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Posts posted by zeyeti.8347

  1. Guys nothing make sense with weapons anyway in this game (it's not a bad thing though) 

    As ele i can use lightning bolts in water , create a gigantic lightning aquatic prison , Engi launch submarine missiles with a harpoon launcher and can be equipped with a flamethrower , a tool bag , grenades and the list goes on (heavy workout engi 💪), Mesmer pew pew a laser with a greatsword , ranger launch axes and somehow have those axes have a "boomerang" ability and always come back at lightning speed in ranger hand, warrior set himself on fire with a torch but feels fine, revenant has a "marry poppins" bag with infinite hammers inside, thieg can go stealth (even on these day nobody has such a great camouflage, America would kill to have thief technology !)

    And don't tell me ranger has no magic , druid is all about magic, it's just that at some point every class could get any weapon, and it's not a bad thing , nobody complained ranger having a hammer (remind gw 1 thumper) but two maces ... it's a bit the same.

  2. If you are a persistent player , who plays everyday a bit (doing weekly and dailys + specials) you shouldn't care about this currency , there is far enough astral acclaim to have literally everything good in the vault.

    I personnaly didn't do every dayli and i am left with only rez orbs , level +1 books , obsi shards, t5 bags and all the leftovers.

    But yes as "Sobx.1758" says , it will carry on the next season.

  3. They are few option to have rewards with rifts

    First you can get the weekly chest x6 per map listed in the wiki , so that makes 30 chest , once you have done 5 rift (the last one reward you 2 chest) in a precise weekly map you'll get no more weekly chest, either look what map is weekly and go on, or wait till weekly reset (two map from soto are always weekly).

    Second , do you use Kryptis motivation boxes ? those boxes can be crafted and if used they do two things:

    -They set up the lvl of rift you want to hunt.

    -If used while boss is spawning or while he is alive they increase the loot (thats another bouncing chest) of kryptis essence, the box used will be consumed and need to be used on a rift of the same level as the box , you can hunt rifts lvl 2 or 3 with a  group , as for opening rift tier 2 and 3 you only need one person consuming his correspondant boxes , but you will get less loot.

    Maybe you just run out of boxes, have already done the weekly on all the maps or are just on a non weekly map?

  4. 19 hours ago, Joncal.9623 said:

    Best suggest I can give ya is to go with the "one build, all modes" celestial tempest/cata. 😂
    You'll not push out insane damage (45kish) but at least you'll be able to tank more than 3 hits. 😚

    Thats's ok , but had someone who tryed that doing fractal cm's and was just kick off the group (damage you know...), also ele has very poor cc, it's not the strongest and lack accessibility if you go out air (where the most cc are) when the breakbar appear , well no cc for you , i know it we play with a weaver on fractal 100 cm and have to take extra cc.

    The low hp atm has no reason to exist on ele and other classes  , when the game started it was understandable cause ele and guardian could heal a lot and thief has stealth , but now... every class can have sustain , ele has to invest in hp or thougness to resist , but loose too much damage , even in open world i mostly play reaper and qherald , the two have more than 20k hp (with jade bot) , qherald has amazing healings and boon uptime , reaper have so much hp i barely care about hits(the two of them are full berserker and somehow i feel more tanky than an ele playing with marauder...).

    I have +5000 hour on my ele and when i tryed out other classes my reaction is still the same... why did i inflict this to myself ... ele need Qol the most , no damage increase etc , the change in one month on Empowered Empowerment is one good step in the right direction , hope anet keep that track.

    Ele and warrior are not played at the same % as the other in endgame content (not a single e-specs) maybe the change in one month will change that (i really hope).

  5. 20 minutes ago, Tokizo.8917 said:

    Hi. No, it will only increase the damage of the next dodge. So just 1 dodge. 25% base damage increase and 25% additional 25% if you are using forerunner. Also the cooldown will be 16s seconds for energy meld instead of 20s:


    ah only damage for the next dodge , not increase effectiveness of forerunner. Would be broken if it was the case ...

    Ty mate

    Pretty cool rework of energy meld anyway.

  6. just a question about vindicator "energy meld" : i saw the 2nd choice trait will give it a bonus , for "reaver's curse" trait it will give a bonus to your dodge 3rd selected trait for "forerunner of death" who give you +25% damage , the tooltip i saw in the stream said +25% damage , does that mean on each dodge after energy meld is used will give again +25% for the next 10 sec atop of the already +25 ? seems a bit too much, i am probably missing something.

    So far good rework and updates on many classes !

