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Posts posted by jokke.6239

  1. 54 minutes ago, Dante.1508 said:


    Oh yes

    That's really nice

    And what an epic song, like it better than the version in GW2 probably

    Some epic french horns sure make you ready for a heroic adventure, allthough tbf I didn't think it fits the atmosphere of the visuals

    Some more slow and tender orchestral strings would have probably been better.

    Or maybe smth like this, to pick an excisting gw2 song

    Try mute the other song and play this, much better


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  2. On 7/2/2023 at 3:54 PM, jokke.6239 said:

    Done with EoD, or am I? Credits rolled

    But there's more story, is this living story or still expansion?


    Anyway ... 



    Skiffs and fishing seems allright

    Wasn't a fan of the new maps.

    Graphics imo looks much worse than HoT and PoF. Sort of strange

    Except for the city. That's one of the nicest maps in the game

    Just finished map completion on EoD maps

    I've come to appreciate the maps a bit more I think.

    The echowald and dragonstand (if I remember names correctly) I kind of like

    I was on the dragon meta yesterday. 

    Quite the spectical

  3. I'm surprised the cap is not higher

    I still haven't bought any equipment templates.

    Feels bad they are character bound

    Would rather have 1 be 1000 gems but account bound, 500 gems not cheap either though.

    But if they make them character bound to make more profit, then why make a cap to prevent profit?

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  4. 6 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

    If you don't like how the 24/28 slot bags work and cant  level up crafting on those characters just delete them. It's really that simple.

    I think you like that advice as much as the people you gave it to in the other thread.


    Also they kinda added these



    And then promptly dident give a crap about the other bags after that so in their mind I guess it is not a problem anymore.

    I went with others yesterday

    The "items does not move when sorting bags" is a deal breaker for me

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  5. 7 hours ago, SquirrelTeamSix.6073 said:

    Please Anet, been harping on this since PoF launched. PLEASE make the 24 and 28 slot bags account bound even after use. I have an entire back tab full of these bags because they are bound to characters that can not upgrade them. You put a vendor in PoF to exchange the 32 slots, please do the same for the others.

    What do you mean "cannot upgrade them"?

    You cannot upgrade 24 bags after binding to character?

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  6. 9 hours ago, Solvar.7953 said:

    If buying a commander tag is the solution, then Anet should make those tags cheaper (I do have one, but telling most players to spend 300 gold in order to complete content is probably not the best idea - I wonder if they could make consumable items that lets gives someone a commander tag for a few hours).

    And commander tag is not a sure fire way to complete content - even with my commander tag, it took many days (weeks?  Can't remember now) to find a day & time to get enough people to complete Serpent's Ire.


    There is already a free alternative

    Type /mentor 

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  7. 22 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    The boosts have always worked that way. I think Anet did it because it's likely to be the first valuable item new players get and therefore the one most likely to result in support tickets because someone deleted the character holding it, put it in the bank and forgot it was there or otherwise lost it. Putting it in a shared inventory slot and making it impossible to remove until you use it means it's impossible to delete it and (almost) impossible to not know where it is.

    It is also annoying if you want the slot more than the boost. But if you've been playing for a while (especially on a paid account) you'll likely have other ways to quickly level characters - mainly Tomes of Knowledge from login rewards and other places and birthday scrolls. So you could use the boost on a character who is already level 80 to get it out the shared slot and get the items, then if you want an instant level 80 sometime later use tomes or scrolls to level them up.

    They already use the "type to delete" feature for items.

    So why not just use that?

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  8. On 7/3/2023 at 6:50 AM, Xperiment.6923 said:

    What sound does it make?  I was trying to listen to it in DR but I only heard the annoying default model sound. 

    It's a shame this game has such ugly mini's they finally nail a mini in the Jade Bot and quickly those sound ms annoy you.  I like the sounds when the bot is doing something but they should fix a setting for idle sounds...increase it to every 5 minutes or better yet make it so the idle sounds are manual and someone has to click on it to interact.

    Apparently they all have the same sound


    Edit: no they don't. Think I heard someone say that

    Roundtail dragon is a special kind of annoying

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