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Everything posted by soul.9651

  1. Yep too bad mods are probably having a rest today xd.. tomorow this thread will be long gone
  2. Still they might randomly touch the damage of vindicator in general (and currently we finally have at least one good dps option on vindi so it would suck if that went to the trash can).. plus lets say vindicator gets alac. It still would miss plenty of other boons in order to compete with hfb or healmech, so just slapping alac on vindi doesnt solve anything currently So either meta has to change in general and healers shouldnt provide literally all the boons but one to be the meta pick (so that would mean hard nerfs to hfb and healmech and any other current meta supp build since tempest and druid are getting at that spot aswell) Or other rev legends like ventari and dwarf would need to get overbuffed with boon spam since vindicator alone with alac wouldnt be enough to be at hfb or heal mech level.. Idk the first way would lead to ton of unhappy people and the other would just increase the powercreep yet again in this game so dunno whatever anet decided to do there is no "best option"..
  3. The game just doesnt have ANY solo content where having legendary armor is relevant.. so OPs wish is just unrealistic. In fact all solo content in this game is trivial.. and the only way to get a challange by soloing things in this game is just to solo group content. And i doubt devs intended for a group content to be soloed but thanks to the powercreep anything is possible in this game rn.
  4. Assuming content you enjoy is OW, tell me, where in the OW having legendary armor is relevant? If OW only people got their lege armors they would still be doing their 4k dps at OW metas... Why having exotic isnt enough for OW people? The OW content is trivial and there is no difference what gear u have -.-....
  5. Yep...too bad OW has literally 0 places where having legendary armor is relevant.. well unless anet one day completely revamps open world where each map is upscaled to strike/raid cm difficulty, but thats never gonna happen xd
  6. I mean there were a few threads when OW players asked for it so i assumed it will end up like yet another "give us OW lege armors set" thread by the way he said "most PvE players"
  7. And? Only in the instanced content like raids or strike cms having legendary armor is relevant.. it makes sence that you get legendary armors by playing the content where changing stats and builds is relevant. On the other hand if you are only OW player why on earth would you care about legendary armors in the first place when all OW content is so trivial it doesnt matter what build you run the content will be completed regardless there... Else what other "pve content" you have mind..
  8. Idk i just have hope that they will work with other legends now since they chose this path how quickness is applied. Plus how they mentioned that expansion coming out this summer.
  9. ... Open world and its metas were like that for years already
  10. Idk you can look at it that way, but spamming glints skills or beeing forced to come back to glint as fast as possible isnt that better either.. the only problem are the other boons themselfs which you give mainly from glint but maybe in the future anet could spread those more to other legends or like i said shield feels pretty dead rn.. Edit: for the second part, this is why i think we should just wait for the next expansion, maybe there will be more opportunities for heal herald, rn its just feels all of this talk "oh thats it, herald is dead" is just a big over reaction.. Maybe it will be less fun after this patch, but it also could be a fundamental change for quick herald so that there would be more possibilities in the future with these builds, because lets be honest, we can say that current heal herald is good, but do you think its that good that there is no more space for any improvements? Its definetely not the best healer out there if we look how much more flexible hfb or healmech is, so i think herald is missing that level of flexibility which could be achieved either with some weapon (shield) improvements plus other legends do need some work aswell oooorrr maybe they will introduce something entirely new in the next expansion too
  11. Can we just stop with over reactions already? Like do we even have specific quickness numbers? At the end of the day im pretty sure it wont be needed to camp upkeep skills permanently just to give quickness and if the quickness upkeep will suck they will just give us more quickness time in the following patches ... And yes there were people complaining about the current quick herald who didnt want just randomly spam glint utilities for the quickness upkeep because you waste you whole reactive skill on glint itlself that way -.-.. cc wasted, stun break wasted, heal wasted just for the sake of quickness spam.. and instead of complaining "no more glint camping" why people dont wanna other legends give more boons instead and complain about that. Or maybe they could finally add some usefull boons to shield too even if its stability, then its problem solved when you complain about the forced legend swap... Plus we dont even know what we are getting in the next expansions, which is pretty soon..
  12. No, but it could be something like how osrs does in game polls, well i guess launcher would work too but in game polls would feel kinda more natural
  13. Only if its in game polls that could work. If its a forum poll that would be just useless.. well unless you think 100+ players would be the whole gw2 playerbase..xd
  14. Ikr so many heal renegades and heal heralds these days at lfg 😧 it replaced allllll of the hfb and heal mechs aswell 😧
  15. Meanwhile you forget to mention the following nerfs vindicator gets with each balance patch, so is there any difference to get an instant 15 nerfs in the same patch or 15 nerfs in the every single future balance patch?
  16. I can understand people beeing upset about dps scourge beeing nerfed, and anet probably gonna adjust those numbers if needed. But do people seriously think beeing a ressing bot as a heal scourge is the identity of the spec....? Beeing able to ignore mechanics shouldnt be considered as a spec "identity"
  17. Or rev shield xd it has to be the least used weapon in the game..
  18. You didnt see it because they dont kittening have it the closest thing what comes to mind is a norn racial when they transform Into a bear, throwing rev as an example is just random and doesnt make sence.. but anyway forums are full of people with stockholm syndrome noone cares or wants anything new, only more balance patches.. imagine when instead of getting hyped people MUST have low expectations so they wont be that dissapointed before the new content comes out.. gyala pt2 map was an example of this
  19. Survive what? Open world and solo champs? Pvp,wvw? Or are you intentionally face tanking literally everything in instanced content?
  20. The annoying part is when the target says that you are in range for axe 4 but once u press it the skills doesnt land..
  21. Isnt reflects just a bug? Knowing how many bug are out there at fracts in general
  22. I mean not just this one but all of the borrowed vindicator animations could be reworked to be more rev themed instead of some taken from reaper. Altho its probably not a priority for them now to do anything like this.
  23. Im still amazed how people think this was about gambling and not about gold duplication bug
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