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Posts posted by zeyeti.8347

  1. Our classical mage staff archétype isn't really shining in this game , problem come from ele versatility and staff is not spared from it , because you have "healing" on this weapon it should not perform as good as a dps weapon ... biased view to me , stop making ele weapon so versatile , make weapon with specific roles , like hammer fully oriented dps , staff being either dps or support but not half baked in every role ...

    • Sad 2
  2. I turn "Character model limit" to the lowest in graphic option , the game can't just handle 50 ppl blasting everywhere and a giant dragon crackling the whole squad , you should try to lower your graphical settings and see where is the limit , for me it is as i said above , and if it's not enough i lower the shaders quality too , but i don't only do that for convergences i do it too for filled méta.

    For the disconnection , well only thing i can say is , sadly, change your provider :s , convergence are new and a lot of ppl wants to join in for achiev / kryptis loot etc , so this overloading server issue is gonna stay for a while i think.

    • Confused 1
  3. Hello, 

    I was hoping this trait would actually make mirage staff/staff alac back in track , with the nerf to Illusionary Membrane (maintaining chaos aura being certainly more difficult than previously regeneration) i saw Malicious Sorcery  being a cornerstone for mirage being based on confusion , when is aw the +25% confusion duration and 3 stack of confusion inflicted to the target whom attack you dodged i wa sincerly thrilled ... but sadly the +25% duration don't bypass expertise/condi duration 100% treshold ...

    So i am asking if it is a bug , or tooltips are not up to date , or is it seriously worked for being at 75% dondi duration and investing in some torment duration to be paired for ? If it is the 3rd solution , well it's sad 😭.

    i see traits working that way , like guardian Amplified Wrath and necro Lingering Curse , but ofc there is also thief poison duration increase who don't work that way , so i am just asking if it is intended to be so, knowing trait for specific condition don't bypass the experstise and trait affecting a certain skill condi duration bypass it , i kind of am afraid of the answer.

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  4. 17 hours ago, Sodeni.6041 said:

    So if you are in an urgent situation and your allies need burst healing (which Rifle has little to begin with)

    Well i have to say i agree on the part about mirage the burst skill should give some alac to be able to play mirage healing , maybe anet want two healing spec for mesmer ...

    but rifle lacking burst healing... the kitten thing heals about 600 every AA (not even counting the 3 clones doing the same for a lesser amount) skill 2 heals about 3500  ranged , skill 3 (if re-used before explosion) is +6000 and skill 5 grant and big chunky 4500 barrier ... all of that with an aoe of 240 (a bit narrow on that i agree) but with 1200 range , with healing stats ofc (minstrel and givers)

    • Thanks 1
  5. For me the solution is to get rid off the 1/2 cast time of energy meld , it just feel like cutting your rotation in half , and maybe reduce the cd in pve , i can feel the vigor effectiveness missing , before this pacth it was fluid and has no purpose at all alone being fully damage oriented , helping allies by giving more endurance and vigor ... feels much like a pvp change , no use in pve ... I really prefered how it was before the patch, energy meld being only used when an emergency dodge was needed.

    • Like 4
  6. 0 guild .... guess my guild counts for nothing , Op is just too bad to join  the lfg or too antisocial to join a guild , or both !

    On 11/18/2023 at 10:02 AM, Tanuki.4603 said:

    At the moment 80% of strikes are complete bloat that nobody actually likes. There are 0 (ZERO) strike-focused guilds.

    Yeahhh i am in the 20% , i am 20% special !

  7. Mesmer mantras are absurb , they work completely the opposite of firebrand one , and while firebrand mantras are super effective , mesmer mantras feel really weird , i mean the cd of 1 unique charge is larger than unloading the full ammo ... and you gain the powered effect after the 2.25 cats time , for a skill who is supposed to be a reactiv skill it make no sense at all , they should work like the firebrand mantras.

  8. I would say every weapon should need tweeks as anet adds special interaction with the new weapon set , i mean a portal gun !!!!! whoever is gonna go back to boring mesmer staff or sword ? 

    Some of you more experienced in engi could be kind enough to enlightens me about the shortbow , i feel just like it is combo area with option to detonate them for more combos ? If it's that it's quite sadly underwhelming...

  9. 6 hours ago, Asum.4960 said:

    Rather than changing Traits on a per Elite Spec basis, ensuring that every elite spec always wants to use the exact same meta Traitlines and Traits (and often "Utility" Skills and Weapons), playing largely the same way with the exception of just the Elite Specialisation Mechanic - I'd much rather see different Elite Specs synergise with different Traitlines, making them feel much less samey. 

    Harbinger getting nothing out of some Traits in Soul Reaping, which has been a must pick on every PvE Necro build for eternity, would be completely fine if Harbinger, which is more focused around fast multihits than Core, Reaper and Scourge, would have had for example a Blood Magic Damage line available (in place of all it's dead traits), which it could take instead. 