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  7. Wow, franckly i haven't read all , but indeed the tempest need a buff , the only real thing it is bringing to the table is "rebound".

    Pretty simple thing is putting the alac to the 2nd traitline , instead of the Gm , so we can go bastion of elements and ... whatsoever , i am complaining about the ele for such a long time now , i don't see it coming trough so i prefer not wasting my keyboard life...

  8. 20 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    Cata hammer is melee for all intents and purposes. Calling it 'midrange' is a gross exaggeration of its ranged capabilities, especially given the sluggish projectile speeds.

    I also wouldn't expect a relatively low-magic profession like ranger to have something like mesmer greatsword. Not impossible, mind you, but unlikely.

    The most likely possibility is something broadly similar to maces on other professions. This is a group that includes the warrior offhand mace shockwave and all the revenant stuff, though. So 'nature magic powered close range AoE' is certainly a possibility.

    Didn't say it is well designed , but half of his skills are mid range, i know they are bad , but it is mid range.

    Ranger can throw axes so he would be able to throw maces , gs for mesmer is just an example that the first weapon use in mind of all ppl (me include) is not what it is in this game , if you speek about a greatsword or zweihander first thing in mind is close up combat with slashing skills.

  9. As many weapons don't act like in  reality it could also be a healing weapon , a range dps weapon or a melee one , seeing mesmer with Gs being 1200 range , cata with mid range hammer, ranger with infinite pockets of throwing axes , it could be everything .

  10. Wait... thats true , i didn't even calculated that for such a long time, ty for pointing that out, i was proudly explaining how soulreaping is so great for harb life force management to new players , now i feel like a jack a ss.

    Should rework it for harb , like loosing 4% of life force every sec instead of 5 , or maybe make your stacks of vile reduce your max hp by 1% instead of 1,5%.

    13 hours ago, Seuchenherbst.2746 said:

    If you think THAT's bad, check out the GM trait Unholy Sanctuary on Harbinger. But yeah, Soul Battery is useless on Harbinger.

    hahaha , i will try it , think i am not gonna be dissapointed , trait just make you go in harbringer form for like 1 sec then  you are downed ?

  11. 4 hours ago, rotten.9753 said:

    As long as quick herald exists, playing every other quick dps is just gimping your own team. Quick cata, doesn't matter if hammer or sword, has way too many limitations.

    Absolutely , herald can dump every needed boon your other support doesnt have , can change legend to adapt to any situation, stab, bubble, etc.

    At this point it isn't even a competition , all the others quick/dps feel half baked in comparison.

    Also the way herald apply boons is a semi permanent way , every 1 sec he gives quickness for 1,75 based , on specific fights playing another quick can be very downsided if ppl have to go away doing a specific mechanic and coming back when you already gave your burst of quick , herald has no burst of boons , it's runny 100% of the time.

    23 hours ago, crosknight.3041 said:

    catalyst had high potential, and was hyped about a combo focused spec. instead we got a lazy mash of tempest (reliance on auras) and weaver (hammer 3+augments essentially being stances again)

    easily my least fav of the specs of EoD. catalyst just comes off like it was made very late in development of EoD where they didnt have time to truly experiment with more creative ideas.

    Should have been a 5th attunement spec, not this messed up pile of absurb mechanics , who for some reason didn't feel complicated enough so we added and energy bar with a 5cd ramp up on a sphere use.... 

    • Like 4
  12. I agree with Op , it sometimes helped devs knowing they forgot something (we all are human after all) , remind me of weaver being leftover in some patch and just having bleed added somewhere , ppl argued and ranted about , and weaver got Swift Revenge going from +10% to +15% and Elements of Rage from 5% to 10% between the patch preview and the patch release , but yeah now those bonuses were deleted to there previous self (except elements of rage who goes +7%) only because of sword/warhorn.

    What i didn't get with this patch is they make a good thing with vindicator , nerfing Gs who was obvioulsy too strong , especially on herald who is a boon farter who did as much damage as many dps , they nerf on one side and buff on the other so vindi didn't quite get affected by the patch (more damage now) , but the ele and the warrior got leftover , especially the warrior who got nerfed cause of some fancy build abusing King of Fires with an aura propeler tempest , you will see this combo maybe 1 or 2 times in your gw2 whole playtime (except if your static has this combo) , if the weapons are a problem , nerf the weapons not the class , and the class who were not supposed to be affected by this sort of nerf get buffed , like anet did with vindi.

