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Posts posted by jokke.6239

  1. 3 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    I know it isn't the solution you're looking for, but if you want to minimize your time in WvW just do easy PvE WvW dailies like killing a veteran, capturing a ruin, etc.  The dailies reward potions that grant reward track XP.  You need quite a lot of them (80) to fully complete an entire reward track, but you should be able to get 2-4 potions per day only putting in a few minutes of your time.

    Are potions affected by reward track xp boost btw?

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  2. Also, might not be what you want to hear, but do the warclaw unlock first

    Will make it more enjoyable

    Unless you really only want 1 legendary, I would do that at least.

    Hope you finish it!

    And maybe even have some fun, as I surprisingly starting sort of having

    You will also get quite a few achievement points if you've never done WvW before, maybe that can be another incentive


    If you follow the big zerg, it sort of feels like a meta event. 

    You will die, but no one really cares.

    You won't see toxicity as much as in PvP

    Just respawn and run back

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  3. Birthday boost + enrichment (10% reward track) + XP booster (1 laurel each) + Guild boost to WvW reward track 

    This will make it a lot faster

    Also if you have candy corn gobbler or one of those other ones, I think those stack too


    I sort of started enjoying WvW a bit

    I used to feel same as you

    Just put on a podcast or smth, it's really not that bad.

    Will also help a lot to do the daily each day in WvW.

    That way it will probably feel less like a chore

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  4. 2 hours ago, mandala.8507 said:

    And to get ahead of the doom-posting in here, according to the GW2 youtube channel, this video just features the Skywatch Archipelago map, which is the one featuring a lot of the asset reuse. We don't know what the Amnytas map will look like. It's just one map with intentionally reused assets from across Tyria, dudes. Let's take a breath. 😅

    I wonder if it will feel connected or not when exploring

    Kind of gives me Crown Pavilion vibes

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  5. 2 hours ago, BlueJin.4127 said:

    We already have a “get out of jail free” card; just turn around, then run away. It works like a charm and rarely do I get killed when trying to run away from combat.

    Sure, it's just very annoying to run and keep pressing the mount button untill it finally works. It doesn't feel good.

    I've thought many times before that it would be nice to be able to mount in combat.

    So I welcome the change.

    However, I'm not going to deny that it comes with some downsides, and I can totally understand OP's argument.

    Do I personally value the convenience it will bring though over those downsides? Yes.


    Another thing is ... I can't think of much use for gliders any more.

    I guess for fun? But mounts are more fun though

    I mean, now we will have both ley line/updraft functionality and mount in combat for mounts.

    Gliders will mostly be something you have now untill you progress and get better tools

    (and for content where mounts are disabled)

    It will still have the jade bot updraft skill I suppose, but overall gliders will feel much more irrelevant


    I think it's a good addition that will make gameplay feel more fun, but I can understand why some may disagree

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  6. 1 hour ago, Gibson.4036 said:

    If your math is right, you're getting about 30 hours of content for $25.

    People regularly pay $60 for single player games that run around 40 to 60 hours of playtime.

    Maybe our expectations of MMOs are kinda ridiculous?

    Well there's a big difference between single player AAA games and MMO's.

    I don't think it's a good comparison

    But it's not rly about the ammount of content as much as how well they've designed it to be repeatable.

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  7. 2 hours ago, ifelldown.5426 said:

    Don't we already have rifts from PoF? I don't see how it would be different.

    I don't think having it affect the world is a good idea. I've not seen that work very well in any game I've played. Maybe it exists, but it usually gets unbalanced, exploited or ignored by the players. All of those outcomes are really bad for a game.

    How about in RIFT?


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  8. On 8/2/2023 at 11:02 PM, Danikat.8537 said:

    How would this work in practice? How does LOTRO do it?

    Guild Wars 1 was able to have seperate hard mode and normal versions of each map because everything was instanced for just your group. But GW2 uses persistent maps and generally tries to avoid segregating players more than necessary so the only way I can see to make this work is making the player weaker, and I'm not sure that would be popular. (Also it's already possible by using less or worse equipment.) It certainly wouldn't be as interesting as enemies with more and better abilities.


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  9. 20 minutes ago, starlinvf.1358 said:

    GW2 does a retroactive inclusion of Expansions in newer expansions via the collection pack.  They've always been weird with the pricing, since their original intention was to only sell the most recent version of the game, which includes all past expansions...... but that got axed with EOD, since they needed the money.



    When they released Path of Fire, you still had to purchase Heart of Thorns though right?

    Think it took some time before they got bundled together.

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  10. 17 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

    Why would you want one? We all know the skyscale makes all other mounts obsolete.


    It really doesn't. 

    It makes them less used for sure as skyscale it the best "all rounder", but ... Springer is the only mount that is almost obsolete when you get a skyscale


    Skimmer, Roller Bettle and Griffon are still top tier mounts

    (if you're not using skyscale and griffon as a combo in air, you're missing out. Skyscale feels like a turtle compared to griffon)

    Jackal/Raptor are also good in many circumstances

    Warclaw for WvW

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  11. On 8/1/2023 at 1:51 AM, Alsandar.7420 said:

    I’ve really enjoyed earning legendary color variants in game. I realize it’s not a solution for older weapons, but maybe they can do more stuff like that in the future? 

    I really enjoy grinds in MMO’s and I think the legendaries were a triumph

    Yeah agree

    I would prefer to be able to dye weapons, but if it's unrealistic, then variants would be an option.

    Better than nothing.

  12. 11 hours ago, pRogz.2301 said:


    Could you please add native controller support into your game? I try to convice people to play and the first thing they ask me, can you use a controller with it? It is so depressing having to tell your friends that they cannot, but your trying to convince then at the same time why GW2 is the best MMO out right now, and why they should play it.

    I know the game is a bit old nowadays, but not adding controller support during this time period is unheard of. I have seen the third party apps that people can use, but I am asking for true native controller support.

    Anet - please bring native controller support to your game!

    Not true for MMORPG's

    Its actually more rare that they do have native controller support, like FFXIV and ESO does.

    If they do have controller support, they were usually designed like that from the get go


    I do hope GW2 will get native controller support, but it will never work that well imo for lot of GW2's content.

    Mouse is very important in GW2

    Steam controller the only controller that is working decently for GW2 content.


    Think of like jumping puzzles in fractals. 

    You don't have time to take it slow in a party. 

    It can be very difficult with a joystick

    Now I actually remember doing clocktower puzzle with steam controller, and it worked just fine, but they don't even sell steam controllers anymore.

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  13. I like the idea, but I think it shouldn't be limited to food.

    A bar where you could put items in and keybind each slot could be neat

    Maybe they could add optionable keybindings to shared inventory slots

    Expanding the features of shared inventory slots would also maybe be more incentive for Arena Net to implement it, as it would possibly mean more sales on shared inventory slot.

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