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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. They never answered my query for clarification about a moderation issue. It's been months. So, I don't expect I'll ever get one.
  2. I agree; however, I don't feel that the repetitiveness of the complaints that had no real constructive value were worth their time to parse. That's all I'm saying.
  3. If anything, I could see this being implemented in the home instances but I don't honestly believe that ANet will go through the trouble.
  4. That is a whole other side of dedicated..... You have no idea. :) I spent a LOT of time in Diessa Plateau. I mean, what was the dang respawn rate lol?A lot longer than it needed to be for my tastes! haha Now, with the veteran giants in Elon, it's much easier to attain.
  5. That is a whole other side of dedicated..... You have no idea. :) I spent a LOT of time in Diessa Plateau.
  6. The New Player Experience doesn't help those that insta-level to 80. I still believe that was a mistake to offer.
  7. Might want to post this in the Suggestions thread: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53097/suggestions-qol-quality-of-life-ideas
  8. Might want to post in the Suggestions thread, though: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53097/suggestions-qol-quality-of-life-ideas
  9. I wish that I could get a title for slaying 1000 giants pre-PoF.
  10. I didn't play the trading post to earn my "I'm Rich, You Know?" title.
  11. IMO, there has to be some investment by the new player in learning the mechanics of the game and their class. Too often I have seen players who insta-level to 80 and then don't know how to play their character. The impatience to get to what some consider end-game material is greatly at fault. My personal experience in WvW has been mostly negative with not being able to join with a coordinated group and then getting ganked as a roamer. This could be due to the times I'm online, so others mileage may vary. Still, it was enough to keep me from entering that content.
  12. Well, not saying that this is the OP, but when ANet releases an insta-80 level thing, people use it and then immediately want best gear.
  13. Why does it not surprise me that it is you making this suggestion? :)
  14. QoL Suggestions go here! https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53097/suggestions-qol-quality-of-life-ideas :)
  15. I love the story of the Dwarves in GW2 very much. It's part of the lore I enjoy more than most. I would love to see more than what we have.But a playable race is not a small way to benefit this game. This would also lead to having new racial starter zones.And voice acting, and personal story lines ...
  16. Never liked the head/face of the skyscale, really. Didn't much like Aurene either and everyone was saying that she was so cute.
  17. Wait, so if a person doesn't want to talk to a random stranger who whispered them out of nowhere it means they are acting like a bot? And when people do talk you just think they are scripted conversations? Really? Yes this game is full of bots, not saying everyone is but they are everywhere in every game mode . Not that hard to spot. An i asked everyone a question not just a random "Oh hey" . Also yes the conversations in /s i seen were scripted you would have to be a fool to not know other wise , they would literally even just be talking to themselves., running into walls ect. Maybe a Cantha expansion could help this MMORPG after the Eotn stuff they doing.. How would any expansion (let alone Cantha) help the bot situation that you claim is rampant?
  18. IMO, buying the expansions is about what I'd pay here in the States for a night out with dinner and a movie. And I get much more return on my investment by purchasing the expansions.
  19. There had been an earlier effort to put all Charr love requests in one thread: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/983/charr-need-some-love
  20. What was wrong with the last poll on this? https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/87806/new-launcher-character-selection-screen
  21. Well, flying mounts weren't envisioned at launch, so ...
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