    I know some specific classes will always be leftover in this or this meta , but a whole 3e-specs from 2 classes almost not played in the whole meta for a long time now ... that should just trigger something, ppl don't like to play them , they are either too complicated or too weak in many players hands, now i take the balance patches for what it is : a seasonal reshuffled meta shaker , not balanced , but reshuffled. And i don't care ppl will say "i do 48k with my ele , it's normal it got nerfed" , you can count ppl like that with one hand in the whole gw 2 community , on the other hand the scourge was pretty easy , i did almost the bench with like 1hour of training , only "hard" part was spamming f1 and f2 now, the rest is literally off cd playstyle , except for the condi fireback from blood is power, so thats a normal nerf and isee no one complaining about , so why ppl complain about ele and warrior ?

    Ah yes just a little rant , for those arguing with Obtena : Trust me it's not worth your time , ignore him as i did, or you ll get stucked in an infinite loop of "it doesnt matter" "you are nonsensical".

  13. 2 minutes ago, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

    In pve you can play with a naked char and a level one weapon and still do fine.

    Pve is all about numbers so yeah a number change makes or breaks a spec there.

    PvP on the other hand needs specs with good tools for a miriad or purposes.

    Zerg is closer to pve than it is to PvP.

    But again this is a PvP thread.


    Oke just go naked with a woodplank and try endgame content , want to a burden for your group ? fine .

    I can tell the same for pvp i'll just ask some nerd to make me a bot for pvp and i am pretty sure i can end up gold 1 ....

    Oh yeah that's right , they are no bots in pvp 😆

  14. 4 hours ago, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

    Everything works on pve, does Virt do more dps than other specs? Dunno, don't give a rat's kitten about pve, but it's way easier to make something work on pve than in competitive game modes.

    This was also debated when Virt was announced, you should design a spec for competitive and then balance for pve, and not the way around. For pve numbers can make something viable, for PvP/wvw not that much.

    But yeah should have stated this is with competitive in mind, tho the fact that IP was lost and nothing gained in return still remains true in pve.

    Nah it doesnt , tell me what use is for a clone ? act as a decoy on an IA ? not ! in pvp it can certainly confuse or make your opponent misstargeting.

    And sorry to "shatter" it , but pve/pvp are two completely different playstyle , numbers can make a class viable ? yes ofc tell that to ele , who is benching the highest , but has a playrate of 2% .

    It's lovely you know how pvp work , but don't talk about something you don't know , also 90% of players in gw2 don't give a rat poop about pvp , thats a random number but pvp isn't really enjoyed by a big part of the community , if you tell me the opposite then just tell me why anet is doing pve updates only as content ? it's easy to add some pvp new maps , you just create half of a map and copypaste the other half as a mirror , but they don't do it , why? cause pvp doesnt meet the success they wish , not convinced ? tell me about the E-sport part gw 2 devs were so thrilled about and just burryed in a deep hole cause it was too embarrasing looking at the numbers of viewers for a finale pvp match...

    So again , some specs and some skills are designed for specific modes , why do you see revs with hammers in zerg v zerg wvw and everybody in pve despite the hammer ? same as you for virt. in pvp , not peculiarly designed for !

    And trade off sincerly .... specter loose his teleport and his steal skill , guardian has all his virtues modifyed , tempest has higher cooldowns on his attunements if he overloads , weaver has a forced 4 sec cooldown on every switch attunement , bladesworn is forced to use gunblade as 2nd weapon , and sovort ...

  15. Sincerely , this trait is completely busted right now , i use it in instanced content and even in open world , ... whats better ? +10-15% damage ? little buff to your f2 ? or being freaking able to maintain quickness with your two fingers and share it on a 600 range ! (not even counting the free + 300 concentration and the tic of healing)

    While your small change will not change the way ppl play it , it's really really not necessary , it's 1.75 each sec meaning that over alone 18 sec of -6 maintenace cost maintained you reach 30 sec , sincerly it doesnt need any change , i would even understand a nerf to it , like 13% vita conversion going to 10 or even 7.


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  16. 1 hour ago, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

    Virt is trash "in pvp" but this is a fact since the spec was announced.

    Not all specs are viable in this or this mode , virt is kinda a monster in pve , long range , pretty easy condi , lots off cc , very sustainable with 3% condi vampirism and distorsion.

    I do not pvp too , but i kind of know i wouldn't play virt if i wanted to play pvp , but the same goes for other specs in pve and in wvw .

    Starting with the pvp statement  would have saved a lot of time to ppl arguing and not understanding why you think it sucks , i too was confused when i read your first post , think no one will state that virt. is bad in pve.


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