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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I think the point is that one shouldn't have to...?
  2. My main, soulbeast Lyta Quarren. And like you, @Grey.3179, I always come back to ranger.
  3. I'll just reverse the thread's title: speedo or bikini no still And I hope it remains "no"
  4. Indeed. I've seen claims that people have done a cycle in the Desert Highlands (there's an area where I think 3-4 spawn) and completed the achievement "quickly." Center north of Elon Riverlands has several that spawn in and around the passages under the earth elementals.
  5. Naomi Quarren: "Ebonhawke is my home and I will do everything I can do defend it." Visiting Divinity's Reach
  6. Just finished leveling up my deadeye, Janix Steel
  7. And this weekend I finally completed all of the slayers on the list. That should account for something title-worthy I think. But whatever. ;)
  8. The Giants in Elon Riverlands in PoF are veterans but still count. I'm helping a friend with his quest to kill Giants and we can manage quite a lot there. They also tend to respawn faster there.
  9. It can be done, even without PoF https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/25671/giant-slayer-but-no-title
  10. Why exclude thongs? In some cultures/societies, they are perfectly acceptable as swimwear.
  11. Struggled through it with core ranger. Killed all scouts but last one which made things more difficult. Downed a few times but rallied. Range helped me a lot.
  12. Yeah, like this idea if it comes to fruition won't be abused. I vote no.
  13. Have you tried posting here instead? EDIT:Or look here? Apparently, in the first post, there is an app to alert you for when things come available?
  14. Deneve Quarren roaming in Lake Doric
  15. Undine Quarren visiting the reactor in Metrica Province
  16. Brittany Quarren in Diessa Plateau Brittany visiting Queensdale
  17. Lyta Quarren (right) with her daughter Kaiya (who also happens to be my daughter in RL)
  18. Sirenia Quarren in the Silverwastes Sirenia visiting Queensdale
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