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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. ANet has the metrics on what sells and what doesn't which I'm sure helps determine whether cosmetics or other items (gliders/chairs) get their resources.
  2. That made me think about my first WB-like fight in GW2. And it was during one of the Beta Weekends, BWE3, I think. I was in there with my late wife (before she became my late wife, obviously), and we went into a cave in south-west Queensdale. She asked me, "What's this rune over here?" and then she picked it up. Let's just say that our mutual participation in that fight was very, very short indeed. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defeat_the_cave_troll when the troll wasn't some wussy Veteran. Yeah, I did something similar to that runestone and then got yelled at by the Queensdale Champ Train. Hey, I didn't know! :)
  3. Please use the forums search feature. Please merge with this existing thread
  4. As a very casual player, I'm grateful that there is a non-sub MMO that I can play when I have the time and don't lose out to some insane vertical progression.
  5. Here's a Dev response on capes (the forums search function is a wonderful thing - I wish more people would use it): @"MatthewMedina.5419" said: "Capes work in Guild Wars 1 because we only had human characters and our armor "footprints" were pretty standardized. As such, their absence in GW2 was an unfortunate casualty of moving to a MUCH more complicated composite system, and our increasing character art standards. Capes are tricky even when you have finite sets of armor to work off of, but when you go and build a system designed to be highly expandable, making sure capes work with all those possibilities without clipping across the ten different race/gender combinations, well it just became a WAY bigger deal."
  6. Still experiencing the intermittent lag/latency when selling to the TP
  7. Yes, sometimes I can sell a few things in a row and then hit a hard lag spike.
  8. Recommending getting back on topic else this thread will get closed
  9. I'd rather not see male characters in bikini armor. No thanks.
  10. Target age demographic or even moral stances from other countries where GW2 is available might also preclude such an endeavor.
  11. My expectation is that ANet would be afraid of offending some of the female gaming community or any possible backlash (public or otherwise) against producing chain mail bikinis that they simply won't do it.
  12. It's a perfectly valid business argument. Why would so many players spend their time/resources/money/gems on chasing down items with these effects if they can't show them off? Yeah, it's an ego thing (some would call it epeen, if I can use that term here?). If players knew that there was the option for others to not see their effects, then the drive/desire to go after them would decline thus losing money for ANet.
  13. ANet is going to market and produce a game that will capture the largest margin of their target audience according to the statistics that only they have. Forums typically represent a very small portion of the entire player-base. It seems to me that ANet knows that they will gain more revenue with flashy effects that will attract the most players in their targeted demographic. I won't go so far as to say that they don't care if some players have health issues that may be impacted by this decision (and others -- search the forums for the spider phobia threads); however, at the end of the day they will market/produce a product that will be the most profitable. Sorry, but I believe that flashy effects are here to stay. These effects are ways for players to show off, and if ANet implements a feature that allows players to disable the effect, then the perceived value of these items is significantly lowered. This lowering of perceived value might discourage players from spending time/money going after items that produce these effects which will impact ANet's bottom line. And the bottom line is really what is important here.
  14. Why necro this thread? The question has long been answered.
  15. Best example I can give. All of Blade and Soul. Amazing combat, amazing fashion with plenty of "plot" for those so inclined. But oh sweet jesuz where do I begin with the issues.I really wanted to like B&S and gave it a good faith effort, but the grind for ... well anything was more time consuming for me being a casual gamer adult with limited time to play online. I only got so far in B&S; to progress further would have required me to open up my wallet, and I just couldn't justify it.
  16. Might get more people involved if you move this to the Community Creations forum.
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