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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. They didn't show this ability during the announcement live stream; however, you can share builds so I would imagine at some point there would be a library of sorts somewhere online where you could copy the link and paste it into your template to view it.
  2. You know this as fact? It would be that simple? Not saying that I agree with the management of the complaints here, but do you really know this is true?
  3. Yeah I get that but we are already at a place where the game is unplayable if you don't spend a kitten ton of money. You must not into farming then and just throw money at inconveniences you faceI've only pay for Expansions and farm gold for everything else so where did that get me?22 character slots5 shared inventory slots3 unlimited harvesting tools Just to name a fewRight. I think that some players are unwilling to take the time to actually play the game to get the gold to convert to gems to buy convenience items. They want it now. Anet has provided a means for that by purchasing gems with real cash. Players need to make a choice.
  4. Especs came with expansions, so they were part of that purchase price. Should templates have been in an expansion? Probably, yes, to help offset the concerns for their costs but with no expansion on the horizon, my guess is that it was decided to release templates now. With no cost associated with templates (not being in an expansion), they need to make some kind of profit for the work that was put into them -- thus charging for them.
  5. But it is a convenience feature, not a requirement to play the game. A feature that wasn't available prior to the acceptance of a third-party add-on.
  6. There is no pattern to what goes on sale. You may want to watch this thread for announcements.
  7. Have you not read the other threads on this? This has been covered.
  8. "Blatant scam"? I think that's a bit harsh without proof otherwise. Still, I agree it looked bad and simply removing it from the TP banner was not a very slick move.
  9. No, it is. It's just plastered all over the other threads.
  10. Depends on map and time of day and what's going on. Couldn't sleep last night, so was in Queensdale around 3am eastern US time. There were plenty of folks there for SB (it was the daily after all), so much so that they were able to get the portal achievement done. Surprised me that there were more than enough there to do that at that hour.
  11. Yes, thank you. Because some people couldn't take something like what is suggested and be mature about it is why I believe ANet would not create these emotes.
  12. Sorry I disagree Astral .... I am yet to see a GV map not busy... the meta are still tagged and popular throughout the day.I will concede the Strike Mission seems to me to have lost alot of its audience as have some of the side events as achievements have been attained but Metal Legion is still highly popular to do.Of course it will all drop off as players get back to doing other things for sure but perhaps not as quickly as others are saying... hopefully the gap between Prologue and episode 1 wont be too long to avoid too much drop off. This is my experience as well.
  13. Who said build templates used all their resources? Did arenanet not say there are 4 teams now? 3 teams on the season and 1 team to randomly give us a surprise? If it took arenanet to use all resources on build templates then arenanet is in a bigger hole then what people expect. As far as them not making cash for it. The better solution would’ve been give the build tabs for free then everyone would’ve gave more into gem store for the right decision. But since veterans do not like the solution of how it’s used, they aren’t getting any money from veterans. Ok, "all" was a bit much, but it still stands that resources to make templates would be wasted if Anet doesn't turn some profit from the effort and allows a free version to persist. Who would buy them? (If) everything was unlimited besides storage packs. I would’ve happy paid up front 10-15$ then occasionally bought the storage equipment on the side from gemstore. The worst part is your literally paying for tab slots that switches skills and traits since your only given 3 per character. And 6 is the limit. So what would’ve been better? Few million people paying 10-15$ for this feature. Or people who have the choice of not paying at all? Since we don't know the price point yet, speculation is just that; however, the assumption is that these template tabs might be priced like storage tabs. If so, people would still be able to obtain them using gold -> gem conversion, so the cost may not be so bad as some are making it out to be.
  14. You might try posting in the Players Helping Players forum.
  15. Who said build templates used all their resources? Did arenanet not say there are 4 teams now? 3 teams on the season and 1 team to randomly give us a surprise? If it took arenanet to use all resources on build templates then arenanet is in a bigger hole then what people expect. As far as them not making cash for it. The better solution would’ve been give the build tabs for free then everyone would’ve gave more into gem store for the right decision. But since veterans do not like the solution of how it’s used, they aren’t getting any money from veterans. Ok, "all" was a bit much, but it still stands that resources to make templates would be wasted if Anet doesn't turn some profit from the effort and allows a free version to persist. Who would buy them?
  16. You misunderstand me, but that's ok. We have a difference of opinion and I can respect that.
  17. My support chrono has 30+ For what? Every single utility and single trait switch out? For each boss 2 (if we have chrono, ren, fb or double chrono) And most bosses have diferent build, and for bosses where tank and second chrono do something else (like dhuum) there is another one Edit:Oh, build does notinclude gear? Then maybe I can get away with 15. I have 30+ gear templatesYet even more reason why I'll never raid.
  18. $15 subscription x 12 months = $180. Less than the $295 in the post above, sure, but then year two is another $180 which brings the total to $360 (now higher than $295). So, over time the current "suggested" price makes more sense. Also, what would happen to the templates if a subscription lapses or if a player no longer is able (or wants) to pay it?
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