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Posts posted by jokke.6239

  1. I have done the JP before. Now I need to do it for Return achievement.

    I can only light the first torch at the entry. When I fall into water and go to pick up new torch and light it, it won't work. Nothing happens when I press F.

    Happens on first 2 checkpoints at least, haven't made it further.

    Have tried relogging. Have tried going out of the JP area and redoing it.

    Still can't light the torch (except for the first torch at the entrence)


    Have seen no examples of this happening to other people on a google search. 

    Also works just fine for everyone else at the JP.

    And yes my F key is working


    I really can't see how I can be doing something wrong as it's just pick up a torch, go to brazzier and press F. Have even tried going around the whole brazzier and standing on top of it etc. Nothing works.

    • Like 1
  2. On 11/20/2021 at 4:55 AM, Chichimec.9364 said:

    rofl - What, are we having a public muscle flexing contest? If so, I've got 18,158 Testimonies of Heroics, which can buy 18,158 hero points for any alt who needs them. In addition, I've got 1,302 Tomes of Experience which will level up 16 new alts, more than enough to try out all the new specializations. Oh, and I should add in the 629 WvW reward track potions I have stocked up, which will immediately unlock 7 reward tracks should EoD have that many. Having said all that, let me hasten to add that I'm sure there are plenty of players who's numbers would make mine look positively puny.  

    Sarcasm aside, you do make an excellent point about getting ready for the new expansion. Hopefully people are doing that. And all joking aside, gratz on getting yourself ready like that.

    EDIT: Oh, and don't be impressed by my numbers. Even an old, slow player like me can run up totals like that just by playing enough, and dying enough, in WvW. 😅

    I like to link my toilet paper stack when people flex legendaries in map chat 😄

    Sadly I can't do that in this forum 

    Edit: actually ... 250🧻


    • Haha 2
  3. On 10/5/2021 at 6:42 PM, Baldovin.1392 said:

    So upon reading this it was like Christmas present. I went strait to the graphic options to enable it and test the new DX11, restart the game and the disappointment was immeasurable. My FPS was till low. 😔


    So just for the reference, my FPS is 15 at medium configuration, and if I chose the best performance option it is around 25-30 which is still to low compared to the ugly settings I get.


    My hardware configuration is:

    * CPU: AMD 8350 Eight core-OC to 4.51 GHz

    * GPU: Sapphire R9 290X OC TRI-X

    * RAM: Corsair Vengeance Pro Series-16GB DDR3 1800MHz

    * MBO:ASUS M5A99X EVO R2.0

    * Operating on Windows 10 Pro x64

    * All drivers up to date, just for reference GPU driver is Radeon 21.3.2


    So as you can see I have a decant PC, but GW2 is barely playable for me. So one can understand the need for extremely beater upgrade on their game engine and performance, since other games run flawlessly for me, and unfortunately GW2 does not.

    Sounds like the classic case of, you're using your integrated graphics card instead of your dedicated GPU. Can almost guarantee that's your problem.

    I'm not sure how to configure it with an AMD card. It's in Nvidia Control panel with Nvidia card. So I would google "how to disable integrated graphics card in a game with AMD" or something like that.

    There's also the last resort to completely disable your integrated graphics card in BIOS.

    Hope this helps.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 35 minutes ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:

    I sincerely hope, with all of my being, that Asmon never makes a GW2 vid, ever. I find him generally entertaining and enjoy watching his stuff, but I really don't think he'll find GW2 at all compelling. The end result will be net negative publicity, much of it likely unjustified.

    Bellular has a much smaller following and he's a lot more analytical in tone, so he might be a better fit for presenting GW2 at least somewhat accurately. 

    The sad truth is that GW2 is simply not ready for FF-like levels of attention. Too many rough edges in the early/core game experience, and not enough catgirls in bunny suits and player-run nightclubs to make up for it.

    Hmm. I find GW2 early game quite good actually.

    By comparing early game GW2 is miles ahead of FFXIV. 

    FFXIV base game main story quest is such a bore.

  5. 2 hours ago, Knoxxius.1524 said:

    There is no way Asmon gives it a try, he shits on the game anytime it is brought up. It sucks, but it is what it is.

