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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. This is a subjective topic, no? For me, a very casual player, I spend almost all of my time in Core. I appreciate the work in HoT, but do not like to go there. PoF is fine for me, but I don't linger there much because those zones frequently make me focus too much on what is going on around me. Core is more laid-back for me and after work and other RL responsibilities, I just want to log in and run around with my friends on our nowhere-close-to-meta builds. I also like help out new players, mostly in Wayfarer (sometimes in Queensdale) which seems like a second home to me sometimes. :) I've recently started to explore the LS3 maps a bit more and would maybe go to LS4 maps if it weren't for the lag issues. I'm glad that jumping puzzles are optional content. I despise them. Like... a lot more than I can say on this forum. However, I'm glad that they exist for those who enjoy them.
  2. Then, there will be additions to basic housing that will be in the gem store that everyone will whine about being too expensive, just like the mount skins.
  3. Again, they have been burned by this community in the past for soft-announcing something like this and when it doesn't come through they've been called a bunch of liars. We only have ourselves to blame. "We" are not a hive mind. I am not responsible for the posts of others nor are they for mine. Lumping the entire community together like this makes no sense. ArenaNet are professionals, they know that, certainly a professional community manager would know it. I think the problem has always been less to do with them announcing something and it not coming out and more to do with them announcing something and then going silent on the matter. If they kept up the communication on these subjects there would be far fewer posts born out of frustration on these forums.Ok, fine. "We". I edited that for you. I thought that it was apparent in the intent, but no one can assume anything anymore. I hope that the edit is clear enough now. Let me know if I need to be more specific and I'll see what I can do.Still, many of us have been around here long enough to see the vitriol that A VOCAL GROUP (not "we" or "the forums") has thrown at Anet. Some continue to do so, communication or lack thereof notwithstanding. More communication would lead to more vitriol, in my opinion. From a PR perspective, it makes more sense to only mention something that is timely and worth mentioning. It's one thing for a company to remain quiet and for the public to admonish them for it. It's another thing to make announcements that are constantly and consistently met with ridicule and being called liars every time. Would I like more communication from Anet? Sure! Would I welcome a liaison here on the forums? Absolutely! Do I blame Anet for the way things are now? Nope.
  4. Again, they have been burned by this community in the past for soft-announcing something like this and when it doesn't come through they've been called a bunch of liars. Those who did so are to blame.
  5. Oh, I never meant that it would be better. Just easier.
  6. I still think one reason for Anet not posting in the forums is the level/amount of negativity and criticism that comes with it. The Alliances announcement being one of those things that some forum posters just won't let go. It's easier for Anet to release something with a modicum of fanfare than to suggest/announce something that doesn't show and then get kittened on by the forums for it.
  7. IIRC, you can purchase earlier chapters with gems, so converting gold -> gems might be an easier way to obtain them.
  8. Well, it is Friday the 13th in 2020, so I suppose anything would be possible at this point.
  9. so these populations don't collapse? so anet has a solid base to build on? have you played these modes over the years? people have been leaving for a while now. they still got some life left but i doubt they are going to last as long as pve, and they certainly aren't going to grow until some basic problems are fixed. I would think it rather obvious who Anet believes their largest audience to be, and it isn't the competitive modes. To release an expansion that features only PvP/WvW would be a terrible decision, IMO. While it may be true that players are leaving PvP/WvW (and I won't argue that those modes could use some attention), only Anet has the metrics on what modes players spend the most time playing. I'm not sure that the loss of PvP/WvW players impacts those numbers as much as many around here think that they do.
  10. I do think death should matter, just as getting to an event matters to you in a pretend game... I like how you cut stuff off. The pretend game... we all play that you somehow want to make more difficult to play or return to play because they died because death should matter and why is that? Why would you want to be doing an event die and now have 2 minutes of travel from the beginning of the map. Maybe it could be like other time sucks like WoW when you had to take a wyvern and stare at the screen for 5 mins traveling or ff11 where you had to take a tele ride a choco and walk thru a map to get somewhere. Like I said putting one wp and a long travel will just force 90 percent of players to lay there dead for the entire event if they die. That's fun tooMany players do this now, even with nearby waypoints. Frozen Maw is but one example.
  11. I'm not convinced a change in leadership would have prioritized SAB. That's niche content. The same goes for any festivals.
  12. Where is the financial incentive for Anet to even do such an expansion?
  13. There is a science to it. Sufficient revenue would most likely be the amount that is required to keep the company running and to make enough net profit to please the shareholders. Whatever that target budget number is, Anet knows and wouldn't tell us anyway. However, if they try to make too much of a profit or increase that target budget number too high, then they would lose sales and revenue. Their finance and marketing teams would be in the best position to know what "sufficient revenue" means to the company.
  14. I think that this would go against the core design and intent of the megaserver system.
  15. So, in the end of all of this, what is it that you are trying to change? What "problem" exists and what is your proposed "fix"?
  16. You can't purchase mounts anyway.Ok, purchase EXPANSIONS so that they have access to mounts. I thought that was inferred.
  17. On BDO's NA/EU launch there were a total of 8 classes available; Witch, Wizard, Warrior, Valkyrie, Tamer, Berserker, Sorceress and Ranger. Also I forgot one that they added just recently, the Hashashin. So there are a total of 20 classes available on BDO. They've added classes pretty regularly over the course of the last four years that the game has been out in NA/EU.Thanks. At GW2 launch, there were Elementalist, Necromancer, Warrior, Engineer, Ranger, Thief, Guardian and Mesmer. That's 8. Then, Revenant came to make the total 9. Now, two elite specializations for each of the 9 classes adds 18 more for a total of 27. Some may argue that elites are not "new" professions; however, when gauged against BDO's number of classes that are available to play it seems to me that GW2 is the same if not better for having more options.
  18. I spent almost every piece of gold I had at the time to get the commander tag before the price jumped. I never thought that I would be able to get enough gold to purchase it at the higher price. Never knew if I would use it or not (hardly ever do), but wanted to grab it when I could afford it. Now, I've been able to hoard enough for the I'm Rich You Know title and since purchasing that have recouped my funds to be able to do it again. And I'm a very casual player. Point is, I suppose, is that gold is pretty easy to come by for very casual players. For those who more aggressively farm for it, they can accrue a lot more a lot faster.
  19. I think the number of people who would say "I don't need/want a mount because I can sometimes hitch a ride with someone on a warclaw" is vanishingly small.You might be right. I might be right. Neither of us has any stats to prove one way or the other. I was basing my premise on the many threads here on the forum of players complaining how others with mounts shoot across the maps and finish events before non-mount players even arrive. If players are able to "hitch" with someone and get to these events, why then would they spend anything to get their own mounts? /shrug
  20. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/111852/the-warclaw-needs-some-love-in-pve-merged
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