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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I never understand this point. Other players on mounts in no way affect another player's ability to explore a map without using a map. Now, if you mean PoF maps with larger aggro ranges on the mobs, then I can agree however IMO that has nothing to do with mounts.
  2. It's not that expensive. Just convert gold to .... oh. Nevemind. :)
  3. The weaver discussion might be better had in the elementalist profession sub-forum: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/elementalist
  4. For instanced content, perhaps (?), but not for open world content.
  5. That's a subjective question. How you define reasonable may not be what others define it to be. Clearly, ANet believes it is reasonable.
  6. You don't think a tool for better screenshots in a game based around cosmetics would please many people? ? No I think actual content would please many people. But that's my opinion.
  7. Hear! Hear! Outfits do not interest me in the least because of the lack of ability to mix/match pieces. This prevents me from spending anything in the gem store for fashion.
  8. Yep. So much this. It is an effective marketing strategy that has proven itself. If it didn't work, then they wouldn't use this strategy.
  9. I despise jumping puzzles in the game and avoid them as much as I am able. However, I am glad that they serve to entertain a portion of the player base who really do enjoy them.
  10. Thanks, but that is not pay to win. Maybe you should re-title your thread to address your concern/complaint about the way in which skins are obtained. Someone could deck their toon out in all of the flashiest skins available from the gem store, but does that make them a winner? Not to me. I detest those kinds of skins. Someone else could deck their toon out in a really solid cosplay, but does that make them a winner? Not to me. I applaud their efforts, and sometimes appreciate the thought and work put into the cosplay. But that doesn't mean they "won" GW2 and I lost. This is the problem that I have with the premise of this thread.
  11. If fashion is the end game "win" goal, then it is something which is highly subjective. With no tangible way to discern where some player wins and all other players lose, your premise is faulty. Maybe you can answer this for us then? What is it that you hope to accomplish with your argument? What is the persuasion or change that you want implemented that will prevent this pay to win scenario of yours? Honestly, I'm not trying to be a kitten but I really don't understand your point or what you hope to accomplish with this thread.
  12. Yeah, but the problem doesn't exist, so there is nothing new that anyone can say about it. There is no way GW2 can be "pay to win" because there is nothing to "win". The thread and your argument are moot as well as being repetitious. Additionally, with regards to mount skins being earned in-game, that has been discussed as well. You admit to being at work with nothing to do. Seems that using the forums search feature would be right up your alley in your quest to understand the points in your own thread.
  13. Or maybe not at all. I have one in queue that hasn't been touched.
  14. Personally, if such a feature doesn't currently exist then I wouldn't want the devs to spend their time/resources on it as I don't believe that it would benefit a large enough majority of the player base to make it worthwhile.
  15. That's what I don't get. You don't want to necro older threads that have already covered these topics and then create a new one that doesn't add anything new to those discussions anyway.
  16. Sorry, I don't get it. OP has 4 stars, so has been around the forums for a while. These topics have already been covered by other threads. What's new about this one?
  17. I hope not. A world full of Legolas is not what inspires.
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