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Posts posted by jokke.6239

  1. On 7/18/2023 at 8:48 PM, BloodyVampyra.3741 said:

    No actual argument just an insult, ok then lol. I played more hours of GW2 and I just started FFXIV. Immediately I noticed that the latter (in both the community, story content, gameplay, mechanics, in-game tutorials, aesthetics) is of significantly higher quality than anything I encountered in all the thousand hours I spent playing GW2.






    Guild Wars 2 completely annihilates FFXIV when it comes to open world content.

    And FFXIV owns GW2 in other areas.

    They are very different games.

    If you want classical MMO endgame (raids etc) FFXIV by far the best option

    GW2 appeals more to me 

    I did play FFXIV for almost 1k hours, but the lack of open world content makes me play GW2 instead

    • Like 7
  2. On 7/17/2023 at 7:05 PM, jokke.6239 said:

    Since the other thread got locked (cause it was a bumped old thread?) guess I'll have to create a new one

    Thought that's what people always say you should do (use search function for already created topics)

    The roundtail dragon mini is making the game miserable to play

    Please this feature soon 

    Turns out it's not the roundtail dragon

    I got this one in a black lion chest (after not having played since before EoD)

    And it had the default sound effect when I used it (turned out to be a bug)

    In my attempt to silence it, I had turned on the "use default setting on player items"

    Turns out it's the DEFAULT jade bot that's such a pain to my ears xD

    And seems like they fixed the dragon mini

    Should encounter it a lot less now I think

    • Sad 1
  3. Learn to use steam's controller mapping software + enable action cam

    I don't advise using a premade one.

    I've been playing GW2 and LOTRO a long time with controller.

    It's certainly possible. 

    Guild Wars is really nice with action cam with controller.

    It will automatically switch between action cam and mouse mouse when going to vendors and UI elements (like inventory etc)

    Also for even better experience. See if you can get a steam controller some where (they are not sold officially anymore)


    Edit: Also, forget about high lvl fractal/raids/pvp and so on (doable with steam controller probably). But I keep play casual when on controller. You are at big disadvantage.

    Having enough buttons is not the issue. 

    Steam's controller software makes this kind of easy, and GW2 don't have that many skills.
    It's the right stick that's the problem. Mouse is so much better (to no ones surprise)

    This is where steam controller comes in. Still no mouse, but best alternative.

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  4. On 10/22/2022 at 1:15 PM, Ashantara.8731 said:

    Why, ANet, why? This torture of the squeaky cutesy-wootsy sounds around me all the time. 🤢

    At least, give us an option to deactivate the sound. It's bad enough we have to visually endure those comicbook jade bot skins. 😒

    This from October 2022

    And since they've just added more with the dragon


    Why create this problem again after you already muted player instruments before?


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  5. On 7/13/2023 at 11:27 PM, Donari.5237 said:

    The sounds get to me too.  I have two alts icly in my rp guild, one is a mechanist asura who has that floating bot.  It's perfect for her except the sound sets me on edge during the long sessions of staying in one place for group rp.  This is true for any constantly noisy  mini, actually (the little steam buggy my holosmith has makes a lot of revving engine sounds that can wear me down) but the jade bot stands out because it's attached to a regular rp character.  I've started using the jade courier mini to stand in for it during rp.

    It's like almost constantly there if you load into mistlock

    Purchased it recently, but almost tempting to just use lily of the  elon now, because it has less players.

    An MMORPG where I'm fleeing people.

    Yeah please fix this Arena Net 😞

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  6. Just remove the emoji's imo

    Or if it's for developers to get an idea of popularity, if really interrested in honest feedback, make them visible to developers only

    You won't get very useful feedback from"likes/dislikes" or I guess "hearts/confused" emoji as it is

    Group think is a real thing

    You would get more honest/useful feedback if they were for developers eyes only


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  7. 1 hour ago, kharmin.7683 said:

    It's an unfortunate by product of today's society at large.  Not specifically toward the OP, but too many people are too easily offended or find things that trigger or upset them that are really nothing worth the worry or attention.  The world needs to grow up.

    Does the confused emoji spam add anything of value?

    Nope, it just spreads negativity.

    Not very grown up way to interact with other people

    It certainly is better to not try and get offended to easily, but that's no reason to create an enviroment that encourages it, when easily preventable.

    And yeah, call me a snowflake or whatever, but on a bad day, it certainly doesn't make my day better.

    I just don't see the point of having it, it just makes the forum worse.

    I would prefer just removing those emoji's used in this fashion, but I think people would actually probably use them more in context if you could see who used them, because it's just straight up weird the way "confused" emoji is used on 99% of posts around here.

    Ofc the confused army is going to spam this post, have at it lol


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  8. Sorry bumping again

    It's hard to enjoy the game with this thing, please mute it ☹️

    Or add an option to mute mini it in options


    Standing on a map and enjoying the ambience and music.

    Then suddenly ...

    WRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA  BOP BOP BOP BOP BOP BOP over and over and over and over🤣


    Fix for now will have to turn all my SFX off in options it seems.

    Sad, but better than having that little torture dragon surprise me all the time 🤣

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  9. 9 hours ago, trunks.5249 said:

    talking about the aurene legendarys? the effect on a crit kill  are pretty cool. buying one every pay check tell i have them all. i hate crafting so i am ok with spending 150 dollars on gems to sale has gold. worth every penny imo

    Yes and no

    I just have the jormag variant so far, but want to get the others too.

    Aurene kind of cool, but the longbow didn't look so good imo with Aurene version

    It's like $50 if you craft Aurene legendary

    You just need to complete the 4 zones in EoD,  farm 2500 imperial favors, farm a gift of battle in WvW (with birthday boost, guild boost, enrichment boost + xp boost you can grab for 1 laurel it doesn't take too long) and save up on mystic clovers

    Rest is just purchase from vendor/tp and so on


    But hey, if you can afford it, I'm sure Arena Net appreciate it😃

    • Confused 1
  10. On 7/5/2023 at 7:51 PM, Batalix.2873 said:

    If the game made quickly swapping mounts easier I would agree with that.

    As it stands, Skyscale is the Mechanist of the mounts. Not really great at a lot of things, but generally good enough at everything without needing much investment/engagement on the part of the player. So of course once someone gets Skyscale they are more likely to just use that.


    You can bind every mount to a key.

    Doesn't get faster than that

    I can see how binding every one of them takes up a lot of keys though

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