'm reading those damage numbers right.
  7. Thanks. I had hoped for a better answer :)
  8. I've been tinkering with chrono for a week or so (very very very casual player here) and like the staff but it seems to me that it is a very weak weapon? Or am I just not traited right for it?
  9. If I were my character, then I would get more IRL propositions. Not really something I'm interested in.
  10. There may already be requests here https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/348/gemstore-requests-new-items-items-offered-again-merged or here https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53097/suggestions-qol-quality-of-life-ideas-merged
  11. Do you really think they were made by the same person, or do you just assume that they are all connected to a hive mind or something? I admit that i DON'T know if the OP has posted on all the threads before this, but that is why i'm asking you.No, I don't. Where did you get the idea that I thought that these were all being made by the same person? That's a stretch from my post. My point is that we have had a lot of threads like this in the past and I don't remember anyone from Anet responding because of them.
  12. When enough people post it we do get communication. We have in the past.Really? I don't recall any due to our requests/demands. So I think it’s good to create these kind of threads. Nothing wrong with getting a little update.No argument here. I think that more communication would be nice. People are also a lot more likely to spend money when they know there’s new content on the horizon and are hyped about something.Probably, depending on the content of the communication.
  13. I wonder if it is by design that players are not able to consume these items easily while in combat?
  14. I wasn't talking about that kind of banner. I was talking about guild hall decorations. Maybe dig through https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_upgrade ?
  15. That's a surprise. Danikat wanting more minis? Who would have thought? hahaha :)
  16. I probably wouldn't buy 'em but if others want 'em and they don't take much dev resources then sure.
  17. That's not a bad idea. You might want to suggest it in the QoL Suggestions thread
  18. Would we be discussing this topic every month in a new thread if things were clear and/or taken care of properly?No. End of discussion. End of discussion? Hardly. People continue to assume that Anet is not managing this issue but are ignorant (meaning ill-informed) of what it is that ANet is actually doing. This topic comes up because people are frustrated and, in some cases believe that other players are somehow cheating the system. For all that we know, each and every reported player suspected of AFK farming has responded to a GM in which case they are playing within the current rules. Anet has given players the means to report suspects bots and AFKers. Report and move on. These discussions shouldn't even come into the forums because there is nothing anyone here can do about the situation. So, the end of the discussion is that this discussion should not have been started in the first place.
  19. Neither reddit or discord are official company channels. I'm not disagreeing that more communication (any, really) isn't something that many of us want. I just have some understanding as to why Anet devs may opt to not post on the official forum.
  20. I fail to see how the rules are unclear. What is it about them that is unclear to you? Specifically?
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