    Alchemic Vigor or one of the top line Power Traits could have been a trait multiplying the damage component only of Life Siphon's by ~4x (to avoid a situation like pre-nerf Battlescars Rev, which had such high Life Siphons both in damage and healing that Dance of Death became both the best DPS and Sustain Trait) - and the whole E-Spec would have had a different, more Vampiric, theme setting it apart from the other specs, while also solving it's increased need for sustain due to lack of Shroud and Barrier through BM, as well as the synergy struggles of SR, as well as providing Power Harb off-hand options with Focus and Warhorn becoming much more attractive, which are currently rather dead due to their Life Siphon mechanic massively underperforming.

    Likewise, cHarb could have been much more focused around Poison, and been synergising with Death Magic, with some buffs to Putrid Defense, as well as the finally upcoming change to Deadly Strength also granting Condition Damage (and ideally changing DM to grant percentage based DR, rather than Toughness). 

    I personally find the lack of creativity on Anet's part in that regard fairly disappointing, where we end up just slotting different Elite Specs into the otherwise pretty much exact same cookie cutter Power or Condi  build. 

    I kind of understand what you mean , soul reaping is a must in every necro playstyle in pve , before alac came up for nec. you could see sometimes scourges with malediction , blood magic and scourge traitline for an offensiv rezbot , now with alac the management of life force is such a pilar mechanic that soul reaping is literally the way to go for every build , also the traits are really good , you have more damage , + cc , healing , cd reduction , condition , that traitline has it all.

    You have a fairly good point but i can't imagine anet reworking other traitline so hard you would take off soul reaping.

  10. Hello, 

    Just reminded from a forum fellow something weird that i didn't noticed for a long time about harbringer and necro e-spec with some trait being "non" functional.

    Soul Battery in soul reaping : adds nothing to harbringer , it helps core necro and reaper by allowing them to sustain more damage once in shroud , but the life drain/sec is in % so no matter the quantity of life force stocked the base duration without taking any damage will still be the same, for scourge it helps a lot because shroud skills have base cost in life force and not a % so +20% of max "mana" pool helps. But this trait does nothing for harbringer , his shroud does not act as a second skin for damage and the base life force drain is also in % so this trait in soul reaping has 0 benefit for harb , having it or not doesn't change anything. As an idea making it change to something like that only for harb (as anet is now confortable with changing traits with specific e-specs interaction like guardian virtue cd reduced changed in less unactive tome passiv effect for firebrand) , could be like less hp% loss per blight stack (1,25 instead of 1,5) or less life force drained each sec (4% instead of 5)

    There is another trait i remind not working properly with harb and also scourge , it's unholy sanctuary(Who Is In Death magic "quote" so everybody stop pointing that out ...) , while in  scourge it give you a barrier upon a fatal hit , it give you nothing in harbringer mode , just one block froma  fatal hit  but i think this trait is already on the way to be reworked , i may be mistaken , i didn't remind.

    • Confused 1
  11. Just now, Doctor Hide.6345 said:

    If that is the way you want to play it, then I say it is draw because your take is now that of a child and irrelevant in my eyes. There is no more that can be said between us because we will not agree. Good Bye. 🙂

    cya, rather be a child than a reality melding shapeshifter.

    • Haha 1
  12. 11 hours ago, Doctor Hide.6345 said:

    Edit: I am just tacking this on here because I don't want to post three in a row if I can help it. This is from another thread that was brought up. I am not against QOL changes like bug fixes or buffing numbers. I am ok with that. What I am more against is changing it to be easier to play by buffing HP and making rotations less complex for the sake of those kittens without brains. I am also against added support for pure dps specs, but I am fine with more selfish utility(mainly more self cleansing, self healing, self boons , and more CC. none of it is sharable) on a pure dps build for purity of purpose and personal beliefs. I am god kitten sick and tired of people thinking everything has to be support in some manner for the game, so I will fight my hardest to keep things pure dps because that is what I enjoy about the professions here that I play. I like being a selfish dps. Not everyone enjoys being a slave to the group giving out boons and heals here. But you want to add more dps, I am for that because it doesn't change the core of the specs I play.

    Then we are in for a draw , ele has many way to be played and your take is foolish too , you know the dps side well ? then some insights about the advantages of playing dps as ele should be told by you , i prove points about with data and some really known issues with it , while you just say i like it that way , fact is when someone isn't played at all , there is a problem and being told by someone who only play dps and for such has to do 0 mechanic on pratically 75% of the "hard" content is way too funny to read , you know you play mostly like you are against the raid training golem when you have good support with you , matter of taste and chocie but we leave in a democracy and many ppl are in for a big change to ele as it is not played at all , again there is a way to make it more efficient without putting higher numbers , the change to EE next patch will not increase catalyst dps , but will ensure beginners with this class will get more from EE last trait.

