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Posts posted by jokke.6239

  1. I'm using controller as well

    Yes GW2 has some things that makes is very good compared to other MMO's.

    Action CAM + that it automatically goes into mouse mode when going to vendor/inventory etc


    ... Are you sure your config is still enabled?

    I've experienced it suddenly turning off after they updated to the new big picture UI

  2. Yes. 

    Best customser service I've experienced for a video game

    I still apologize to this day to the poor sould I called a "stupid monkey" or something back in 2012.

    I'm sorry, I wasn't very mature back then 

    What made it even worse is how proffesional they handled it.

    Nothing to embarres you like someone handling an insult with grace

    Yes, GW2 customer support is very good

    • Like 1
  3. Yes megaservers are great, and add to that"All content is relevant".

    It's funny to see the "GW2 is dead" memes. Because in fact, GW2 is probably the MMO that feels the most alive. WOW and FFXIV have more players, and that's great for the revenue of the game. But what good is more players when you are split up into different servers anyway. (I do recognize there's some benefits to servers, like server identity, if that's your thing, personally for me megaservers is just insanely more benficial).

    The times I've played FFXIV a month or two after an expansion launch, the expansion open world maps have been almost completely empty.

    And in GW2 it's not just the expansion maps that always feels alive, it's the entire game. 

    Many times when i'm in a core zone and there's suddenly like 50 players around me fighting a boss, I say sarcastically "Guild Wars 2 is so dead" 😆

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  4. 193% better effective speed according to gpu userbenchmark.

    But 1030 is expensive compared to what you get.

    I would just buy a used GPU and get better performance for 1/3 or 1/4th of the price (or so) of the gt 1030

    A good tip when looking at used GPU's and figuring out what's best value for your money

    Search in google: GT 730 vs (insert GPU), results from benchmarks sites will show up, and see how well the GPU you're looking at compares.

    Though do keep in mind to not buy way to old GPU's.

  5. 17 hours ago, Gregg.3970 said:

    Just no.  We just need an alternative source of gaining supreme runes of holding. 

    Gambling = "playing in the Devil's playground".

    I lost 2 good friends to that kitten, they were so addicted they were both converting gems > gold > ectos trying to win back what they'd lost.

    Sure both obviously had addiction problems and admitted they needed therapy as neither of them could stop.  Easy for us to say to them it was their own fault but many others out there have addictive personalities and have succumbed I'm certain to the same fate. 

    The above nearly cost one guy his marriage. 

    Needless to say they had to completely uninstall.  

    The younger guy asked the question why in an online game is the storyline rated [PG] yet there is an in-game casino with no censorship for minors?   I couldn't answer. 

    As someone who used to gamble i'm quite nervous about this thing being in the game 🤓

    I wish I could remove the vendor from Lilly of the Elon. I'm planning on buying the TP merchant also, so I won't have to deal with the temptation everytime I spawn the vendor.

    Thankfully I don't play real money poker anymore, only play with play chips now. So now I only experience it with fake chips. I can spend weeks building up a big stack of chips. Then on a bad day I will play risky to feel that dopamin hit, and ofc almost always lose it all.

    And even when initially playing smart, you can quickly go into "sunk cost" mindset when loosing just a bit, to quickly trying to earn back what you've lost. The more you end up losing, the more risky you will be willing to play, because you just want to get back to where you were as quickly as possible.

    If you're gonna try your luck in the game, I hope for you that you will lose everything in the first try. That willl give you a bad enough experience to hopefully not try again ever, it will probably save you a lot of gold/money later on.

    The dangerous part is having had a good initial experience, because then .. You will seek that dopamin hit on a bad day, when you just want to feel something.

    For all the good things I have to say about Guild Wars 2's business model, this is still one big major stain.

    I wish they would at least let us disable the "features" like it has also been suggested before on this forum.

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  6. 48 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    The original comment was that Lotro shouldn't be copied because it's not successful. You argued that it is still pretty successful with lots of people playing it, and compared it to other older games that don't have the same advantage.  The whole point is irrelevent since Lotro's popularity has nothing to do with anything here. They're certainly not maintaining their playerbase because they gave away free items in the cash shop.  Particularly because I found the cash shop more egregious than Guild Wars 2's by a long shot. And more intrusive.


    Don't get me wrong, I like Lotro and always have. But when someone, obviously as a joke, commented on the free cash shop items, the whole conversation beyond is just unnecessary.  More so comparing SWTOR of Lotro which have popular franchises (I mean there have been both WoW and FF XIV movies as well), it seems a bit weird to me.  When the Dune MMO comes out, it'll be popular because Dune is popular, if it's done well at all.  People won't necessarily be playing it because the game is good vs I want to spend time in this world.  Other games simply don't have that advantage. Saying they failed, when it's likely Lotro would have failed if it wasn't set in Middle Earth or based on a famous book that had very popular movies seems like a really weird position to take to me.

