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Posts posted by jokke.6239

  1. 5 minutes ago, enigmatic.3576 said:

    I said it would diminish there value, not eliminate it.  The skins themselves are basically the same with the only major difference being the coloring.  Now if changing the color also impacts the aura...

    I wouldn't mind if I got more options for other weapons


  2. 2 minutes ago, enigmatic.3576 said:

    If they allowed legendary weapons to be dyed then they would lose the option to do what they did with the EoD legendary weapons.  The value of those weapons would also be diminished.

    The EoD variants are more than just dye

    I would like either variants or dye's for legendaries

    Whatever would be a possibility

  3. 10 hours ago, Omega.6801 said:

    I'd rather have resources spent on something else.

    I think this quote is the most lazy and useless reply that gets thrown around on this forum, but I can't that I disagree


    I don't think it would take many resources though, but I personally don't want the game to turn in this direction

    Light armor already have plenty of "sexy" armors, but it's no where near as bad as many other MMO's


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  4. Just now, BrotherBelial.3094 said:

    So ANet is taking away something that works just fine as it is, and replacing it with something that sounds, in my personal opinion, bad. Also saying things will move to another tab but cost more to stop player anxiety of missing out, it just replacing it with, "if i don't get it now, I'll have to work harder to get it.".

    How much will they go up by? Are we looking at a sliding scale like BLWT? that go from 1 -5(?) I have to be honest, so far everything about this expac sounds like they are taking a system away changing it up and putting back something different and presenting it as something new.

    I think this new system could be a big deal for maintaining new players 

    I think there's a big percentage of new players who quits once they hit lvl 80 and don't know what to do

    I feel like that's one of GW2's biggest problems probably, since it works so differently than other MMO's

    It's a good way of motivating people to play content

    Giving them direction


    But we'll see

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  5. 1 hour ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

    I'm here and I've got an answer for you!

    Gold, Laurels, and Mystic Coins can all be purchased in the Wizard's Vault for completing your daily objectives. Daily achievement points will still be available as well, you'll earn them by completing your Wizard's Vault daily objectives.

    Any changes to the daily points? 

    Still 10 points a day, 300 points a month? 


    just curious

  6. The Wizard’s Vault replaces the existing daily login rewards and daily achievements—specifically the generic Daily category. Other categories (like Daily Fractals, Daily End of Dragons, etc.) will still be around in the achievements panel. You’ll continue to receive progress toward Daily Completionist by completing Wizard’s Vault daily objectives and achievement points from the Wizard’s Vault Daily Completionist achievement.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Acheron.1580 said:

    Those 2 bonuses are pretty weak, and on top of that you don't have to do the old collection to get it, just spend the mastery points (aka just owning PoF and getting some exp from casino blitz is enough), so really everyone that did it the "expensive way" does have a reasonable claim to being annoyed by it. That being said I have no qualms making things easier/cheaper for everyone, even if I already did it. Is it a bummer that I spend a lot of gold on it? Yea sure. Did I use it every day for like 2 years now? Also yes.

    It's been a while, but don't you have to do the collection to unlock the skyscale mastery?

    • Haha 1
  8. 10 minutes ago, Dami.5046 said:

    this annoys me more.

    but anything arenanet needs to stop the nerfing and dumbing down. 

    Be happy indeed. Yeah i'm happy that every time i work for something in this game it gets nerfed to hell.

    Just give out free legendaires and have done. 

    This is probably one of the games where this happens the least though.

    Look at vertical progression games.

    Usually there's catch up mechanics already later on in the expansion. Making newcomers having a much easier time.

    When next expansion launches, the things people spent lots of time grinding will often be a walk in the park to obtain when you one shot stuff (non power releated stuff.  Like mounts/skins/achievements etc)

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  9. Also, lets wait and see how easy it really is.

    Streamlining could potentially mean it will be less convoluted but still requiring lots of grind.

    From my understanding from watching mr Teapot, he mentioned that skyscale rents will now be useable without having to go to the NPC (correct me if I'm wrong)

    So this implies that people will be without the skyscale for a while.

    Won't be an easy unlock like getting your raptor in the beginning of PoF


    Even so. Extra abilites for Skyscale is good compensation imo. 

    I have to test them though to say if they are worthwhile. Hopefully they feel like a big upgrade

    So much so that new people will feel the motivation to go for the old skyscale masteries as well

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  10. 1 hour ago, vares.8457 said:

    I never really liked the rush events, so I think it’s good that they aren’t coming back. I don’t need these events to do stuff in game. 

    Why would you care?

    Don't see how it would affect you

    Maybe if it was taking the place of something else, but OP stated "filler"

    Or if it took up lots of resources, but from a previous thread I read, I think it's sort of just a press of a button almost


    Edit: fastest confused emoji I've gotten I think. Like seconds after posting. Breaking those records

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  11. 5 hours ago, Krajtin.8956 said:

    The mounts in GW2 are limited so that the open world lives on and the enemies on the map are a threat. It also forces you to explore the map which died when WoW put the flying mounts.

    If you want to go far use Griffon, if you want to go short distances and up use Skyscale

    I've played WoW for many years and the worst thing about WoW was adding the unlimited flying mount. He made open world exploration and challenge cease to exist.

    Conclusion, the GW2 mounts are well made even the turtle although many hate it

    While I do think unlimited flying mounts (no endurance bar ) has its advantages (it is fun imo)

    You are correct about all those disadvantages. It also makes the world feel more dead when you don't see people traveling from a to b any longer

    I think the mounts are just fine in GW2. 

    I don't think unlimited flying mounts was so good in FFXIV compared to WoW with the invisible walls

    I think a huge world (not restricted by many instanced zones) is needed for unlimited flying mounts to feel as good as in wow

    • Haha 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, Lewiathan.1305 said:

    Thank for response guys, what I am worried about is if I will have access to level up masteries from LW4 without doing it's collection. If it will be available if I will do it in a new way.

    You will

    But for bonus mount abilities you need to do both mastery tracks

    None of us have those bonuses yet

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