    And yes your opinion isn't valid , cause you surely don't know tempest is considered for many as a lackluster healer (one of the worst healer who is "meta"), but how could i explain it ? you don't know how it plays , you play only selfish dps classes , would be also great to have some insights for what you have achieved with this class.... Personnaly i can't do it , cause i play a variety of classes depending  of nerfs and buffs , cause being inefficient for me isn't fun at all.

    And as suppport i don't feel like a slave , it's more ppl who are slave to you cause they need you more than you need them , loosing one healer is more gonna result in a wipe than loosing a dps.

    Also when you don't know how 50% of tools of a class work , you can't have an objective view of how it should be balanced , thats just facts , if this skill or thats skill is changed or this trait and blblabla , how is it gonna affect the support part of the classes , many of us know , you not !

    I reject your reality and place it with my own , thats says long about your mentality ... narrow view of the game and rejecting reality to meld it in your own , you make me think about toxic feminism who get humbled but retract in their own biased reality to confort their galactic size ego.

    • Like 2
  13. 15 hours ago, Doctor Hide.6345 said:

    I also couldn't care less for the support side argument you presented because I don't care to play support. I only play pure dps professions here. 

    I lost that part , without playing any support , could it be dps/boon , healer/boon .... you think your opinion is valid without knowing how 40% of a classic squad for instanced content works ? My persoanl answer is no , how can you talk about balance when you don't know what 18 of the 27 e-spec can bring to the table , i don't want to be mean here , everybody can express his opinion .... but for ele you have tempest/alac dps and heal and catalyst/quickness , that makes 3 role and playstyle you don't know about and you talk about ele being fine while you know only 50% of it ... express your opinion but don't be surprised or offended people rise an eyebrown when they read that , it's like a fat guy grasping his breath while climbing 5 stairs telling you how to run and manage your stamina ... Sorry again , i really don't mean to be silly here , but with a sentence like that i can't take you seriously , when you talk about something and emit what you think is valid and solid statement you have to know the subject.

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    • Confused 1
  14. 22 hours ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

    A weekly already exists, call of the mists. Raiding is definitely worth it with an exp group even if you have fully envoy now if you're still chasing legendaries. The exp/spirit shards are way better and that's actually starting to become a bottleneck for me now. I think a daily will kitten people off.  Also the magnetite helps with clover conversions.

    That's just boring , having a bit more gold for a whole wing isn't quite exciting , i am for a daily specific boss (with the option to respawn bosses once the wing is cleared) and a weekly wing clear.

    • Like 3
  15. 14 hours ago, Doctor Hide.6345 said:

    You know what I meant. If you are asking for a specific role, and someone brings something else then of course you can kick them for that. I was not referring to that, and you knew it. There is more scenarios than that when it comes to elistism. If it is an open group and all they ask for is just dps, a person is more than freely allowed to join as an ele because Ele is good at dps despite some of your nay saying. It does the job quite well in capable hands. I also couldn't care less for the support side argument you presented because I don't care to play support. I only play pure dps professions here. 

    And most people don't give two kittens if an Ele is brought when they are asking for just dps classes. The someone brought any other class than I requested applies to most all the other professions in the game. It is not just an Ele specific thing.

    Edit:  A lot of you nay sayers are just making mountains out of mole hills. It is not that bad of a state for its intended purpose on the dps side. You can claim all you want with your "not" elitism that it needs to change and re define itself to fit the groups will, but it doesn't need to that as well since it is not that big of a problem. Most people don't care that much and will take an Ele because they know it can get the job done. A dps is still a dps at the end of the day.

    Thta's true to a certain extend , as you said in capable hands only , out of that context ele is a burden , it lacks a lot of cc , is mostly downed , needing ppl to rez him and at at time where many pure dps classes bring something + to the table than only pure dps ele is overshadowed , i agree it is partially some classes are busted and have huge dps with a simple rotation , the only one who can bring something is catalyst , but the complecated rotation , the scuffed energy mechanic make him a "wish" version of the herald.

    https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/popularity just explain to me why is ele the least played class for almost 4 years ? there is something fishy with it , and many ppl can point out what .

    Lowest hp and armor combo of the whole game (for no reason today , there was a reason when the game launched , ele and guard where the only class with strong healing option beside the healing skill, completely not necessary today...)

    Too hybrid to overly shine in a specific role (the only one being pure dps in very capable hands : and as said you can count with your two hands ppl able of it)

    Complicated to play for no specific reason , just compare the dps/quickness catalyst vs herald ... 

