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Posts posted by jokke.6239

  1. 2 minutes ago, babana.7521 said:

    because I will be getting my precursor from the Legendary Weapon Crafting, and now I will have another set from the Wizard Vault. which is ridiculous. nothing in Wizard Vault currently even remotely interest me except the legendary kit, 

    also, should thank me for suggesting to Anet about emote pack, didn't I tell you they'd sell like hot cakes

    I still don't understand what you mean by crafting the gen 1 legendaries twice

    You will only be able to get 1 additional precursor (for now) from the vault

    You can't spam it

    • Confused 1
  2. 11 minutes ago, babana.7521 said:

    I will need 42 Gift of Exploration if I were to craft 2 sets of Gen 1 legendary, .... also if everyone can get precursor under 5 days, those prices are gonna plummet.  
    This situation needs to be rectify.

    Why would you need to craft 2 sets of gen 1 legendary?

    You can only pick one legendary starter kit

    So from this first one you can only pick 1 out of the 4

    You can also only buy it once

    • Confused 1
  3. On 8/25/2023 at 8:39 PM, Gop.8713 said:

    The bigger issue for me as a long time player is how to spend gold, not how to make it. You reach a point where it's fairly useless pretty early on. Rn I'm stuck ecto gambling, which sometimes just spits out more gold, that I spend ecto gambling until I lose. Like I said, kind of pointless . . .

    You could give away your gold to new players in queensdale or whatever

    Sounds more fun than just throwing your gold away to a vendor 

  4. It has improved it for me

    I rarely did the daily before, and I often don't play eveyr day when I play

    I've kind of missed the monthly from early in the game. 

    What I like about the new system is that you don't have to do the login and daily every day to be rewarded

    You can just do the weekly and special objectives and you will be able to buy the shinies you want for the seasons

    Much better in my opinion

    But yes it needs improvements

    • Like 6
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  5. I'm still missing the leyline mastery

    But the wall charge feels like it should be more impactful


    I also can't imagine myself reccommending a new player going for the old mastery. They would have to really want those extra abilities

    Imo, it would be nice if you could add some cool stuff to the bonus for having both masteries


    Would make old skyscale players more happy I think and would give new players more incentive to actually go for the old mastery

    • Confused 1
  6. Just now, Dondarrion.2748 said:

    It's that easy, if they just add a few more options to the Daily tab, people will have a choice of what to do that day. Rewards over time will be greater, just allow people to play however they want, or at least closer to how they want, during a day.

    Yes, I assume the reason there's only 4 missions is so people won't earn to much AA in a day

    But they should just have a big list of options and have a cap on how much you can earn in the daily tab each day

    • Like 10
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  7. New system also offer gemstore stuff

    Build template etc

    I assume more options will be rotated in and out

    And skins

    Mount skins etc


    I think this is almost a massive improvement, but as long as there is only 4 "choices" it will remain a step back

    Fix this as soon as possible ArenaNet

    While you're at it, add in the old dailies that took you out into the world

    • Like 8
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  8. Nah, I just want it improved

    More choice being the first priority

    If it's because you don't want people to earn to much AA from daily tab, then just offer more choice, but have a cap on how much you can earn in the daily category


    Edit: could start by adding in the old daily's that takes you out into the world, why were these removed in the first place?

    • Like 1
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  9. I think they just need to add more choices

    There's no choice right now, big step back

    I didn't get daily done yesterday. I got that mini dungeon where you have to collect some red/green/blue stuff. Couldn't find one of the colors and couldn't be bothered to finish.

    If they add more choices, it's an improvement over the old system imo

    • Like 2
  10. 7 minutes ago, Gravitron.7982 said:

    Yup, WoW did the same, ESO does the same, EQ1 did the same I believe. It's a common marketing strategy used to portray the entire game as a giant player base, so the customer thinks "Wow 15 milion people are playing this? Now I gotta play it!". But it does not mean 15 million monthly users, or 15 million users online at once, etc. It just means total accounts ever created since the game launched. 

    Active monthly users are probably closer to like 200k unique humans, and daily players are probably more like 10-20k unique human beings. At peek hours, it's probably like 10k unique humans logged in at the same time, probably half that for off hours. These are guestimates based on other MMO's, and my experience playing MMO's since the early 2000's. 

    The truth is though, it's hard to determine exact daily logins because a lot of game companies stopped publishing those numbers, which means any site that claims they have those numbers, is most likely lying. I mean 15 million players aren't logging in everyday, no MMORPG has 15 million unique logins per day.

    Based on the activity in game I think it's far more than 10k online at the same time (and both EU and US existing)

    I'd guess 20-60k like I said earlier

    • Confused 1
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  11. 1 minute ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    I can't find any info on how this site gets their data (the 'about' page is just the home page) and the page is a mess (a lot of it looks like it's written to increase the chances of appearing in Google searches) but I do know Anet doesn't share any info on active players, whether that's people currently online or daily, weekly, monthly or any other measure. They very occasionally (once every few years at most) include a single stat in one of their infographics, but that's it.

    Since Anet are the only people who can get reliable data and they don't share it this must be an estimate. Some other sites do it by tracking search data and semi-arbitrarily classifying searches as positive or negative (e.g. '[game] news' is good '[game] down?' is bad) and using that to estimate how many people are playing, but that's obviously wildly inaccurate.

    This one is marginally better than other sites I've seen in that it doesn't report current players for Wildstar or City of Heroes (both of which shut down years ago but still appear on several of these sites) but that might just mean it's a newer site that didn't include already closed games in it's list.

    Arena Net says "Join 15+ million players"

    Seems like they just took that number

    But that's accounts created

    Not active players

    • Haha 1
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  12. 59 minutes ago, phandaria.4891 said:

    Artificial scarcity. It increases the chances of people buying said stuff when the item is not always available, hence there will always be item rotation.

    It also decreases sales from people who won't be around when the items are available.

    Or from the casual player who plays a couple times a year, but has plenty of money to spend.

    Those won't be able to find much at once in the store as it is currently


    I'm not convinced they actually earn more from the way they do sales

    They have never tried anything else and most games don't seem to follow this model

    They should try to have all items available for a couple months, and just do weekly rotations of sales, just to test it out imo


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  13. 8 minutes ago, Parasite.5389 said:

    Remember, with a legendary weapon you'd not just be dyeing the weapons, but also any effect trails, footfalls, and projectiles, which are effect animations, not models.
    the Dev's aren't going to put resources into custom animations for all the possible dye combiniations for all the different effects.
    and don't say "oh, but they could just ignore those effects", whats the point of Dyeing The Bifrost to look all Gothic for my Necromancer if it's still shooting Kitten rainbows

    Variants seem more realistic

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