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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. They merged the portal scroll discussions into one thread. You can find it here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/92572/season-5-portal-tome
  2. Oh, and I don't agree with the OP. Just pointing out the slight fallacy in this comparison.
  3. I don't think that farming karma "really quick" is the intention of the game. It's part of playing the game and the grind.
  4. So.... either a new elite or new profession, then?
  5. Also from the various professions in the wiki: NecromancerNecromancers draw on life force and use it to strengthen or heal themselves and others. Scourgefocuses on punishment skills, boon corruption, bestowing might and barriers to allies Tempesta supportive elite specialization These all use staves and, with the exception of core elementalist and daredevil, appear to be ensconced within a support function. To me, it seems that a staff wielding character is not intended to be heavy on DPS (again, excepting core elementalist and daredevil). So, if you are advocating for a staff-wielder to have less of a support role, then how would you balance it against the rest of the professions?
  6. From the wiki on Druids:"Rangers entering the ancient Maguuma Jungle may attune to the long-dormant forces of Tyria to become druids capable of channeling the might of the heavens, mending allies and daunting enemies. By gaining access to the staff weapon and glyphs, these masters of support bolster their allies with mystical insight into the natural world. Their new profession mechanic allows them to accumulate astral force to become a celestial avatar, a paragon of reactive recovery and strong sustainability in a dangerous world. " -- masters of support-- paragon of reactive recovery-- mending allies and daunting enemies Here is the official class announcement back in 2015: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/meet-the-druid-rangers-elite-specialization/ To me, it does seem that the idea was for a support role for this class.
  7. I feel those abilities portray the support role thematically, not visually. Agreed, no one here can know the originating concept of the druid; however, I still believe that it was released as intended by the necessity of its function for raiding and HoT content (pre-nerf). These were the first elite builds that GW2 introduced and they pretty much compliment each other. I imagine that ANet was expecting most players to migrate to the new builds especially seeing how they work together to complete the content and/or raids. Again, my opinion, but to me it feels more accurate in saying this because of how the content and builds were released. As for your mesmer example, are you advocating for a weapon skin change? Perhaps the reason that there aren't more caster types with staves filling a more concrete DPS role is by design? I mean, otherwise ANet would have to create all weapons for all classes? Maybe in the name of balance (yeah, I know!) this was the route that they had chosen to take? I'm not trying to argue against you for the sake of arguing. I'm looking more to expand the conversation. I disagree with the premise of your suggestion -- I like the more defined functions of the classes -- but I am not looking to dissuade you.
  8. No thanks. I have over 6m karma and I haven't even really tried to accumulate it. There are plenty of ways to gain karma by just playing the game.
  9. I guess. One's mileage may vary. Maybe if game companies created games/content that was innovative and new then there wouldn't be such a call for remaking old titles.
  10. It doesn't make business sense to look backward. A company should focus on moving forward.
  11. Well, for my two coppers worth, here's how I see things with regards to the druid class. It was released with HoT which also introduced raids and the need for a more cohesive group construct. Druid was designed for this type of group content as more of a support role than a DPS role whereas other HoT elites were designed with more targeted group functions (scourge, tempest, scrapper and chronomancer for example). Many of the skills and abilities from the HoT elites worked in concert with each other: some classes being more focused on offense with the support (buffs/healing/strips) from the other classes. In my opinion, this was the druid's design from inception as can be seen from the skills, utilities and celestial avatar abilities. Changing the inherent feel of the class now would go against its original support design.
  12. I'm guessing that this is by design to keep players logged in to the game. {shrug}
  13. Perhaps you should refocus your argument to what you think that the staff weapon should be like that is different from the current implementation as well as why this would be better than scepters which seem to already have the function that you suggest. Then, show how the game (not just you) would benefit from such a change which would encourage ANet to accept your proposal.
  14. Because players usually wanna get rewarded and atm gold chest is already locked behind a squad composition. But current gold chest offers close to zero rewards. But increasing rewards wouldn't necessarily affect player/party composition. Players will take the easiest route to the biggest gains.
  15. Usually, this is because the point or question has already been answered and/or discussed in a previous thread in which case a new one (or necroing with yet another post) is irrelevant. Usually.
  16. How would better rewards encourage players to play with proper composition?
  17. You don't need to complete jumping puzzles for the skyscale. Just use the extra-pungent skyscale treat. Worked for me.
  18. Thread already exists for the legendary issue https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/91411/merged-legendary-gear-and-templates
  19. Keep checking here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/458/news-gemstore-items-new-returned-sales You can also place your request here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/348/gemstore-requests-new-items-items-offered-again
  20. For QoL requests: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53097/suggestions-qol-quality-of-life-ideas I would like to see this toned down as well for things like you suggest.
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