    He did the same with FFXIV and Runescape though. He have tried both those games now.

    That's why I thought it might be possible that watching Bellular enjoy the game (if he still does when he makes a video about it) could possibly influence his opinion on it. 

    • Like 1
  6. 40 minutes ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

    I really don't understand why people assume he's never played the game because he does not like it.

    It's been very public more times than I can count that he HAS played the game.

    To the cap.

    And all he ever enjoyed was wvw and the JPs.


    How many times does he have to say "Guild Wars SUCKS" before people stop this pathetic assumption that he has not played the game?

    He didn't like it for some very solid reasons.

    How about you calm down there mate?

    Don't understand why you get so triggered about this? You could simply have replied that he has in fact played the game, instead of expecting everyone to keep up with Asmongold 24/7.

    I saw a video of him reacting to the game, where he obviously had not played the game. I only watch a few videos with Asmongold on youtube now and then. But from what I've seen of him so far he almost only played WoW (he has said so himself many times) and only recently started playing other games. So I guess that's where my "pathetic assumption" comes from.

    And honestly I don't think he would enjoy Guild Wars 2. But many of his reasons in the video I watched was not grounded in reality.

    Like "Who wants to play a dead MMO".


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  7. 55 minutes ago, LSD.4673 said:

    Do people seriously say "content creator"? There's more mentions of the phantom all encompassing "content" in here than my brain can cope with.


    Either way, how does this not count as advertising? If it was some other bottom of the barrel youtube twitcher, this'd be spam moved to one of the unvisited boards.

    Think he's actually a game developer. So content creator in more than one way 

  8. 4 hours ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

    Considering that Alliances in WvW are going to be limited to 500 players, its not going to happen. The devs want players filtered into many small guilds, not keep joining superguilds with 1k+ players.


    Besides, you can already chat with up to five guilds at once in-game.

    oh right ..

    Wait, how can you chat with 5 guilds at once?

  9. On 1/25/2022 at 2:14 AM, DarcShriek.5829 said:

    The daily AP are to condition players to logging in daily and sticking around for a few minutes.  After 1500 days the player is typically conditioned properly and the AP are no longer needed.

    But do you get a treat for being a good boy? 🐕‍🦺

    • Haha 2
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  10. 8 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:


    So he's supposed to bump that thread instead? 

    Then people will get upset he "necro'ed" a 3 year old thread.

    Right now it seems to  be. "Don't post a new thread without making sure it's already been posted before. But at the same time don't bump anything that's over a unspecified expiration date"

    It would be nice to know the "rules". Because they seem to make no sense.


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  11. 45 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

    OP requests adding un-obtainable armor skins and then suggests gate-keeping them behind guild armorer.  Which would still make them un-obtainable to those who aren't in guilds or don't have high enough level guild armorer.  Suggestion makes little to no sense.

    Now there you go, thanks for putting it into words instead of ":classic_blink:",  because the emote is extremely unhelpful. And kind of a rude way to "welcome" a fellow player making their first post on the forum.

    However, you have to meet some requirement/do something to obtain most things in the game.

    I don't think "having to be in a guild" and "not beeing able to obtain something" is the same, not even close, and since those armors OP was talking about was guild related it seems like the obvious place to obtain it, if it was ever put into the game again.

    Edit: oh actually just re-read the start of the post, pvp rewards .. Yeah I agree that it would be odd to make them guild related then,  but if the other related armors re-sold was re-introduced this way it would be consistent with before though I suppose? IDK, whatever way they would choose to add them into the game again, if they ever did, would be allright with me personally. 

    • Like 6
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  12. Would be nice if they could add those skins that are currently not available to obtain.


    (Yo confused people. How about replying why you are confused/disaprove/disagree or whatever you're trying to communicate.

    This forum has gotten such a toxic atmosphere since you added those emotes.

    99,9% of the time the "confused" emotes makes no sense in context of what is posted and is just used to be toxic and on top off that adds confusion in what they are trying to communicate.

    Now I'll get rdy for the inevitable spam of confused emotes on my post)

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