    Scuffed in many situation , like needing a cc force you to go in an attunement you don't want , while most classes have cc available in their two weapon switch or having your key cc attunement locked cause you just changed.

    Except for tempest : worst utility skills ever made , arcane skills (who cares about a skill landing a crit. with 100% chance when you are already at 100% crit. chance ...), invocation who goes down when you mount up , conjured weapon ....

    You are just being vague and don't give any example where it shines , ele is okay-ish.... , yes the whole 3 e-specs are least played than 2% but that's ok .... 

    I played every class in the game and have +5000 hours on ele , so i can pratically say that playing ele atm is shooting in your own feet, especially new players whoi like the mage staff archetype the other game have (those ppl are gonna have a hard time and will think to some extend the game is open world hardcore , and once they go necro or any other huge hp class : easy mode unlocked !) , many class can play full zerk in open world try that with your ele with 11600 hp ...

    It's normal to me to have some unrepresentative class in the game , like 1-2 e-spec , but 3 of them ??? no there is something wrong with ele , if literally nobody plays it that means the class is done wrong. But anet is going to an interesting direction the change to hammer and EE for catalyst maybe an end to the black tunnel , till it got nerfed cause 1 guy hit 50K on the golem or 10 catalyst beated up mursaat overseer in 20 secs.... that lone sentence depict the ele state for almost 5 years : 1 guy representing 0,0000001% of gw  2 community hit 60k hopla nerf ele for everyone ....

    And about your take about elitism , it's 50/50 , some ppl are born elitist (make them feel special) and some are made elitist cause of lyers , my guild com was open to everyone with low kp or none for strike cm's to come and try , while insuring him they know how the boss works , guess what ? now he kicks everyone who don't have the kp ... can you blame him ?. some ppl are lyers and lazy and want the good stuff immediately without any effort like leeches even if they waste the time of 9 other ppl... there is born elitist and made elitist by the people complaining about elitism , i can safely say i am from the second part , if it's training we can fail all night it's ok , if it's fullclear , have exp. , 250kp/li blablabla , not knowing a mechanic isn't allowed to me and deserve an immediate kick , cause you wasted 9 ppl time  , lyed and are an egoist who don't care about the 9 other ppl in your squad ,ofc you can make an error , everyone make mistakes but there is a difference between making an error and not knowing a mechanic.

    Being an egoist lyer leeching on those who have master the fight , took time to comprehend the fight and train many roles is for me by far worst than born elitism. Those people made their own demon ... a big part of elitsim community is born cause many people cannot be trusted , why do you think everyone ask for kp/li ? Trust is good , control is better !


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    • Confused 2
  16. There is one thing they can do before changing traits etc , it's making every weapon have a specific role (i know this will hurt pvp as ele being jack of all trades shine there), the only weapon who is designed so is hammer.

    That's for me the more raging part of it , ele has to have lower hp and the lowest armor cause he can attune to water to heal , he can attune to earth to protect himself , in group instanced content you don't want that , you have support who as their name implys support you , it's frustrating to not use more than half of your skills in a rotation , and if you do you will be severly impacted in your role.

    As healer , more than 50% of your skills are just gap fillers who have no purpose at all , the cc are horrible and are mostly locked behind attunements who will mostly not be available while the cc is needed ...

    No, actually the ele is a class to be played if you want more challenge on your challenge, numbers and % proves it , only very dedicated players mastering it can make it work , but you can count those players ingame with your two hands...

    it's ok in open world pve with celestial stats for some solo content , but you barely see one in instanced content... and there is a good reason for it.

    • Like 3
  17. 4 minutes ago, Dayra.7405 said:

    No way, I don’t give websites insight to my possessions. Quite are questionable request, if you can only show it if you did raids years ago 🤔

    I can understand that , but it's just a link to your account possessions , i used it for quite a long time and didn't get any problems.

    Indeed it's questionnable because Li were stackable in the material storage , so they didn't took any space , but you can still keep some Kp's from bosses who can count for like 5-10 Li worth each.

    Anyway ppl will always find a way to "filter" their own group/squad.

    Best way to do these contents are still having a static or a guild who is focused on it , you take no time to sort your group of and everybody knows what to do.

  18. 5 minutes ago, Dayra.7405 said:

    Is there a way to get LI out of the wallet to actually show them?

    No , only if you have "old" Li from before the patch where they are wallet bound. 

    You can use https://killproof.me/ to show off your account achiev , Li , Kp's etc , just use the code at the end of the url , and if you use arcdps addon killproof you can see and be seen ingame for the numbers of kp/Li you have.

    you need an API key from gw 2 official site to list in

  19. That's a nice idea , like a pecular boss giving you 2x Li and 2 times and exo drop like a cm mode. 

    Could also be a weekly, but in term of reward it should stay raid money focused , if you make it vault money a lot of ppl are gonna complain.

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