    And I tried to end the conversation by saying we were going quite off-topic, then you continued it

    He argued the game was a failure pretty much. I just said it was not. 

    My only point in my first post when I first brought up LOTRO was that they wouldn't do free giveaways if it didn't benefited them in some way, simple as that. 

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  7. 4 hours ago, SunRoamer.5103 said:

    Just removing the fog isn't really a great idea by itself as the draw distance and LOD of many objects would need to be adjusted accordingly. When I tried GW2 hook I never disabled the fog entirely since in most maps where you would care about wide, open views, the popping-in of objects in the distance becomes very noticeable and distracting.

    Hopefully ANet will be less worried about changing these hard limits now that we're steadily moving over to DX11.

    Yes, it becomes black desert wars 2😄

    • Haha 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    Comparing Lord of the Rings to Wildstar and Rift is a bit rich, considering no one had heard of either before they were actually talked about by the devs, where as Lord of the Rings is a book that was written well over half a century ago, has multiple movies associated with it, has spawned a number of computer games.  Final Fantasy and WoW were both based on popular franchises as well.  You'd have to compare Lotro to something like Star Wars for a fair comparison.


    Regardless of that, and more on topic, the idea of giving something free in the store isn't what makes Lotro successful or not successful. Lord of the Rings makes it successful as Middle Earth has tons of fans.  I don't really think giving away stuff in the gem store regularly will hurt the game, or particularly help it.

    LOTRO would be dead today without taking place in the LOTR universe. I'm almost sure of it. But I don't understand what's wrong with comparing it to other mmo's that have come and gone though. Doesn't really matter if one has a popular brand behind it and the other doesn't. 

    Doesn't change that the others falled behind, but the other is still having decent success.

    The argument wasn't really if LOTRO had an advantage by having a popular brand behind it.

    Also wasn't claiming that giving away free stuff is what makes LOTRO succesful. 

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  9. 13 minutes ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

    Amazing what people will say to ignore data on this forum.

    According to a shareholder meeting in 2020 it was presented that the game has about 40k subs and averaged 118k monthly users.

    Will WoW and FFXIV have to run in fear? Not even close. But the fact that LOTRO is still making profits and having a loyal fanbase, while wildstar, rift and all these other big shots come and go is what I would call a success.

    But we're getting quite off-topic here.

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  10. Just now, mindcircus.1506 said:

    Average Number of Players over the Last 30 Days:   


    Yes clearly steam is a great measurement for counting the playerbase. Almost everyone plays in the launcher, doesn't help that the steam install of LOTRO seems to have a lot of issues.

    It's not a massive MMO. But it's doing quite well given how old it is.

    Still getting expansions and is even getting a graphics update and console release.


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  11. If there were no benefit of them giving away free stuff, they wouldn't do it. It brings people to the gem store, where they might notice a another item they might want to get.

    LOTRO gives away free items every week for the same reason etc.

    It might be too much with 1 item every month though, but I see nothing wrong with the suggestion, but if it were every month I wouldn't expect better items than boosters, repair canisters etc. Black lion keys and black lion claim ticket would still be a rare occurence most likely 🙂

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  12. 51 minutes ago, Mesket.5728 said:

    But they did server as a way to milk the gemstore. Mounts in gw2 are amazingly cool, there's no denying that. And that is on par on how much they worked for selling cosmetic. There are no mount skin that you can achieve ingame that i know of. Zero. That is not terrible, but not normal either. It is as greedy as you can get with it. Again, not terrible... just greedy and obvious.

    I think your issue is with the method of obtaining the mounts, because you can earn it in-game with gold>gem.

    And I can understand finding it dull. But the other way usually comes with the cost of a 15$ subscription.

    Sub games are focused on keeping you happy so you don't unsub, and even then WoW and FFXIV are still pushing to see how much they can get away with adding on top of the 15$ sub fee a month.

    F2P don't have your money and want you to spend NOW (or they usually wait untill you reach the point where most people get invested into the game, then they present you with the paywalls). B2P already have your money and also want you to spend more.

    Sub comes with major advantages, there's no doubting that, but 15$ a month is also a huge a disadvantage.

    I personally prefer GW2's model. And it comes with disadvantages. Sadly that's just how it is. 

    I do however despise the ecto gambling and other gambling elements, but now i'm going off-topic.

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